python 学习之 Pig Latin

  • write a Pig Latin translator

    1. Pig Latin is a language game, where you move the first letter of the word to the end and add “ay.” So python become ythonpay. just like this.

    2. the code

    print 'Welcome to the Pig Latin translator!'
    name = raw_input("Enter a word:")
    if len(name) > 0 and name.isalpha():
     #method .isalpha()which returns False since the string contains non-letter characters
     word = name.lower()
     first = word[0]
     new_word = word + first 
     new_word = new_word[1:len(new_word)]
     print name
     print first
     print new_word
     print "the name is empty"

    3.the character

    #create a variable a and give it the stirng "Simple"
    a = "Simple"
    #get the first letter of it using a[0]
    print a[0]
    # get the other letter,will print imp
    print a[1:4]
