Ansible Documentation文档翻译


  • About Ansible
  • Installation, Upgrade & Configuration
  • Using Ansible
  • Contributing to Ansible
  • Extending Ansible
  • Common Ansible Scenarios
  • Ansible for Network Automation
  • Ansible Galaxy
  • Reference & Appendices
  • Roadmaps


About Ansible


Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates.

Ansible’s main goals are simplicity and ease-of-use. It also has a strong focus on security and reliability, featuring a minimum of moving parts, usage of OpenSSH for transport (with other transports and pull modes as alternatives), and a language that is designed around auditability by humans–even those not familiar with the program.

We believe simplicity is relevant to all sizes of environments, so we design for busy users of all types: developers, sysadmins, release engineers, IT managers, and everyone in between. Ansible is appropriate for managing all environments, from small setups with a handful of instances to enterprise environments with many thousands of instances.

Ansible manages machines in an agent-less manner. There is never a question of how to upgrade remote daemons or the problem of not being able to manage systems because daemons are uninstalled. Because OpenSSH is one of the most peer-reviewed open source components, security exposure is greatly reduced. Ansible is decentralized–it relies on your existing OS credentials to control access to remote machines. If needed, Ansible can easily connect with Kerberos, LDAP, and other centralized authentication management systems.

This documentation covers the version of Ansible noted in the upper left corner of this page. We maintain multiple versions of Ansible and of the documentation, so please be sure you are using the version of the documentation that covers the version of Ansible you’re using. For recent features, we note the version of Ansible where the feature was added.

Ansible releases a new major release of Ansible approximately three to four times per year. The core application evolves somewhat conservatively, valuing simplicity in language design and setup. However, the community around new modules and plugins being developed and contributed moves very quickly, adding many new modules in each release.

Installation, Upgrade & Configuration


  • Installation Guide(安装向导)
    • Installing Ansible(Ansible安装)
    • Configuring Ansible(Ansible配置)
  • Ansible Porting Guides(Ansible移植向导)
    • Ansible 2.9 Porting Guide
    • Ansible 2.8 Porting Guide
    • Ansible 2.7 Porting Guide
    • Ansible 2.5 Porting Guide
    • Ansible 2.4 Porting Guide
    • Ansible 2.3 Porting Guide
    • Ansible 2.0 Porting Guide

Using Ansible


  • User Guide(使用向导)
    • Ansible Quickstart Guide(Ansible快速开启向导)
    • Ansible concepts(Ansible概念)
    • Getting Started(开始)
    • How to build your inventory(如何建立你的库存)
    • Working with dynamic inventory(处理动态库存)
    • Patterns: targeting hosts and groups(模式:瞄准主机和组)
    • Introduction to ad-hoc commands(介绍ad-hoc命令)
    • Connection methods and details(连接方式和细节)
    • Working with command line tools(处理命令行工具)
    • Working With Playbooks(处理剧本)
    • Understanding privilege escalation: become(理解优先级升级:become)
    • Ansible Vault(Ansible电子仓库)
    • Working With Modules(处理组件)
    • Working With Plugins(处理插件)
    • Ansible and BSD(Ansible和BSD)
    • Windows Guides(窗口向导)
    • Using collections(使用集合)

Contributing to Ansible


  • Ansible Community Guide(Ansible社区向导)
    • Getting started(开始)
    • Going deeper(深入了解)
    • Working with the Ansible repo(处理Ansible仓库)
    • Traditional Table of Contents(内容传统)

Extending Ansible


  • Developer Guide(发展向导)
    • Adding modules and plugins locally(Ansible自行添加组建和插件)
    • Should you develop a module?(你应该发展一个组件吗)
    • Ansible module development: getting started(Ansible组件发展:开始)
    • Contributing your module to Ansible(贡献你的Ansible组件)
    • Conventions, tips, and pitfalls(惯例,要点,陷阱)
    • Ansible and Python 3(Ansible和python3)
    • Debugging modules(调试)
    • Module format and documentation(组件格式和文档)
    • Windows module development walkthrough(窗口组件发展历程)
    • Developing Cisco ACI modules(发展Cisco ACI 组件)
    • Guidelines for Ansible Amazon AWS module development(发展Amazon AWS组件Ansible手册)
    • OpenStack Ansible Modules(Ansible私有云组件)
    • oVirt Ansible Modules(Ansible组件oVirt)
    • Guidelines for VMware module development(虚拟机组件发展手册)
    • Information for submitting a group of modules(提交一组组件的信息)
    • Testing Ansible(Ansible测试)
    • The lifecycle of an Ansible module(Ansible组件的生命循环)
    • Developing plugins(发展插件)
    • Developing dynamic inventory(发展动态清单)
    • Developing the Ansible Core Engine(发展Ansible核心引擎)
    • Ansible module architecture(Ansible组件体系结构)
    • Python API(应用程序界面)
    • Rebasing a pull request(重设拉请求的基础)
    • Using and Developing Module Utilities(使用和发展组件实用程序)
    • Developing collections(发展集合)
    • Collection Galaxy metadata structure(收集元数据结构)
    • Ansible architecture(Ansible体系结构)

Common Ansible Scenarios


  • Public Cloud Guides(公有云向导)
  • Network Technology Guides(网络技术向导)
  • Virtualization and Containerization Guides(虚拟化和集装箱化向导)

Ansible for Network Automation


  • Ansible for Network Automation(Ansible网络自动化)
    • Getting Started with Ansible for Network Automation(Ansible开始网络自动化)
    • Advanced Topics with Ansible for Network Automation(Ansible先进话题)
    • Developer Guide for Network Automation(发展向导)

Ansible Galaxy


  • Galaxy User Guide(星系用户向导)
    • Finding collections on Galaxy(寻找集合)
    • Installing collections(安装集合)
    • Finding roles on Galaxy(寻找角色)
    • Installing roles from Galaxy(安装角色)
  • Galaxy Developer Guide(星系发展向导)
    • Creating collections for Galaxy(创造集合)
    • Creating roles for Galaxy(创造角色)

Reference & Appendices


  • Module Index(组件指引)
  • Playbook Keywords(剧本关键词)
  • Return Values(返回值)
  • Ansible Configuration Settings(Ansible配置设置)
  • Controlling how Ansible behaves: precedence rules(Ansible控制行为:优先规则)
  • YAML Syntax(YAML语法)
  • Python 3 Support(Phyon3支持)
  • Interpreter Discovery(解释器发现)
  • Release and maintenance(发布和维护)
  • Testing Strategies(测试策略)
  • Sanity Tests(可用性测试)
  • Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)
  • Glossary(术语)
  • Ansible Reference: Module Utilities(Ansible参考:组件程序)
  • Special Variables(特殊变量)
  • Red Hat Ansible Tower(红帽Ansible塔)
  • Logging Ansible output(记录Ansible输出)



  • Ansible Roadmap
    • Ansible 2.9
    • Ansible 2.8
    • Ansible 2.7
    • Ansible 2.6
    • Ansible 2.5
    • Ansible 2.4
    • Ansible 2.3
    • Ansible 2.2
    • Ansible 2.1

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