“一步一步走,心急吃不来热豆腐呦” —郭X村口大爷
* 创建新容器
* Create new container
* @param array $values The parameters or objects.
public function __construct(array $values = [])
// 继承父类的构造方法
// 获取配置文件中settings配置项的值
$userSettings = isset($values['settings']) ? $values['settings'] : [];
// 注册Slim需要的一些默认服务
* 实例化容器
* Instantiates the container.
* Objects and parameters can be passed as argument to the constructor.
* @param array $values The parameters or objects
public function __construct(array $values = array())
// 实例化factories,protected属性,且赋值为\SplObjectStorage()实例化对象
// SplObjectStorage提供了从对象到数据的映射,或者忽略数据提供对象集
$this->factories = new \SplObjectStorage();
$this->protected = new \SplObjectStorage();
// 将传入的配置项整合到容器对象
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
$this->offsetSet($key, $value);
// 注册Slim需要的一些默认服务
private function registerDefaultServices($userSettings)
$defaultSettings = $this->defaultSettings;
* settings属性赋值集合对象,该对象是defaultSettings和userSettings的合并数组经处理后产生的集合对象
* This service MUST return an array or an
* instance of \ArrayAccess.
* @return array|\ArrayAccess
$this['settings'] = function () use ($userSettings, $defaultSettings) {
return new Collection(array_merge($defaultSettings, $userSettings));
// 注册Slim默认服务
$defaultProvider = new DefaultServicesProvider();
// 依赖注入容器
$container = $app->getContainer();
/** * Enable access to the DI container by consumers of $app * * @return ContainerInterface */
public function getContainer(){
return $this->container;
// 在容器中注册Monolog日志组件
$container['logger'] = function($c) {
$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('my_logger');
$file_handler = new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('../logs/app.log');
return $logger;
这和\ArrayAccess接口相关,并非实现了\ArrayAccess接口的类,只要给他的实例对象传入$test['a'] = 'hello',$test->a属性就可以获取到hello的,如果你要实现的话,会很遗憾的发现Undefined property: Test::$a…,而且即使你这样定义
Class Test implements ArrayAccess { ... }
$test = new Test;
$test['a'] = 'hello’;
echo $test['a’];
offsetExists($offset) //判断是否存在偏移位置
offsetGet($offset) //获取偏移量
offsetSet($offset, $value) //设置偏移量
offsetUnset($offset) //去除偏移量
* 设置参数或闭包对象
* Sets a parameter or an object.
* Objects must be defined as Closures.
* Allowing any PHP callable leads to difficult to debug problems
* as function names (strings) are callable (creating a function with
* the same name as an existing parameter would break your container).
* @param string $id The unique identifier for the parameter or object
* @param mixed $value The value of the parameter or a closure to define an object
* @throws FrozenServiceException Prevent override of a frozen service
public function offsetSet($id, $value)
if (isset($this->frozen[$id])) {
throw new FrozenServiceException($id);
// 将赋值给values数组,并用keys数组记录
$this->values[$id] = $value;
$this->keys[$id] = true;
* 得到一个参数或者对象
* Gets a parameter or an object.
* $id是一个唯一标识符
* @param string $id The unique identifier for the parameter or object
* 返回值为参数或对象
* @return mixed The value of the parameter or an object
* @throws UnknownIdentifierException If the identifier is not defined
public function offsetGet($id)
// 不存在则抛出异常
if (!isset($this->keys[$id])) {
throw new UnknownIdentifierException($id);
// raw数组尚不知何时赋值,但!is_object($this->values[$id])可知,若非对象则直接返回值。
if (
|| !is_object($this->values[$id])
|| isset($this->protected[$this->values[$id]])
|| !method_exists($this->values[$id], '__invoke')
) {
return $this->values[$id];
// factories也不知有何作用
if (isset($this->factories[$this->values[$id]])) {
return $this->values[$id]($this);
// 下面这几句解释了之前的疑惑,若值为闭包则将执行后的值赋给$val
// raw数组存储原生闭包函数,并在获取过程中冻结该$id,即fronzen数组存储冻结的id
// 最后返回闭包执行结果
$raw = $this->values[$id];
$val = $this->values[$id] = $raw($this);
$this->raw[$id] = $raw;
$this->frozen[$id] = true;
return $val;
* 检查参数或对象是否设置
* Checks if a parameter or an object is set.
* @param string $id The unique identifier for the parameter or object
* @return bool
public function offsetExists($id)
return isset($this->keys[$id]);
* 去除参数或对象
* Unsets a parameter or an object.
* @param string $id The unique identifier for the parameter or object
public function offsetUnset($id)
if (isset($this->keys[$id])) {
if (is_object($this->values[$id])) {
unset($this->factories[$this->values[$id]], $this->protected[$this->values[$id]]);
unset($this->values[$id], $this->frozen[$id], $this->raw[$id], $this->keys[$id]);