我们直到 BST 的中序遍历是升序序列。下面展示了如何计算中序遍历。
public void inorder(TreeNode root, List<Integer> nums) {
if (root == null) return;
inorder(root.left, nums);
inorder(root.right, nums);
def inorder(r: TreeNode) -> List[int]:
return inorder(r.left) + [r.val] + inorder(r.right) if r else []
public int[] findTwoSwapped(List<Integer> nums) {
int n = nums.size();
int x = -1, y = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
if (nums.get(i + 1) < nums.get(i)) {
y = nums.get(i + 1);
// first swap occurence
if (x == -1) x = nums.get(i);
// second swap occurence
else break;
return new int[]{x, y};
def find_two_swapped(nums: List[int]) -> (int, int):
n = len(nums)
x = y = -1
for i in range(n - 1):
if nums[i + 1] < nums[i]:
y = nums[i + 1]
# first swap occurence
if x == -1:
x = nums[i]
# second swap occurence
return x, y
和 y
的节点改为 y
,将值 y
的节点改为 x
。class Solution:
def recoverTree(self, root: TreeNode):
:rtype: void Do not return anything, modify root in-place instead.
def inorder(r: TreeNode) -> List[int]:
return inorder(r.left) + [r.val] + inorder(r.right) if r else []
def find_two_swapped(nums: List[int]) -> (int, int):
n = len(nums)
x = y = -1
for i in range(n - 1):
if nums[i + 1] < nums[i]:
y = nums[i + 1]
# first swap occurence
if x == -1:
x = nums[i]
# second swap occurence
return x, y
def recover(r: TreeNode, count: int):
if r:
if r.val == x or r.val == y:
r.val = y if r.val == x else x
count -= 1
if count == 0:
recover(r.left, count)
recover(r.right, count)
nums = inorder(root)
x, y = find_two_swapped(nums)
recover(root, 2)
class Solution {
public void inorder(TreeNode root, List<Integer> nums) {
if (root == null) return;
inorder(root.left, nums);
inorder(root.right, nums);
public int[] findTwoSwapped(List<Integer> nums) {
int n = nums.size();
int x = -1, y = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
if (nums.get(i + 1) < nums.get(i)) {
y = nums.get(i + 1);
// first swap occurence
if (x == -1) x = nums.get(i);
// second swap occurence
else break;
return new int[]{x, y};
public void recover(TreeNode r, int count, int x, int y) {
if (r != null) {
if (r.val == x || r.val == y) {
r.val = r.val == x ? y : x;
if (--count == 0) return;
recover(r.left, count, x, y);
recover(r.right, count, x, y);
public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) {
List<Integer> nums = new ArrayList();
inorder(root, nums);
int[] swapped = findTwoSwapped(nums);
recover(root, 2, swapped[0], swapped[1]);
这里的迭代和递归只进行少于一次的遍历,它们都需要高达 O ( H ) \mathcal{O}(H) O(H) 的空间来保存堆栈,其中 H H H 指的是树的高度。
Morris 算法是遍历两次的方法,但它是一个常数级空间的方法。
若要找到交换的节点,就记录中序遍历中的最后一个节点 pred
(即当前节点的前置节点),并与当前节点的值进行比较。如果当前节点的值小于前置节点 pred
这样,就可以直接获取节点(而不仅仅是它们的值),从而实现 O ( 1 ) \mathcal{O}(1) O(1) 的交换时间,大大减少了步骤 3 所需的时间。
在 java 中用 ArrayDeque
class Solution:
def recoverTree(self, root: TreeNode):
:rtype: void Do not return anything, modify root in-place instead.
stack = []
x = y = pred = None
while stack or root:
while root:
root = root.left
root = stack.pop()
if pred and root.val < pred.val:
y = root
if x is None:
x = pred
pred = root
root = root.right
x.val, y.val = y.val, x.val
class Solution {
public void swap(TreeNode a, TreeNode b) {
int tmp = a.val;
a.val = b.val;
b.val = tmp;
public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) {
Deque<TreeNode> stack = new ArrayDeque();
TreeNode x = null, y = null, pred = null;
while (!stack.isEmpty() || root != null) {
while (root != null) {
root = root.left;
root = stack.removeLast();
if (pred != null && root.val < pred.val) {
y = root;
if (x == null) x = pred;
else break;
pred = root;
root = root.right;
swap(x, y);
递归中序遍历很简单:遵循 Left->Node->Right
class Solution:
def recoverTree(self, root):
:type root: TreeNode
:rtype: void Do not return anything, modify root in-place instead.
def find_two_swapped(root: TreeNode):
nonlocal x, y, pred
if root is None:
if pred and root.val < pred.val:
y = root
# first swap occurence
if x is None:
x = pred
# second swap occurence
pred = root
x = y = pred = None
x.val, y.val = y.val, x.val
class Solution {
TreeNode x = null, y = null, pred = null;
public void swap(TreeNode a, TreeNode b) {
int tmp = a.val;
a.val = b.val;
b.val = tmp;
public void findTwoSwapped(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) return;
if (pred != null && root.val < pred.val) {
y = root;
if (x == null) x = pred;
else return;
pred = root;
public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) {
swap(x, y);
我们已经讨论了迭代和递归中序遍历,但是这两种遍历尽管使用了 O ( H ) \mathcal{O}(H) O(H) 的空间去存储栈空间,但是都有较大的时间复杂度。我们可以通过牺牲性能来届生空间。
Morris 的遍历思想很简单:只遍历树而不是用空间。
Morris 算法的思想是在节点和它的直接前驱之间设置一个临时的链接:predecessor.right = root
class Solution:
def recoverTree(self, root):
:type root: TreeNode
:rtype: void Do not return anything, modify root in-place instead.
# predecessor is a Morris predecessor.
# In the 'loop' cases it could be equal to the node itself predecessor == root.
# pred is a 'true' predecessor,
# the previous node in the inorder traversal.
x = y = predecessor = pred = None
while root:
# If there is a left child
# then compute the predecessor.
# If there is no link predecessor.right = root --> set it.
# If there is a link predecessor.right = root --> break it.
if root.left:
# Predecessor node is one step left
# and then right till you can.
predecessor = root.left
while predecessor.right and predecessor.right != root:
predecessor = predecessor.right
# set link predecessor.right = root
# and go to explore left subtree
if predecessor.right is None:
predecessor.right = root
root = root.left
# break link predecessor.right = root
# link is broken : time to change subtree and go right
# check for the swapped nodes
if pred and root.val < pred.val:
y = root
if x is None:
x = pred
pred = root
predecessor.right = None
root = root.right
# If there is no left child
# then just go right.
# check for the swapped nodes
if pred and root.val < pred.val:
y = root
if x is None:
x = pred
pred = root
root = root.right
x.val, y.val = y.val, x.val
class Solution {
public void swap(TreeNode a, TreeNode b) {
int tmp = a.val;
a.val = b.val;
b.val = tmp;
public void recoverTree(TreeNode root) {
// predecessor is a Morris predecessor.
// In the 'loop' cases it could be equal to the node itself predecessor == root.
// pred is a 'true' predecessor,
// the previous node in the inorder traversal.
TreeNode x = null, y = null, pred = null, predecessor = null;
while (root != null) {
// If there is a left child
// then compute the predecessor.
// If there is no link predecessor.right = root --> set it.
// If there is a link predecessor.right = root --> break it.
if (root.left != null) {
// Predecessor node is one step left
// and then right till you can.
predecessor = root.left;
while (predecessor.right != null && predecessor.right != root)
predecessor = predecessor.right;
// set link predecessor.right = root
// and go to explore left subtree
if (predecessor.right == null) {
predecessor.right = root;
root = root.left;
// break link predecessor.right = root
// link is broken : time to change subtree and go right
else {
// check for the swapped nodes
if (pred != null && root.val < pred.val) {
y = root;
if (x == null) x = pred;
pred = root;
predecessor.right = null;
root = root.right;
// If there is no left child
// then just go right.
else {
// check for the swapped nodes
if (pred != null && root.val < pred.val) {
y = root;
if (x == null) x = pred;
pred = root;
root = root.right;
swap(x, y);