



These are third party add-ons and libraries for Qt:

Open Source License:

Third party add-ons and libraries under open source licenses:

Project Description License Type
Qt Xlsx[github.com] C++ library for .xlsx file reader and writer based on Qt5 MIT
GLC_lib[glc-lib.net] C++ library for high performance 3D application based on OpenGL and Qt4 GUI LGPL
libcommuni[communi.github.io] A cross-platform IRC framework written with Qt and C++ LGPL
QextSerialPort Provides an interface to old fashioned serial ports MIT
QTermWidget[qtermwidget.sourceforge.net] Qt-based console similar to Konqueror; runs on Qt/Embedded GPL
QtWebSockets[qt.gitorious.org] Qt module implementing the RFC6455 WebSocket specification. Can be used in both client and server applications. LGPL
Qwt[qwt.sourceforge.net] Qt Widgets for Technical Applications (2D plots, sliders, dials, compasses, thermometers, …) Qwt License
qtoolbox[github.com] qtoolbox is a set of tools for everyday Qt development. A “swiss army knife”. Designed to be minimalistic, does “just what promised, nothing more” Apache License Version 2.0
Qt Cryptographic Architecture[delta.affinix.com] QCA aims to provide a straightforward and cross-platform cryptoAPI, using Qt datatypes and conventions which allow to cypher withRSA,AES, Blowfish, etc LGPL
QScintilla[riverbankcomputing.co.uk] add-on which allow to highlight syntax in Qt-applications (port from Scintilla with more Qt-likeAPI) LGPL
QJson[qjson.sourceforge.net] QJson a easy way to manage JSON in QVariant/QVariantMap/QVariantList LGPL
QuaZIP[quazip.sourceforge.net] Qt wrapper for zip/unzip package GPL,LGPL
Log4Qt[log4qt.sourceforge.net] Qt port of the Apache Software Foundation Log4j package Apache License Version 2.0
Log4Qt fork[gitorious.org] Qt port of the Apache Software Foundation Log4j package, Extension of the original Log4Qt project (SimpleTimeLayout, SignalAppender, DatabaseAppender, DatabaseLayout , Telnet appender, ..) Apache License Version 2.0
LibQxt [libqxt.org] LibQxt is an extension library for Qt providing a suite of cross-platform utility classes to add functionality not readily available in Qt (Logging Framework, Web Service Framework, etc.) Common Public License v1.0,LGPL
QSerialDevice[gitorious.org] cross-platform library for serial devices based on Qt4 (is frozen, see new QtSerialPort) GPL
QtSerialPort add-on tools for Qt4/Qt5, which provides a single interface for both hardware and virtual serial ports LGPL
KArchive[blogs.kde.org] Gzip/bzip2 compression QIODevice, and support forZIPTAR, AR and 7Zip archives LGPL
Novile[github.com] Port of Ace source code web editor to Qt via Qt WebKit. Has API wrapper with properties and signals&slots LGPL
CuteReport[cute-report.com] Similar to Jasper and Crystal Reports. Consists of two parts: core library and template designer. Both are totally modular and theirs functionality can be simply extended by writing additional modules. Can be easily used with any Qt application. Totally abstract of used data and can use as storage: file system, database, version control systems, etc. GPL v3

Commercial License:

Third party add-ons and libraries under commercial licenses:

Library Description Dual Licensing
QicsTable[ics.com] High Performance Table for Qt No
QtitanRibbon[devmachines.com] Ribbons under Qt No
QtitanDataGrid[devmachines.com] Data grid library for large data No
QtitanMultimedia[devmachines.com] Adds multimedia technologies (Adobe Flash, …) to Qt No
Q7Goodies[strixcode.com] Provides Windows 7 features like jump list, taskbar thumbnails, thumbnail toolbar and more in a Qt way No
KD Tools[kdab.com] Provides a number of easy-to-use widgets and non-gui classes Yes (Commercial / GPL /LGPL)
KD Chart[kdab.com] Creates business charts (Stock Charts, Gantt, etc.), utilize the Qt Model-View model Yes (Commercial / GPL)
KD Reports[kdab.com] Generates printable and exportable reports from code and from XML descriptions. Can use Qt Model-View models Yes (Commercial / GPL)
KDSOAP [kdab.com] A tool for creating client applications for web services, and service implementations Yes (Commercial / GPL /LGPL)
NCReport[nocisoft.com] Is a report generator (SQL or file based) with GUI designer, supports several output formats No
Qtilities[jpnaude.github.io] Provides building blocks for Qt applications, allowing rapid application development. Yes (Commercial / GPL /LGPL)
QxOrm [qxorm.com] QxOrm is a C++ library designed to provide Object Relational Mapping (ORM) feature to C++ and Qt users (persistence, serialization, reflection) Yes (Commercial / GPL v3)
