verilog 层次化设计的简单问题 -- 如何调用底层模块

假设三个模块module top_m, bottom1_m, bottom2_m  分别存在于三个文件top.v, bottom1.v, bottom2.v  请问我要在top_m 模块内调用两个底层模块bottom1_m, bottom2_m  如何实现,如何链接?  实现后是否可综合?


   底层模块名 实例名 参数定义
bottom1_m bottom1_m(A,B,C)
注意 A,B,C这些参数的顺序,要和底层定义的是一致的。名字可以不一致。
'include "bottom1.v"

module uart_top(clk, nreset, rec, send, data);
    input clk;
    input nreset;
    input rec;
    output send;

parameter len = 16;
output [len:0]data;

uart_rec rec1( //底层模块1

  uart_send send1(//底层模块2


你的子模块 uart_rec和uart_send模块我不知道具体的实现,只能告诉你:




// Company: Analog Devices Inc.
// Engineer: MH
// Design Name: AD9239 ADI Link
// Project Name: AD9239 ADI Link
// Target Devices: Altera Stratix II GX
// Tool versions: Quartus II v8.0 sp1
// Description: Top module.
// Dependencies: None
// Revision:
//  1.00 - 10/27/08 - Initial
// Additional Comments:

module ad9239_gxb_adi  (chan_a, chan_b, chan_c, chan_d,
      pgm0, pgm1, pgm2, pgm3, pwr_dwn,
      core_clk, mr, wen, ren_a, full,
      rclk, cs_fpga, sclk, sdi, spi_rst,
      data, data_rdy, sdo,
      led6, led4, led1, led2,
      led3, led5, led7);

input chan_a, chan_b, chan_c, chan_d;
input mr, wen, ren_a, rclk, core_clk;
input cs_fpga, sclk, sdi;

output pgm0, pgm1, pgm2, pgm3, sdo;
output data_rdy, pwr_dwn, spi_rst;
output led6, led4, led1, led2;
output led3, led5, led7, full;
output [15:0] data;

wire freqlocked;
wire analog_rst, digital_rst;
wire frame, par_dclk;
wire [1:0] chan_sel;
wire [1:0] dut_ctrl;
wire [2:0] scram_sel;
wire [3:0] serial_data;
wire [63:0] par_dat, descram_dat;

// use LED's to indicate configuration
assign led1 = ~chan_sel[1];
assign led2 = ~chan_sel[0];
assign led3 = ~scram_sel[2];
assign led4 = ~scram_sel[1];
assign led5 = ~scram_sel[0];
assign led6 = ~dut_ctrl[1];
assign led7 = ~dut_ctrl[0];

assign serial_data = {chan_a, chan_b, chan_c, chan_d};
assign pgm3 = frame;
assign pgm2 = frame;
assign pgm1 = frame;
assign pgm0 = frame;

assign spi_rst = dut_ctrl[1];
assign pwr_dwn = dut_ctrl[0];

// apply analog and digital reset
reset_cntrl U1 (.clk(core_clk),

// use SPI for channel select
spi_rw U2 (.I_sclk(sclk),

// create 64-bit parallel packet
packet U3  (.digital_rst(digital_rst),

// descramble data
descramble U4 (.scram_sel(scram_sel[2:0]),

// write to and read from FIFO
fifo16  U5 (.reset(~mr),


// Company: Analog Devices Inc.
// Engineer: MH
// Design Name: AD9239 ADI Link
// Project Name: AD9239 ADI Link
// Target Devices: Altera Stratix II GX
// Tool versions: Quartus II v8.0 sp1
// Description: reset_cntrl module.
// Dependencies: ff1.v, counter12.v
// Revision:
//  1.00 - 10/27/08 - Initial
// Additional Comments:

module reset_cntrl(clk, gxb_rst, freq_lock,
       analog_rst, digital_rst);

input clk, gxb_rst;
input freq_lock;

output analog_rst;
output digital_rst;

wire [11:0] cnt_a, cnt_d;

ff1 F1 (.aclr(gxb_rst),

ff1 F2 (.aclr(gxb_rst),

counter12 C1 (.aclr(gxb_rst),

counter12 C2 (.aclr(gxb_rst),
     .clk_en(freq_lock & {~&cnt_d}),


// Company: Analog Devices Inc.
// Engineer: MH
// Design Name: AD9239 ADI Link
// Project Name: AD9239 ADI Link
// Target Devices: Altera Stratix II GX
// Tool versions: Quartus II v8.0 sp1
// Description: spi_control
// Dependencies: none
// Revision:
//  1.00 - 10/27/08 - Initial
// Additional Comments:

module spi_control
 //   ------- Inputs -------
 input I_sclk,    // Serial data clock
 input _I_csb,    // Active low chip select
 input I_sdi,    // Serial data input
 //   ------- Outputs -------
 output reg O_rw,   // Read/write indicator (1 = read, 0 = write)
 output reg O_astrobe, // Address strobe to enable address decoding
 output reg O_dstrobe, // Data strobe to enable data decoding and encoding
 output reg O_sync   // Sync pulse to enable reads or writes from memory

//Use one-hot state encoding for FPGA.
localparam [9:0] S_RESET = 10'b00_0000_0001,  //Reset state.
       S_RINST = 10'b00_0000_0010,  //Read instruction state.
       S_RADDR = 10'b00_0000_0100,  //Read address state.
       S_RSYNC = 10'b00_0000_1000,  //Read sync state.
       S_RDATA = 10'b00_0001_0000,  //Read data state.
       S_WINST = 10'b00_0010_0000,  //Write instruction state.
       S_WADDR = 10'b00_0100_0000,  //Write address state.
       S_WDATA = 10'b00_1000_0000,  //Write data state.
       S_WSYNC = 10'b01_0000_0000,  //Write sync state.
       S_WPOST = 10'b10_0000_0000;  //Post write sync state.

reg [9:0] state, next;  // State registers
reg [4:0] sclk_count;  // Serial data clock count

// State assignment
always @(posedge I_sclk or posedge _I_csb)
 if (_I_csb) state <= S_RESET;
 else   state <= next;

// Keep track of I_sclk cycle count.
always @(posedge I_sclk or posedge _I_csb)
 if (_I_csb) sclk_count <= 5'h0;
 else   sclk_count <= (sclk_count < 5'h17) ? sclk_count + 5'h01 : 5'h10;

// Register outputs on I_sclk edge
always @(posedge I_sclk or posedge _I_csb) begin
 if (_I_csb) begin
  O_rw <= 1'b1;
  O_astrobe <= 1'b0;
  O_dstrobe <= 1'b0;
  O_sync <= 1'b0;
 else begin
  case (next)
   S_RESET: begin
       O_rw <= 1'b1;
       O_astrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_dstrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_sync <= 1'b0;
   S_RINST: begin
       O_rw <= 1'b1;
       O_astrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_dstrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_sync <= 1'b0;
   S_RADDR: begin
       O_rw <= 1'b1;
       O_astrobe <= 1'b1;
       O_dstrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_sync <= 1'b0;
   S_RSYNC: begin
       O_rw <= 1'b1;
       O_astrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_dstrobe <= 1'b1;
       O_sync <= 1'b1;
   S_RDATA: begin
       O_rw <= 1'b1;
       O_astrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_dstrobe <= 1'b1;
       O_sync <= 1'b0;
   S_WINST: begin
       O_rw <= 1'b0;
       O_astrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_dstrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_sync <= 1'b0;
   S_WADDR: begin
       O_rw <= 1'b0;
       O_astrobe <= 1'b1;
       O_dstrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_sync <= 1'b0;
   S_WDATA: begin
       O_rw <= 1'b0;
       O_astrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_dstrobe <= 1'b1;
       O_sync <= 1'b0;
   S_WSYNC: begin
       O_rw <= 1'b0;
       O_astrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_dstrobe <= 1'b1;
       O_sync <= 1'b1;
   S_WPOST: begin
       O_rw <= 1'b0;
       O_astrobe <= 1'b0;
       O_dstrobe <= 1'b1;
       O_sync <= 1'b0;

// State machine:
// Monitor SCLK cycles to determine when to change states.
always @(state or I_sdi or sclk_count) begin
 case (state)
  S_RESET: begin
      // Check first bit for read/write instruction indicator.
      if (I_sdi == 1'b1)
       next = S_RINST;
       next = S_WINST;
  S_RINST: begin
      if (sclk_count < 5'h02)
       next = S_RINST;
       next = S_RADDR;
  S_RADDR: begin
      if (sclk_count < 5'h0F)
       next = S_RADDR;
       next = S_RSYNC;
  S_RSYNC: next = S_RDATA;
  S_RDATA: begin
      if (sclk_count < 5'h17)
       next = S_RDATA;
       next = S_RSYNC;
  S_WINST: begin
      if (sclk_count < 5'h02)
       next = S_WINST;
       next = S_WADDR;
  S_WADDR: begin
      if (sclk_count < 5'h0F)
       next = S_WADDR;
       next = S_WDATA;
  S_WDATA: begin
      if (sclk_count < 5'h16)
       next = S_WDATA;
       next = S_WSYNC;
  S_WSYNC: next = S_WPOST;
  S_WPOST: next = S_WDATA;

