
  • 什么成就了优雅编程(What Makes a Program Elegant?)
    • 字典定义
    • ACM社区
      • minimality:最小(性)
      • accomplishment:完成性
      • modesty:质朴的、朴实的
      • revelation:启示、披露揭露
      • 参考

什么成就了优雅编程(What Makes a Program Elegant?)


A program that is simple in design and uses the least amount of computer resources (memory, disk, etc.).



A program should be brief, but not a slave to brevity. An elegant design artifact is sleek and spare in its utility. An elegant program is minimally gratuitous.

一个程序应该是简短的,但不是简洁的奴隶。 优雅的设计工艺在其实用性方面是时尚和多余的。最小化不必要部分是 一个优雅的程序所必须具备的特质。

We have our first criterion for elegance, (1) minimality, encompassing both shortness and simplicity.




A factor that looms larger in computer science than in architecture or other disciplines is correctness. A building may be regarded as elegant even if marginal parts of it are uncomfortable, but no program that does not work is regarded as elegant. This gives us another criterion, (2) accomplishment—the program does what it is supposed to do. Though included in the list of desiderata here, failure on that criterion is fatal, rather than detrimental.

计算机科学比建筑学或其他学科更大的一个因素是正确性。 即使建筑物的边缘部分不舒服,建筑物也可能被认为是优雅的,但是没有任何不起作用的程序被认为是优雅的。 这给了我们另一个标准,(2)完成性 - 程序做它该做的事情。 虽然在列入了强制性列表,但不遵守该标准是致命的,而不是有害的。


Brevity, or minimality, is a salient feature of code, but a subtle feature of algorithms; what we want, of course, is minimality in terms of the solution, however that solution is expressed. Yet another more general concept of spareness is at play in elegance, something like restraint. This gives us a criterion of (3) modesty. 



What else counts? An elegant program confers a sense of satisfaction, of enlightenment. Let's call this criterion, especially characteristic of program artifacts, (4) revelation—the program shows us something new about its task, or brings to the fore something that we forgot. 

还有什么重要的?优雅的程序赋予了满足感和启蒙感。让我们称之为标准,特别是程序工件的特征,(4)启示 - 程序向我们展示了关于其任务新的信息,或者突出了我们忘记的东西。


What Makes a Program Elegant?
