
Why does it call Select Sort ?

It's name contains what kind of method it uses:

Every time by comparing i_item  from  bottom to top ,if found smaller one, mark the one.


In one loop, one smallest one is found.

then , exchange the right position of i_item find smallest in that loop and it's original position. 



// SelectSort.c
#include  " type.h "
void swap(ElemType *a, ElemType *b)
    ElemType *tmp = *a;
void SelectSort(SqList *L)
     int min_key; ElemType min_value;
     forint i=  0; i< L->length; i++)
        min_key = i; 
        min_value = L->data[i];
         forint j= i+ 1; j< L->length; j++)
                min_value  = L->data[j];
                min_key = j;
        swap( &(L->data[i]) , &(L->data[min_key] ));
void printContent(SqList *L)
     for( int i =  0; i< L->length; i++)
        printf( " %d \t ",L->data[i] );
void main( void)
    SqList l ;
    l.data[ 0] =  9;
    l.data[ 1] =  1;
    l.data[ 2] =  5;
    l.data[ 3] =  8;
    l.data[ 4] =  3;
    l.data[ 5] =  7;
    l.data[ 6] =  4;
    l.data[ 7] =  6;
    l.data[ 8] =  2;
    l.length =  9;
    printf( " \n ");
    printf( " \n ");


 Ref to a blog about swap function.

 file of "type.h" ref to this blog.

 previous blog about Select Sort ref to here

