
Code using algorithm package



\usepackage[margin=1.5in]{geometry}    % For margin alignment
\usepackage{arevmath}     % For math symbols

\title{Algorithm template}

\date{\today}    % Today's date

\section{Demo code}

\caption{Put your caption here}

\Procedure{Roy}{$a,b$}       \Comment{This is a test}
    \State System Initialization
    \State Read the value 
    \If{$condition = True$}
        \State Do this
        \If{$Condition \geq 1$}
        \State Do that
        \ElsIf{$Condition \neq 5$}
        \State Do another
        \State Do that as well
        \State Do otherwise

    \While{$something \not= 0$}  \Comment{put some comments here}
        \State $var1 \leftarrow var2$  \Comment{another comment}
        \State $var3 \leftarrow var4$
    \EndWhile  \label{roy's loop}




Code using algorithm2e package



\title{Another algorithm template}

%%% Coloring the comment as blue

\SetKwInput{KwInput}{Input}                % Set the Input
\SetKwInput{KwOutput}{Output}              % set the Output


  \KwInput{Your Input}
  \KwOutput{Your output}
  \KwData{Testing set $x$}
  $\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} := 0$ \tcp*{this is a comment}
  \tcc{Now this is an if...else conditional loop}
  \If{Condition 1}
        Do something    \tcp*{this is another comment}
        {Do a lot}
    \ElseIf{Condition 2}
    	Do Otherwise \;
        \tcc{Now this is a for loop}
        	loop instructions
    	Do the rest
    \tcc{Now this is a While loop}
   		Do something\;

\caption{Example code}



Write Function within Algorithm


\SetKwInput{KwInput}{Input}                % Set the Input
\SetKwInput{KwOutput}{Output}              % set the Output
  \KwInput{Your Input}
  \KwOutput{Your output}
  \KwData{Testing set $x$}

% Set Function Names
% Write Function with word ``Function''
  \Fn{\FSum{$first$, $second$}}{
        a = first\;
        b = second\;
        sum = first + second\;
        \KwRet sum\;

% Write Function with word ``Def''
  \Fn{\FSub{$first$, $second$}}{
        a = first\;
        b = second\;
        sum = first - second\;
        \KwRet sum\;

        a = 5\;
        b = 10\;
        Sum(5, 10)\;
        Sub(5, 10)\;
        print Sum, Sub\;
        \KwRet 0\;

