- Edit your target's Build Settings. Change the value for Architectures by opening the drop down, click on Other... and select it, delete the row with value $(ARCHS_STANDARD) and add two rows with values: armv7 and armv7s (or $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) as mentioned by nschum), close the popup.
- Edit the value Valid Architectures and simply remove the arm64 part of it.
- Do it for every nested project you might have inside your workspace or project.
Note: This is not a solution, it's just a few steps to mitigate your current problem, please keep following your dependency projects to find out when they come with arm64 compatibility and revert these settings' change ASAP.
1,编辑的target‘s -》build settings ,改变Architectures选项中的值 ,点击它,选择Other,选中$(ARCHS_STANDARD) 这一行 并删除它,再添加两行,两行的值分别为armv7, armv7s (或者$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) 关闭窗口
2, 编辑Valid Architectures 选项的值,删除arm64 这一部分