
Private Sub 全自动发送邮件_Click() 

    '要能正确发送并需要对Microseft Outlook进行有效配置

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim rowCount, endRowNo

    Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application

    Dim objMail As MailItem


    endRowNo = Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count


    Set objOutlook = New Outlook.Application


    For rowCount = 3 To endRowNo


    Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem) 

    With objMail          '设置收件人地址(从通讯录表的“E-mail地址”字段中获得)

    .To = Cells(rowCount, 5)        '设置抄送人地址(从通讯录表的'E-mail地址'字段中获得)

    '.CC = Cells(rowCount, 0)

  '设置邮件主题Cells(1, 1)是主题所在单元格a1单元格值,Cells(2, 1)是a2单元格值

    .Subject = Cells(1, 1)

  '设置邮件内容(从通讯录表的“内容”字段中获得)  'align  单元格文本显示方式 left(向左)、center(居中)、right(向右),默认是center, width-宽 height-高  border 单元格线粗细,bordercolor返回或设置对象的边框颜色  'colSpan是一种编程语言,其属性可设置或返回表元横跨的列数

  'Cells(rowCount, 2)  B列数据姓名,如果你的姓名不在B列,修改数字2,以此类推,如果用不了这么多列可以删除哦

       .HTMLBody = "你好
  " + Cells(rowCount, 2) + Cells(rowCount, 6) + "

  以下是你" + Cells(1, 1) + "明细如下:" + _  "

  " + _   "  " + Cells(rowCount, 1) + "          " + Cells(rowCount, 2) + " " + _   "  " + Cells(rowCount, 3) + "          " + Cells(rowCount, 4) + " " + _   "  " + Cells(rowCount, 5) + "          " + Cells(rowCount, 6) + " " + _   "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 7)) + "    " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 8)) + " " + _   "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 9)) + "    " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 10)) + " " + _   "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 11)) + "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 12)) + " " + _   "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 13)) + "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 14)) + " " + _   "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 15)) + "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 16)) + " " + _   "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 17)) + "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 18)) + " " + _   "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 19)) + "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 20)) + " " + _   "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 21)) + "   " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 22)) + " " + _   "  " + Str(Cells(rowCount, 23)) + " "



    .Attachments.Add Cells(rowCount, 24).Value




    End With


    Set objMail = Nothing



    Set objOutlook = Nothing


    MsgBox rowCount - 3 & "个员工的工资单发送成功!"


End Sub


如需共同探讨提高,可以q 联系我 180 3.9322


" + Cells(2, 1) + "   " + Cells(2, 2) + "  
" + Cells(2, 3) + "   " + Cells(2, 4) + "  
" + Cells(2, 5) + "   " + Cells(2, 6) + "  
" + (Cells(2, 7)) + "  " + (Cells(2, 8)) + " 
" + (Cells(2, 9)) + "  " + (Cells(2, 10)) + " 
" + (Cells(2, 11)) + "  " + (Cells(2, 12)) + " 
" + (Cells(2, 13)) + "  " + (Cells(2, 14)) + " 
" + (Cells(2, 15)) + "  " + (Cells(2, 16)) + " 
" + (Cells(2, 17)) + "  " + (Cells(2, 18)) + " 
" + (Cells(2, 19)) + "  " + (Cells(2, 20)) + " 
" + (Cells(2, 21)) + "  " + (Cells(2, 22)) + " 
" + (Cells(2, 23)) + "