



* Copyright(c)2009-2010 Company Name
* All rights reserved

* 文件名称:RouterList.cpp
* 简要描述:该程序实现了单向循环链表的初始化、插入、删除、打印等基本操作
*     此程序仅用于学习交流之用,有问题可E-MAIL:[email protected]

* 当前版本:2.0
* 作者/修改者:王发修(Acekiller)
* 完成日期:2009.8.29
* 修订说明:编写、调试环境Visual studio 2005
* 取代版本:1.0
* 修改人:
* 完成日期:
* 修订说明:

using namespace std;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(push, 4)

typedef struct _ListNode{
 unsigned int value;
 struct _ListNode *next;
}ListNode, *pListNode;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(pop, 4)

pListNode InitialList(void);
void InsertNewNode(pListNode h, unsigned int data);
void DeleteNode(pListNode h, unsigned int data);
unsigned int CountNode(pListNode h);
void ShowList(pListNode h);
void ClearList(pListNode h);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
 pListNode head = NULL;
 head = InitialList();
//  head = (pListNode)malloc(sizeof(ListNode));
//  if (head == NULL)
//  {
//   cout<<"Out of memory!"<//   exit(1);
//  }//end of if
//  head->next = head;

 for (int i = 1; i<= 10; i++)
  cout<  InsertNewNode(head, i);
 cout< unsigned int nodeNumber = 0;
 nodeNumber = CountNode(head);
 cout<<"The node number is :"< ShowList(head);
  DeleteNode(head, 5);
 return 0;

/* Initialize the list                                                  */
pListNode InitialList(void)
 pListNode pNext = NULL;
 pNext = (pListNode)malloc(sizeof(ListNode));

 if (pNext == NULL)
  cout<<"Out of memory!"<  exit(-1);
 pNext->next = pNext; //The list's tail point to the list's head,become a circle.
 pNext->value = 0;
 return pNext;

/* Insert a new member to the list.          */
void InsertNewNode(pListNode h, unsigned int data)
 pListNode pNext = NULL;
 pNext = (pListNode)malloc(sizeof(ListNode));
 if (pNext == NULL)
  cout<<"Out of memory!"<  exit(-1);
 }//end of if

 pNext->value = data;
 pNext->next = h->next;
 h->next = pNext;

/* Delete a member from the list                                        */
void DeleteNode(pListNode h, unsigned int data)
 pListNode pNext = NULL;
 pListNode pFont = NULL;

 pNext = h->next;
 pFont = h;
 if (pNext == h)
  cout<<"The list is empty!"<  return;
 }//end of if

 while (data != pNext->value && pNext != h)
  pFont = pNext;
  pNext = pNext->next;
 }//end of while

 if (pNext != h)
  pFont->next = pNext->next;
 }//end of if

 cout<<"Haven't find the node!"< return;

/* Count the list's member                                              */
unsigned int CountNode(pListNode h)
 pListNode pNext = NULL;
 unsigned int number = 0;
 pNext = h->next;
 if (pNext == h)
  cout<<"The list is empty!"<  return number;
 }//end of if

 while (pNext != h)
  pNext = pNext->next;
 }//end of while

 return number;

/* Show the list member             */
void ShowList(pListNode h)
 pListNode pNext = NULL;

 pNext = h->next;
 if (pNext == h)
  cout<<"The list is empty!"<  return;
 }//end of if

 cout<<"List is: ";
 while (pNext != h)
  cout<value<<" ";
  pNext = pNext->next;
 }//end of while

 cout< return;

/* Clear the list                                                       */
void ClearList(pListNode h)
 pListNode pNext = NULL;
 pListNode pFont = NULL;
 pNext = h->next;
 pFont = h;

 if (pNext == h)
  cout<<"The list is empty!"<  return;
 }//end of if
 while (pNext != h)
  pFont->next = pNext->next;
  pNext = pFont->next;
 }//end of while

 h->next = h;
