opencv 特征点提取、匹配(一)

opencv 特征点提取、匹配(一)


图像特征点的提取 — FeatureDetector
特征点描述子生成 – DescriptorExtractor
特征点的匹配 – DescriptorMatcher


 * Abstract base class for 2D image feature detectors.
class CV_EXPORTS_W FeatureDetector : public virtual Algorithm //派生于Algorithm算法类
    virtual ~FeatureDetector();

     * Detect keypoints in an image.
     * image        The image.
     * keypoints    The detected keypoints.
     * mask         Mask specifying where to look for keypoints (optional). Must be a char
     *              matrix with non-zero values in the region of interest.
    CV_WRAP void detect( const Mat& image, CV_OUT vector& keypoints, const Mat& mask=Mat() ) const;

     * Detect keypoints in an image set.
     * images       Image collection.
     * keypoints    Collection of keypoints detected in an input images. keypoints[i] is a set of keypoints detected in an images[i].
     * masks        Masks for image set. masks[i] is a mask for images[i].
    void detect( const vector& images, vector<vector >& keypoints, const vector& masks=vector() ) const;

    // Create feature detector by detector name.
    CV_WRAP static Ptr create( const string& detectorType ); //根据名字来创建具体的特征检测方法,如“ORB”--OrbFeatureDetector,“FAST” -- FastFeatureDetector

生成特征点的描述子: DescriptorExtractor

 * Abstract base class for computing descriptors for image keypoints.
class CV_EXPORTS_W DescriptorExtractor : public virtual Algorithm
    virtual ~DescriptorExtractor();

     * Compute the descriptors for a set of keypoints in an image.
     * image        The image.
     * keypoints    The input keypoints. Keypoints for which a descriptor cannot be computed are removed.
     * descriptors  Copmputed descriptors. Row i is the descriptor for keypoint i.
    CV_WRAP void compute( const Mat& image, CV_OUT CV_IN_OUT vector& keypoints, CV_OUT Mat& descriptors ) const;

     * Compute the descriptors for a keypoints collection detected in image collection.
     * images       Image collection.
     * keypoints    Input keypoints collection. keypoints[i] is keypoints detected in images[i].
     *              Keypoints for which a descriptor cannot be computed are removed.
     * descriptors  Descriptor collection. descriptors[i] are descriptors computed for set keypoints[i].
    void compute( const vector& images, vector<vector >& keypoints, vector& descriptors ) const;

    CV_WRAP static Ptr create( const string& descriptorExtractorType );
    //根据名字来创建具体的特征检测方法,如“ORB”--OrbDescriptorExtractor,“FAST” -- FastDescriptorExtractor

特征点匹配: DecriptorMatcher

 * Abstract base class for matching two sets of descriptors.
class CV_EXPORTS_W DescriptorMatcher : public Algorithm
    virtual ~DescriptorMatcher();

     * Group of methods to match descriptors from image pair.
     * Method train() is run in this methods.
    // Find one best match for each query descriptor (if mask is empty).
    CV_WRAP void match( const Mat& queryDescriptors, const Mat& trainDescriptors,
                CV_OUT vector& matches, const Mat& mask=Mat() ) const;
    // Find k best matches for each query descriptor (in increasing order of distances).
    // compactResult is used when mask is not empty. If compactResult is false matches
    // vector will have the same size as queryDescriptors rows. If compactResult is true
    // matches vector will not contain matches for fully masked out query descriptors.
    CV_WRAP void knnMatch( const Mat& queryDescriptors, const Mat& trainDescriptors,
                   CV_OUT vector<vector >& matches, int k,
                   const Mat& mask=Mat(), bool compactResult=false ) const;
    // Find best matches for each query descriptor which have distance less than
    // maxDistance (in increasing order of distances).
    void radiusMatch( const Mat& queryDescriptors, const Mat& trainDescriptors,
                      vector<vector >& matches, float maxDistance,
                      const Mat& mask=Mat(), bool compactResult=false ) const;
    CV_WRAP static Ptr create( const string& descriptorMatcherType );


//Struct for matching: query descriptor index, train descriptor index, train image index and distance between descriptors.
    CV_PROP_RW int queryIdx; // query descriptor index
    CV_PROP_RW int trainIdx; // train descriptor index
    CV_PROP_RW int imgIdx;   // train image index

    CV_PROP_RW float distance;

class CV_EXPORTS_W BFMatcher : public DescriptorMatcher {
    CV_WRAP BFMatcher( int normType=NORM_L2, bool crossCheck=false );
    //NORM_HAMMING2用于ORB且ORB的构造函数的参数WTA = 3或者4时。
class CV_EXPORTS BruteForceMatcher : public BFMatcher // 
    BruteForceMatcher( Distance d = Distance() ) : BFMatcher(Distance::normType, false) {(void)d;}
    virtual ~BruteForceMatcher() {}

BruteForceMatcherfloat> > matcher;  
class CV_EXPORTS_W FlannBasedMatcher : public DescriptorMatcher{ //最邻近算法查找匹配点


//Abstract base class for simultaneous 2D feature detection descriptor extraction.
class CV_EXPORTS_W Feature2D : public FeatureDetector, public DescriptorExtractor

//ORB implementation --- FeatureS2d.hpp中有此类的声明,如下:
class CV_EXPORTS_W ORB : public Feature2D
    // the size of the signature in bytes
    enum { kBytes = 32, HARRIS_SCORE=0, FAST_SCORE=1 };

    CV_WRAP explicit ORB(int nfeatures = 500, float scaleFactor = 1.2f, int nlevels = 8, int edgeThreshold = 31,
        int firstLevel = 0, int WTA_K=2, int scoreType=ORB::HARRIS_SCORE, int patchSize=31 );

    // returns the descriptor size in bytes
    int descriptorSize() const;
    // returns the descriptor type
    int descriptorType() const;

    // Compute the ORB features and descriptors on an image
    void operator()(InputArray image, InputArray mask, vector& keypoints) const;

    // Compute the ORB features and descriptors on an image
    void operator()( InputArray image, InputArray mask, vector& keypoints,
                     OutputArray descriptors, bool useProvidedKeypoints=false ) const;

    AlgorithmInfo* info() const;

    void computeImpl( const Mat& image, vector& keypoints, Mat& descriptors ) const;
    void detectImpl( const Mat& image, vector& keypoints, const Mat& mask=Mat() ) const;

typedef ORB OrbFeatureDetector;
typedef ORB OrbDescriptorExtractor;



initModule_nonfree(); //
