
一. 验证码前篇


  • 验证码(CAPTCHA)是“Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”(全自动区分计算机和人类的图灵测试)的缩写,是一种区分用户是计算机还是人的公共全自动程序。可以防止:恶意破解密码、刷票、论坛灌水,有效防止某个黑客对某一个特定注册用户用特定程序暴力破解方式进行不断的登陆尝试,实际上用验证码是现在很多网站通行的方式,我们利用比较简易的方式实现了这个功能。这个问题可以由计算机生成并评判,但是必须只有人类才能解答。由于计算机无法解答CAPTCHA的问题,所以回答出问题的用户就可以被认为是人类。

二. 关键代码

  • 1.显示随机字母或数字的验证码
package com.example.demo.controller;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.imageio.stream.FileImageOutputStream;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Random;

public class VerifyCodeUtils {
  private final static int width = 800;  //验证码宽度
  private final static int height = 300;  //验证码高度
  private final static int codeCount = 4;  //验证码字符个数
  private final static int fontHeight = 150;  //字体高度
  private static String verifyVariable;

  public static String getVerifyVariable() {
    return verifyVariable;

   * 获取验证码图片
  public static byte[] getVerifyImg() throws IOException {

    StringBuilder verifyVariableBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    Random random = new Random();

    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics graphic = image.getGraphics();

    graphic.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

    Color[] colors = new Color[]{Color.BLUE, Color.GRAY, Color.GREEN, Color.RED, Color.BLACK, Color.ORANGE,
    // 在 "画板"上生成干扰线条 ( 50 是线条个数)
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) (300 * Math.random() + 200); i++) {
      final int x = random.nextInt(width);
      final int y = random.nextInt(height);
      final int w = random.nextInt(20);
      final int h = random.nextInt(20);
      final int signA = random.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1;
      final int signB = random.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1;
      int[] data = new int[]{x, y, 20, 0, -10};
      graphic.drawLine(data[(int) (Math.random() * 5)], data[(int) (Math.random() * 5)], x + w * signA, y + h * signB);

    String str = "0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I、J、K、L、M、N、O、P、Q、R、S、T、U、V、W、X、Y、Z、a、b、c、d、e、f、g、h、i、j、k、l、m、n、o、p、q、r、s、t、u、v、w、x、y、z";
    String[] split = str.split("、");
    // 在 "画板"上绘制字母
    graphic.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, fontHeight));
    for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
      String s = split[(int) (Math.random() * split.length)];
      graphic.drawString(s, i * (width / 4), height - (height / 3));

    verifyVariable = verifyVariableBuilder.toString();

    System.out.println("验证码答案:" + verifyVariable);

    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ImageIO.write(image, "png", os);
    return os.toByteArray();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      byte[] verifyImg = VerifyCodeUtils.getVerifyImg();
      FileImageOutputStream imageOutput = new FileImageOutputStream(new File("D://image3.jpg"));
      imageOutput.write(verifyImg, 0, verifyImg.length);//将byte写入硬盘
    } catch (Exception e) {



  • 2.显示计算公式的验证码
package com.example.demo.controller;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.imageio.stream.FileImageOutputStream;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.*;

public class VerifyCodeUtilOfMath {
  private final static int width = 800;  //验证码宽度
  private final static int height = 300;  //验证码高度
  private final static int codeCount = 5;  //验证码字符个数
  private final static int fontHeight = 150;  //字体高度
  private static String verifyVariable;
  private static int firstNum;        //第一位数字

  public static String getVerifyVariable() {
    return verifyVariable;

   * 获取验证码图片
  public static byte[] getVerifyImg() throws IOException {

    StringBuilder verifyVariableBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    Random random = new Random();

    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics graphic = image.getGraphics();

    graphic.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

    Color[] colors = new Color[]{Color.BLUE, Color.GRAY, Color.GREEN, Color.RED, Color.BLACK, Color.ORANGE,
    // 在 "画板"上生成干扰线条 ( 50 是线条个数)
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) (300 * Math.random() + 200); i++) {
      final int x = random.nextInt(width);
      final int y = random.nextInt(height);
      final int w = random.nextInt(20);
      final int h = random.nextInt(20);
      final int signA = random.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1;
      final int signB = random.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1;
      int[] data = new int[]{x, y, 20, 0, -10};
      graphic.drawLine(data[(int) (Math.random() * 5)], data[(int) (Math.random() * 5)], x + w * signA, y + h * signB);

    List list = new ArrayList();
    Collections.addAll(list, "+", "-", "X", "÷");
    //Collections.addAll(list, "÷");
    String yunsuan = (String) list.get((int) (Math.random() * list.size()));
    // 在 "画板"上绘制字母
    graphic.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans MS", Font.BOLD, fontHeight));

    if (yunsuan.equals("÷")) {
      Map map = new HashMap();
      map.put(3, 1);
      map.put(2, 1);
      map.put(6, 3);
      map.put(4, 4);
      map.put(8, 4);
      map.put(10, 2);
      map.put(9, 3);
      map.put(12, 2);
      map.put(15, 5);
      map.put(14, 2);
      map.put(16, 8);
      map.put(18, 6);
      map.put(20, 4);
      map.put(21, 7);
      List list1 = new ArrayList();
      Collections.addAll(list1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 8, 10, 9, 12, 15, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21);
      int numRandom = getNumRandom(0, 9);
      int key = list1.get(numRandom);
      Integer value = map.get(key);

      verifyVariableBuilder.append(key + "÷" + value);      //添加进答案
      graphic.drawString(key + "", 0 * (width / 6), height - (height / (9 / 2)));
      graphic.drawString("÷", 1 * (width / 6), height - (height / (9 / 2)));
      graphic.drawString(value + "", 2 * (width / 6), height - (height / (9 / 2)));
      graphic.drawString("=", 3 * (width / 6), height - (height / (9 / 2)));
      graphic.drawString("?", 4 * (width / 6), height - (height / (9 / 2)));
    } else {
      // 加减乘
      for (int i = 0; i < codeCount; i++) {
        if (i == 1) {         //运算符号
          verifyVariableBuilder.append(yunsuan);      //添加进答案
          graphic.drawString(yunsuan + "", i * (width / 6), height - (height / (9 / 2)));
        if (i == 3) {
          graphic.setColor(colors[random.nextInt(colors.length)]);// = 号
          graphic.drawString("=", i * (width / 6), height - (height / (9 / 2)));
        if (i == 4) {
          graphic.setColor(colors[random.nextInt(colors.length)]);   // ? 号
          graphic.drawString("?", i * (width / 6), height - (height / (9 / 2)));
        if (i == 0 || i == 2) {
          if (yunsuan.equals("-")) {
            if (i == 0) {
              setNumVerify(verifyVariableBuilder, graphic, i, 5, 15, colors[random.nextInt(colors.length)]);
            } else {
              setNumVerify(verifyVariableBuilder, graphic, i, 0, firstNum, colors[random.nextInt(colors.length)]);
          } else {
            setNumVerify(verifyVariableBuilder, graphic, i, 1, 9, colors[random.nextInt(colors.length)]);
    verifyVariable = verifyVariableBuilder.toString();
    System.out.println("验证码答案:" + verifyVariable);
    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ImageIO.write(image, "png", os);
    return os.toByteArray();

  private static void setNumVerify(StringBuilder verifyVariableBuilder, Graphics graphic, int i, int i2, int i3, Color color) {
    int s = getNumRandom(i2, i3);
    verifyVariableBuilder.append(s);      //添加进答案
    graphic.drawString(s + "", i * (width / 6), height - (height / (9 / 2)));
    if (i == 0) {
      firstNum = s;

  private static int getNumRandom(int min, int max) {
    return (int) (Math.random() * (max + 1 - min) + min);   //产生10-20任意随机整数

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    byte[] verifyImg = VerifyCodeUtilOfMath.getVerifyImg();
    FileImageOutputStream imageOutput = new FileImageOutputStream(new File("D:\\验证码.png"));//打开输入流
    imageOutput.write(verifyImg, 0, verifyImg.length);//将byte写入硬盘
    String verifyVariable = VerifyCodeUtilOfMath.getVerifyVariable();
    System.out.println("我是答案:" + verifyVariable);
    int verifyNum = 0;
    if (verifyVariable.contains("÷")) {
      String[] split = verifyVariable.split("÷");
      verifyNum = Integer.valueOf(split[0]) / Integer.valueOf(split[1]);
    if (verifyVariable.contains("+")) {
      String[] split = verifyVariable.split("\\+");
      verifyNum = Integer.valueOf(split[0]) + Integer.valueOf(split[1]);
    if (verifyVariable.contains("-")) {
      String[] split = verifyVariable.split("-");
      verifyNum = Integer.valueOf(split[0]) - Integer.valueOf(split[1]);
    if (verifyVariable.contains("X")) {
      String[] split = verifyVariable.split("X");
      verifyNum = Integer.valueOf(split[0]) * Integer.valueOf(split[1]);

    System.out.println("运算答案为:" + verifyNum);


