RILJ与RILD以及Modem的交互方式在之前的phone应用分析中就已经详细叙述了,这里直接从RILJ开始。由于接收短信底层主动上报的消息(非URC消息),因此由RILJ. processUnsolicited()处理。我们已经知道processUnsolicited()对消息的处理基本上都是分两个步骤的:1,解析出消息包;2,将详细包通知到其Registrant。如下:
private void processUnsolicited (Parcel p) { int response; Object ret;
response = p.readInt();
try {switch(response) { …… //这里其实针对的是GSM短信 case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS: ret = responseString(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_STATUS_REPORT: ret = responseString(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_ON_SIM: ret = responseInts(p); break; …… //新来CDMA短信 case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CDMA_NEW_SMS: ret = responseCdmaSms(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_BROADCAST_SMS: ret = responseRaw(p); break; case RIL_UNSOL_CDMA_RUIM_SMS_STORAGE_FULL: ret = responseVoid(p); break; …… }} catch (Throwable tr) { Rlog.e(RILJ_LOG_TAG, "Exception processing unsol response: " + response + "Exception:" + tr.toString()); return; }
switch(response) { …… //对GSM短信的处理,其实就是通知其注册者 case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS: { if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);
// FIXME this should move up a layer String a[] = new String[2];
a[1] = (String)ret;
SmsMessage sms;
sms = SmsMessage.newFromCMT(a); if (mGsmSmsRegistrant != null) { mGsmSmsRegistrant .notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, sms, null)); } break; } case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_STATUS_REPORT: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);
if (mSmsStatusRegistrant != null) { mSmsStatusRegistrant.notifyRegistrant( new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break; case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_SMS_ON_SIM: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogRet(response, ret);
int[] smsIndex = (int[])ret;
if(smsIndex.length == 1) { if (mSmsOnSimRegistrant != null) { mSmsOnSimRegistrant. notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, smsIndex, null)); } } else { if (RILJ_LOGD) riljLog(" NEW_SMS_ON_SIM ERROR with wrong length " + smsIndex.length); } break; ……
case RIL_UNSOL_SIM_SMS_STORAGE_FULL: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);
if (mIccSmsFullRegistrant != null) { mIccSmsFullRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(); } break;
…… //对新来CDMA短信的处理,也是通知其注册者 case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CDMA_NEW_SMS: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLog(response);
SmsMessage sms = (SmsMessage) ret;
if (mCdmaSmsRegistrant != null) { mCdmaSmsRegistrant .notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, sms, null)); } break;
case RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_NEW_BROADCAST_SMS: if (RILJ_LOGD) unsljLogvRet(response, IccUtils.bytesToHexString((byte[])ret));
if (mGsmBroadcastSmsRegistrant != null) { mGsmBroadcastSmsRegistrant .notifyRegistrant(new AsyncResult(null, ret, null)); } break;
if (mIccSmsFullRegistrant != null) { mIccSmsFullRegistrant.notifyRegistrant(); } break; …… } } |
@Override public void setOnNewCdmaSms(Handler h, int what, Object obj) { mCdmaSmsRegistrant = new Registrant (h, what, obj); } |
private CdmaInboundSmsHandler(Context context, SmsStorageMonitor storageMonitor, PhoneBase phone, CdmaSMSDispatcher smsDispatcher) { super("CdmaInboundSmsHandler", context, storageMonitor, phone, CellBroadcastHandler.makeCellBroadcastHandler(context, phone)); mSmsDispatcher = smsDispatcher; mServiceCategoryProgramHandler = CdmaServiceCategoryProgramHandler.makeScpHandler(context, phone.mCi); //设置为RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_CDMA_NEW_SMS的监听者 phone.mCi.setOnNewCdmaSms(getHandler(), EVENT_NEW_SMS, null); } |
StateMachine是一个层次状态机(hierarchical state machine):一个状态可以有多个子状态的状态机。状态机中的状态须继承基类State,并实现成员函数processMessage,从而对收到的 Message进行处理;其它可选实现的成员函数为enter()、exit()和getName()。函数enter和exit相当于面向对象编程里的 “状态”的构造和析构函数。函数getName用于返回状态的名称,多用于调试目的。
状态机有多少子状态,可在构建状态机时,使用addState(State state, State parent)来添加所有的子状态,构建出一个层次状态关系。初始状态可由setInitialState函数指定。 使用者应调用StateMachine的start函数让状态机进入工作状态:初始化状态堆栈,调用初始状态(包括其父状态)的enter函数等。
/** * This parent state throws an exception (for debug builds) or prints an error for unhandled * message types. */ //这种状态在运行时基本上不会存在 class DefaultState extends State { @Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_UPDATE_PHONE_OBJECT: { onUpdatePhoneObject((PhoneBase) msg.obj); break; } default: { String errorText = "processMessage: unhandled message type " + msg.what + " currState=" + getCurrentState().getName(); if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) { loge("---- Dumping InboundSmsHandler ----"); loge("Total records=" + getLogRecCount()); for (int i = Math.max(getLogRecSize() - 20, 0); i < getLogRecSize(); i++) { loge("Rec[%d]: %s\n" + i + getLogRec(i).toString()); } loge("---- Dumped InboundSmsHandler ----");
throw new RuntimeException(errorText); } else { loge(errorText); } break; } } return HANDLED; } } |
/** * The Startup state waits for {@link SmsBroadcastUndelivered} to process the raw table and * notify the state machine to broadcast any complete PDUs that might not have been broadcast. */ class StartupState extends State { @Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { log("StartupState.processMessage:" + msg.what); switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_NEW_SMS: case EVENT_INJECT_SMS: case EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS: deferMessage(msg);//这里其实就是延迟处理的意思 return HANDLED;
case EVENT_START_ACCEPTING_SMS://开始接受短信,便是准备好 transitionTo(mIdleState);//切换到idle状态,时刻准备着 return HANDLED;
case EVENT_BROADCAST_COMPLETE: case EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE: case EVENT_RELEASE_WAKELOCK: default: // let DefaultState handle these unexpected message types return NOT_HANDLED; } } } |
/** * In the idle state the wakelock is released until a new SM arrives, then we transition * to Delivering mode to handle it, acquiring the wakelock on exit. */ class IdleState extends State { @Override public void enter() { if (DBG) log("entering Idle state"); sendMessageDelayed(EVENT_RELEASE_WAKELOCK, WAKELOCK_TIMEOUT); }
@Override public void exit() { mWakeLock.acquire(); if (DBG) log("acquired wakelock, leaving Idle state"); }
@Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { log("IdleState.processMessage:" + msg.what); if (DBG) log("Idle state processing message type " + msg.what); switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_NEW_SMS://新短信来了,注意这里没有break,意味着什么你懂的 case EVENT_INJECT_SMS: case EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS: deferMessage(msg);//延迟处理 transitionTo(mDeliveringState);//将状态切换到投递状态 return HANDLED;
case EVENT_RELEASE_WAKELOCK: mWakeLock.release(); if (DBG) { if (mWakeLock.isHeld()) { // this is okay as long as we call release() for every acquire() log("mWakeLock is still held after release"); } else { log("mWakeLock released"); } } return HANDLED;
case EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE: // already in idle state; ignore return HANDLED;
case EVENT_BROADCAST_COMPLETE: case EVENT_START_ACCEPTING_SMS: default: // let DefaultState handle these unexpected message types return NOT_HANDLED; } } } |
/** * In the delivering state, the inbound SMS is processed and stored in the raw table. * The message is acknowledged before we exit this state. If there is a message to broadcast, * transition to {@link WaitingState} state to send the ordered broadcast and wait for the * results. When all messages have been processed, the halting state will release the wakelock. */ class DeliveringState extends State { @Override public void enter() { if (DBG) log("entering Delivering state"); }
@Override public void exit() { if (DBG) log("leaving Delivering state"); }
@Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { log("DeliveringState.processMessage:" + msg.what); switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_NEW_SMS://新短信 // handle new SMS from RIL handleNewSms((AsyncResult) msg.obj);//委托此方法做具体处理 //投递完毕,返回Idle状态,注意这里的方式并不是直接调用transitionTo,//因为在handleNewSms()过程中状态可能已经发生变化 sendMessage(EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE); return HANDLED;
case EVENT_INJECT_SMS: // handle new injected SMS handleInjectSms((AsyncResult) msg.obj); sendMessage(EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE); return HANDLED; // handleNewSm()会进入到这里作真正的核心处理 case EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS://开始想App发送广播 // if any broadcasts were sent, transition to waiting state InboundSmsTracker inboundSmsTracker = (InboundSmsTracker) msg.obj; if (processMessagePart(inboundSmsTracker)) { transitionTo(mWaitingState); } else { // if event is sent from SmsBroadcastUndelivered.broadcastSms(), and // processMessagePart() returns false, the state machine will be stuck in // DeliveringState until next message is received. Send message to // transition to idle to avoid that so that wakelock can be released log("No broadcast sent on processing EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS in Delivering " + "state. Return to Idle state"); sendMessage(EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE); } return HANDLED;
case EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE: // return to idle after processing all other messages transitionTo(mIdleState); return HANDLED;
case EVENT_RELEASE_WAKELOCK: mWakeLock.release(); // decrement wakelock from previous entry to Idle if (!mWakeLock.isHeld()) { // wakelock should still be held until 3 seconds after we enter Idle loge("mWakeLock released while delivering/broadcasting!"); } return HANDLED;
// we shouldn't get this message type in this state, log error and halt. case EVENT_BROADCAST_COMPLETE: case EVENT_START_ACCEPTING_SMS: default: // let DefaultState handle these unexpected message types return NOT_HANDLED; } } } |
/** * The waiting state delegates handling of new SMS to parent {@link DeliveringState}, but * defers handling of the {@link #EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS} phase until after the current * result receiver sends {@link #EVENT_BROADCAST_COMPLETE}. Before transitioning to * {@link DeliveringState}, {@link #EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE} is sent to transition to * {@link IdleState} after any deferred {@link #EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS} messages are handled. */ class WaitingState extends State { @Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { log("WaitingState.processMessage:" + msg.what); switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS://广播过程中 // defer until the current broadcast completes deferMessage(msg);//已有短信正在广播,新短信延迟发送, return HANDLED;
case EVENT_BROADCAST_COMPLETE://广播完毕 // return to idle after handling all deferred messages sendMessage(EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE);//如果还有短信在广播,这里空处理,注意这里的处理是根据状态来的 transitionTo(mDeliveringState);//继续发送 return HANDLED;
case EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE://这里可以解释上面空处理 // not ready to return to idle; ignore return HANDLED;
default: // parent state handles the other message types return NOT_HANDLED; } } } |
void handleNewSms(AsyncResult ar) { if (ar.exception != null) { loge("Exception processing incoming SMS: " + ar.exception); return; }
int result; try { SmsMessage sms = (SmsMessage) ar.result;//解析出短信 result = dispatchMessage(sms.mWrappedSmsMessage);//dispatch短信 } catch (RuntimeException ex) { loge("Exception dispatching message", ex); result = Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR; }
// RESULT_OK means that the SMS will be acknowledged by special handling, // e.g. for SMS-PP data download. Any other result, we should ack here. if (result != Activity.RESULT_OK) { boolean handled = (result == Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED); notifyAndAcknowledgeLastIncomingSms(handled, result, null); } } |
public int dispatchMessage(SmsMessageBase smsb) { // If sms is null, there was a parsing error. if (smsb == null) { loge("dispatchSmsMessage: message is null"); return Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR; }
if (mSmsReceiveDisabled) { // Device doesn't support receiving SMS, log("Received short message on device which doesn't support " + "receiving SMS. Ignored."); return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED; }
return dispatchMessageRadioSpecific(smsb);//这里 } |
/** * Process Cell Broadcast, Voicemail Notification, and other 3GPP/3GPP2-specific messages. * @param smsb the SmsMessageBase object from the RIL * @return true if the message was handled here; false to continue processing */ @Override protected int dispatchMessageRadioSpecific(SmsMessageBase smsb) { if (isInEmergencyCallMode()) { return Activity.RESULT_OK; }
SmsMessage sms = (SmsMessage) smsb; boolean isBroadcastType = (SmsEnvelope.MESSAGE_TYPE_BROADCAST == sms.getMessageType());
// Handle CMAS emergency broadcast messages. if (isBroadcastType) { log("Broadcast type message"); SmsCbMessage cbMessage = sms.parseBroadcastSms(); if (cbMessage != null) { mCellBroadcastHandler.dispatchSmsMessage(cbMessage); } else { loge("error trying to parse broadcast SMS"); } return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED; }
// Initialize fingerprint field, and see if we have a network duplicate SMS. mLastDispatchedSmsFingerprint = sms.getIncomingSmsFingerprint(); if (mLastAcknowledgedSmsFingerprint != null && Arrays.equals(mLastDispatchedSmsFingerprint, mLastAcknowledgedSmsFingerprint)) { return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED; }
// Decode BD stream and set sms variables. sms.parseSms(); int teleService = sms.getTeleService();
switch (teleService) { case SmsEnvelope.TELESERVICE_VMN: case SmsEnvelope.TELESERVICE_MWI: // handle voicemail indication handleVoicemailTeleservice(sms); return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED;
case SmsEnvelope.TELESERVICE_WMT: case SmsEnvelope.TELESERVICE_WEMT: if (sms.isStatusReportMessage()) { mSmsDispatcher.sendStatusReportMessage(sms); return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED; } break;
case SmsEnvelope.TELESERVICE_SCPT: mServiceCategoryProgramHandler.dispatchSmsMessage(sms); return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED;
case SmsEnvelope.TELESERVICE_WAP: // handled below, after storage check break;
default: loge("unsupported teleservice 0x" + Integer.toHexString(teleService)); return Intents.RESULT_SMS_UNSUPPORTED; }
if (!mStorageMonitor.isStorageAvailable() && sms.getMessageClass() != SmsConstants.MessageClass.CLASS_0) { // It's a storable message and there's no storage available. Bail. // (See C.S0015-B v2.0 for a description of "Immediate Display" // messages, which we represent as CLASS_0.) return Intents.RESULT_SMS_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
if (SmsEnvelope.TELESERVICE_WAP == teleService) { return processCdmaWapPdu(sms.getUserData(), sms.mMessageRef, sms.getOriginatingAddress(), sms.getTimestampMillis()); }
return dispatchNormalMessage(smsb);//非特殊消息,直接放行给normal方法处理 } |
/** * Dispatch a normal incoming SMS. This is called from {@link #dispatchMessageRadioSpecific} * if no format-specific handling was required. Saves the PDU to the SMS provider raw table, * creates an {@link InboundSmsTracker}, then sends it to the state machine as an * {@link #EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS}. Returns {@link Intents#RESULT_SMS_HANDLED} or an error value. * * @param sms the message to dispatch * @return {@link Intents#RESULT_SMS_HANDLED} if the message was accepted, or an error status */ protected int dispatchNormalMessage(SmsMessageBase sms) { SmsHeader smsHeader = sms.getUserDataHeader(); InboundSmsTracker tracker;
if ((smsHeader == null) || (smsHeader.concatRef == null)) { // Message is not concatenated. int destPort = -1; if (smsHeader != null && smsHeader.portAddrs != null) { // The message was sent to a port. destPort = smsHeader.portAddrs.destPort; if (DBG) log("destination port: " + destPort); }
tracker = new InboundSmsTracker(sms.getPdu(), sms.getTimestampMillis(), destPort, is3gpp2(), false); } else { // Create a tracker for this message segment. SmsHeader.ConcatRef concatRef = smsHeader.concatRef; SmsHeader.PortAddrs portAddrs = smsHeader.portAddrs; int destPort = (portAddrs != null ? portAddrs.destPort : -1); //根据新来短信新建一个InboundSmsTacker tracker = new InboundSmsTracker(sms.getPdu(), sms.getTimestampMillis(), destPort, is3gpp2(), sms.getOriginatingAddress(), concatRef.refNumber, concatRef.seqNumber, concatRef.msgCount, false); }
if (VDBG) log("created tracker: " + tracker); return addTrackerToRawTableAndSendMessage(tracker);//处理tracker } |
/** * Helper to add the tracker to the raw table and then send a message to broadcast it, if * successful. Returns the SMS intent status to return to the SMSC. * @param tracker the tracker to save to the raw table and then deliver * @return {@link Intents#RESULT_SMS_HANDLED} or {@link Intents#RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR} * or {@link Intents#RESULT_SMS_DUPLICATED} */ protected int addTrackerToRawTableAndSendMessage(InboundSmsTracker tracker) { switch(addTrackerToRawTable(tracker)) {//别忽略了这个方法① case Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED: //这里会回到状态机的proessMessage sendMessage(EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS, tracker);//② return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED;
case Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR: default: return Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR; } } |
private int addTrackerToRawTable(InboundSmsTracker tracker) { if (tracker.getMessageCount() != 1) { // check for duplicate message segments Cursor cursor = null; try { // sequence numbers are 1-based except for CDMA WAP, which is 0-based int sequence = tracker.getSequenceNumber();
// convert to strings for query String address = tracker.getAddress(); String refNumber = Integer.toString(tracker.getReferenceNumber()); String count = Integer.toString(tracker.getMessageCount());
String seqNumber = Integer.toString(sequence);
// set the delete selection args for multi-part message String[] deleteWhereArgs = {address, refNumber, count}; tracker.setDeleteWhere(SELECT_BY_REFERENCE, deleteWhereArgs);
// Check for duplicate message segments cursor = mResolver.query(sRawUri, PDU_PROJECTION, "address=? AND reference_number=? AND count=? AND sequence=?", new String[] {address, refNumber, count, seqNumber}, null);
// moveToNext() returns false if no duplicates were found if (cursor.moveToNext()) { loge("Discarding duplicate message segment, refNumber=" + refNumber + " seqNumber=" + seqNumber); String oldPduString = cursor.getString(PDU_COLUMN); byte[] pdu = tracker.getPdu(); byte[] oldPdu = HexDump.hexStringToByteArray(oldPduString); if (!Arrays.equals(oldPdu, tracker.getPdu())) { loge("Warning: dup message segment PDU of length " + pdu.length + " is different from existing PDU of length " + oldPdu.length); } return Intents.RESULT_SMS_DUPLICATED; // reject message } cursor.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { loge("Can't access multipart SMS database", e); return Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR; // reject message } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } }
ContentValues values = tracker.getContentValues();
if (VDBG) log("adding content values to raw table: " + values.toString()); Uri newUri = mResolver.insert(sRawUri, values); if (DBG) log("URI of new row -> " + newUri);
try { long rowId = ContentUris.parseId(newUri); if (tracker.getMessageCount() == 1) { // set the delete selection args for single-part message tracker.setDeleteWhere(SELECT_BY_ID, new String[]{Long.toString(rowId)}); } return Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED; } catch (Exception e) { loge("error parsing URI for new row: " + newUri, e); return Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR; } } |
@Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { log("DeliveringState.processMessage:" + msg.what); switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_NEW_SMS: // handle new SMS from RIL handleNewSms((AsyncResult) msg.obj); sendMessage(EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE); return HANDLED;
case EVENT_INJECT_SMS: // handle new injected SMS handleInjectSms((AsyncResult) msg.obj); sendMessage(EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE); return HANDLED;
case EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS://这里 // if any broadcasts were sent, transition to waiting state //首先是解出tracker InboundSmsTracker inboundSmsTracker = (InboundSmsTracker) msg.obj; if (processMessagePart(inboundSmsTracker)) { //处理中 transitionTo(mWaitingState); } else {//非处理状态 // if event is sent from SmsBroadcastUndelivered.broadcastSms(), and // processMessagePart() returns false, the state machine will be stuck in // DeliveringState until next message is received. Send message to // transition to idle to avoid that so that wakelock can be released log("No broadcast sent on processing EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS in Delivering " + "state. Return to Idle state"); sendMessage(EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE); } return HANDLED;
case EVENT_RETURN_TO_IDLE: // return to idle after processing all other messages transitionTo(mIdleState); return HANDLED;
case EVENT_RELEASE_WAKELOCK: mWakeLock.release(); // decrement wakelock from previous entry to Idle if (!mWakeLock.isHeld()) { // wakelock should still be held until 3 seconds after we enter Idle loge("mWakeLock released while delivering/broadcasting!"); } return HANDLED;
// we shouldn't get this message type in this state, log error and halt. case EVENT_BROADCAST_COMPLETE: case EVENT_START_ACCEPTING_SMS: default: // let DefaultState handle these unexpected message types return NOT_HANDLED; } } |
/** * Process the inbound SMS segment. If the message is complete, send it as an ordered * broadcast to interested receivers and return true. If the message is a segment of an * incomplete multi-part SMS, return false. * @param tracker the tracker containing the message segment to process * @return true if an ordered broadcast was sent; false if waiting for more message segments */ boolean processMessagePart(InboundSmsTracker tracker) { int messageCount = tracker.getMessageCount(); byte[][] pdus;//需要将短信转化成pdus int destPort = tracker.getDestPort();
if (messageCount == 1) { // single-part message pdus = new byte[][]{tracker.getPdu()}; } else { // multi-part message,多段短信 Cursor cursor = null; try { // used by several query selection arguments String address = tracker.getAddress(); String refNumber = Integer.toString(tracker.getReferenceNumber()); String count = Integer.toString(tracker.getMessageCount());
// query for all segments and broadcast message if we have all the parts String[] whereArgs = {address, refNumber, count}; cursor = mResolver.query(sRawUri, PDU_SEQUENCE_PORT_PROJECTION, SELECT_BY_REFERENCE, whereArgs, null);
int cursorCount = cursor.getCount(); if (cursorCount < messageCount) { // Wait for the other message parts to arrive. It's also possible for the last // segment to arrive before processing the EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS for one of the // earlier segments. In that case, the broadcast will be sent as soon as all // segments are in the table, and any later EVENT_BROADCAST_SMS messages will // get a row count of 0 and return. return false; }
// All the parts are in place, deal with them pdus = new byte[messageCount][]; while (cursor.moveToNext()) { // subtract offset to convert sequence to 0-based array index int index = cursor.getInt(SEQUENCE_COLUMN) - tracker.getIndexOffset();
pdus[index] = HexDump.hexStringToByteArray(cursor.getString(PDU_COLUMN));
// Read the destination port from the first segment (needed for CDMA WAP PDU). // It's not a bad idea to prefer the port from the first segment in other cases. if (index == 0 && !cursor.isNull(DESTINATION_PORT_COLUMN)) { int port = cursor.getInt(DESTINATION_PORT_COLUMN); // strip format flags and convert to real port number, or -1 port = InboundSmsTracker.getRealDestPort(port); if (port != -1) { destPort = port; } } } } catch (SQLException e) { loge("Can't access multipart SMS database", e); return false; } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } //这里是一个广播receiver,接收系统广播,并将短信广播到第三方App SmsBroadcastReceiver resultReceiver = new SmsBroadcastReceiver(tracker);
if (destPort == SmsHeader.PORT_WAP_PUSH) { // Build up the data stream ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (byte[] pdu : pdus) { // 3GPP needs to extract the User Data from the PDU; 3GPP2 has already done this if (!tracker.is3gpp2()) { SmsMessage msg = SmsMessage.createFromPdu(pdu, SmsConstants.FORMAT_3GPP); pdu = msg.getUserData(); } output.write(pdu, 0, pdu.length); } int result = mWapPush.dispatchWapPdu(output.toByteArray(), resultReceiver, this); if (DBG) log("dispatchWapPdu() returned " + result); // result is Activity.RESULT_OK if an ordered broadcast was sent if (result == Activity.RESULT_OK) { return true; } else { deleteFromRawTable(tracker.getDeleteWhere(), tracker.getDeleteWhereArgs()); return false; } }
List UiccCard card = UiccController.getInstance().getUiccCard(mPhone.getPhoneId()); if (card != null) { carrierPackages = card.getCarrierPackageNamesForIntent( mContext.getPackageManager(), new Intent(CarrierMessagingService.SERVICE_INTERFACE)); } else { loge("UiccCard not initialized."); }
List getSystemAppForIntent(new Intent(CarrierMessagingService.SERVICE_INTERFACE));
if (carrierPackages != null && carrierPackages.size() == 1) { log("Found carrier package."); CarrierSmsFilter smsFilter = new CarrierSmsFilter(pdus, destPort, tracker.getFormat(), resultReceiver); CarrierSmsFilterCallback smsFilterCallback = new CarrierSmsFilterCallback(smsFilter); smsFilter.filterSms(carrierPackages.get(0), smsFilterCallback); } else if (systemPackages != null && systemPackages.size() == 1) { log("Found system package."); CarrierSmsFilter smsFilter = new CarrierSmsFilter(pdus, destPort, tracker.getFormat(), resultReceiver); CarrierSmsFilterCallback smsFilterCallback = new CarrierSmsFilterCallback(smsFilter); smsFilter.filterSms(systemPackages.get(0), smsFilterCallback); } else { logv("Unable to find carrier package: " + carrierPackages + ", nor systemPackages: " + systemPackages); dispatchSmsDeliveryIntent(pdus, tracker.getFormat(), destPort, resultReceiver);//这里发送个系统SMSAPP }
return true; } |
/** * Creates and dispatches the intent to the default SMS app or the appropriate port. * * @param pdus message pdus * @param format the message format, typically "3gpp" or "3gpp2" * @param destPort the destination port * @param resultReceiver the receiver handling the delivery result */ void dispatchSmsDeliveryIntent(byte[][] pdus, String format, int destPort, BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.putExtra("pdus", pdus); intent.putExtra("format", format);
if (destPort == -1) { intent.setAction(Intents.SMS_DELIVER_ACTION); // Direct the intent to only the default SMS app. If we can't find a default SMS app // then sent it to all broadcast receivers. // We are deliberately delivering to the primary user's default SMS App. ComponentName componentName = SmsApplication.getDefaultSmsApplication(mContext, true); if (componentName != null) { // Deliver SMS message only to this receiver. intent.setComponent(componentName); log("Delivering SMS to: " + componentName.getPackageName() + " " + componentName.getClassName()); } else { intent.setComponent(null); }
// TODO: Validate that this is the right place to store the SMS. if (SmsManager.getDefault().getAutoPersisting()) { final Uri uri = writeInboxMessage(intent); if (uri != null) { // Pass this to SMS apps so that they know where it is stored intent.putExtra("uri", uri.toString()); } } } else { intent.setAction(Intents.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION); Uri uri = Uri.parse("sms://localhost:" + destPort); intent.setData(uri); intent.setComponent(null); }
Bundle options = handleSmsWhitelisting(intent.getComponent()); //开始广播,内部调用了broadcaster方法。 dispatchIntent(intent, android.Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_SMS, AppOpsManager.OP_RECEIVE_SMS, options, resultReceiver, UserHandle.OWNER); } |
再来看之前的SmsBroadcastReceiverresultReceiver = new SmsBroadcastReceiver(tracker);
/** * Handler for an {@link InboundSmsTracker} broadcast. Deletes PDUs from the raw table and * logs the broadcast duration (as an error if the other receivers were especially slow). */ private final class SmsBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { private final String mDeleteWhere; private final String[] mDeleteWhereArgs; private long mBroadcastTimeNano;
SmsBroadcastReceiver(InboundSmsTracker tracker) { mDeleteWhere = tracker.getDeleteWhere(); mDeleteWhereArgs = tracker.getDeleteWhereArgs(); mBroadcastTimeNano = System.nanoTime(); }
@Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction();//新建一个action,在之后发送出去 if (action.equals(Intents.SMS_DELIVER_ACTION)) {//普通短信这里 // Now dispatch the notification only intent intent.setAction(Intents.SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION);//设置Action intent.setComponent(null); // All running users will be notified of the received sms. Bundle options = handleSmsWhitelisting(null); //开始广播 dispatchIntent(intent, android.Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_SMS, AppOpsManager.OP_RECEIVE_SMS, options, this, UserHandle.ALL); } else if (action.equals(Intents.WAP_PUSH_DELIVER_ACTION)) { // Now dispatch the notification only intent intent.setAction(Intents.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED_ACTION); intent.setComponent(null); // Only the primary user will receive notification of incoming mms. // That app will do the actual downloading of the mms. Bundle options = null; try { long duration = mDeviceIdleController.addPowerSaveTempWhitelistAppForMms( mContext.getPackageName(), 0, "mms-broadcast"); BroadcastOptions bopts = BroadcastOptions.makeBasic(); bopts.setTemporaryAppWhitelistDuration(duration); options = bopts.toBundle(); } catch (RemoteException e) { } dispatchIntent(intent, android.Manifest.permission.RECEIVE_SMS, AppOpsManager.OP_RECEIVE_SMS, options, this, UserHandle.OWNER); } else { // Now that the intents have been deleted we can clean up the PDU data. if (!Intents.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION.equals(action) && !Intents.SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION.equals(action) && !Intents.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION.equals(action) && !Intents.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED_ACTION.equals(action)) { loge("unexpected BroadcastReceiver action: " + action); }
int rc = getResultCode(); if ((rc != Activity.RESULT_OK) && (rc != Intents.RESULT_SMS_HANDLED)) { loge("a broadcast receiver set the result code to " + rc + ", deleting from raw table anyway!"); } else if (DBG) { log("successful broadcast, deleting from raw table."); }
deleteFromRawTable(mDeleteWhere, mDeleteWhereArgs); sendMessage(EVENT_BROADCAST_COMPLETE);
int durationMillis = (int) ((System.nanoTime() - mBroadcastTimeNano) / 1000000); if (durationMillis >= 5000) { loge("Slow ordered broadcast completion time: " + durationMillis + " ms"); } else if (DBG) { log("ordered broadcast completed in: " + durationMillis + " ms"); } } } } |
package=""> android:label="@string/sms_app_name" android:hardwareAccelerated="true"> android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Material.Light.Dialog" android:launchMode="singleTop" /> |
public static final StringSMS_RECEIVED_ACTION =
private void addNotification(Context context, String fromAddress, String message) { int notificationId = BasicSmsReceiverApp.getBasicSmsReceiverApp().getNextNotificationId(); //新建一个notification Notification.Builder notification = new Notification.Builder(context) .setTicker(message) .setWhen(System.currentTimeMillis()) .setContentTitle(fromAddress) .setContentText(message) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.stat_notify_sms) .setContentIntent(createDisplayMessageIntent(context, fromAddress, message, notificationId));
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "addNotification notificationId: " + notificationId); //获取通知管理器服务 NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager)context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); //开始通知 notificationManager.notify(notificationId, notification.getNotification()); } |
@Override protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { removeDialog(DIALOG_SHOW_MESSAGE);
parseIntent(intent); } |
private void parseIntent(Intent intent) { if (intent == null) { return; } Bundle extras = intent.getExtras(); if (extras == null) { return; } //解析户短信的具体内容 mFromAddress = extras.getString(SMS_FROM_ADDRESS_EXTRA); mMessage = extras.getString(SMS_MESSAGE_EXTRA); int notificationId = extras.getInt(SMS_NOTIFICATION_ID_EXTRA);
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "notificationId: " + notificationId);
// Dismiss the notification that brought us here. NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager)getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); notificationManager.cancel(notificationId); //显示界面,其实解释显示短信的有关信息 showDialog(DIALOG_SHOW_MESSAGE); } |