[root@galera01 ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start --wsrep-new-cluster
MySQL Daemon failed to start.
Starting mysqld: [FAILED]
2017-07-24T02:45:41.972508Z 0 [ERROR] WSREP: It may not be safe to bootstrap the cluster from this node. It was not the last one to leave the cluster and may not contain all the
updates. To force cluster bootstrap with this node, edit the grastate.dat file manually and set safe_to_bootstrap to 1 .
2017-07-24T02:45:41.972511Z 0 [ERROR] WSREP: wsrep::connect(gcomm://,, failed: 7
2017-07-24T02:45:41.972513Z 0 [ERROR] Aborting
2017-07-24T02:45:41.972516Z 0 [Note] Giving 0 client threads a chance to die gracefully
2017-07-24T02:45:41.972519Z 0 [Note] WSREP: Service disconnected.
2017-07-24T02:45:42.972895Z 0 [Note] WSREP: Some threads may fail to exit.
2017-07-24T02:45:42.972937Z 0 [Note] Binlog end
2017-07-24T02:45:42.973014Z 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
# cat grastate.dat
# GALERA saved state
version: 2.1
uuid: df4a1da6-701a-11e7-87fe-e6c3a440d1ec
seqno: -1
safe_to_bootstrap: 1 ---由原来的0修改为1再次启动
# /etc/init.d/mysqld start --wsrep-new-cluster
Starting mysqld: [ OK ]
mysql> show global status like 'wsrep%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| wsrep_local_state_uuid | df4a1da6-701a-11e7-87fe-e6c3a440d1ec |
| wsrep_protocol_version | 7 |
| wsrep_last_committed | 0 |
| wsrep_replicated | 0 |
| wsrep_replicated_bytes | 0 |
| wsrep_repl_keys | 0 |
| wsrep_repl_keys_bytes | 0 |
| wsrep_repl_data_bytes | 0 |
| wsrep_repl_other_bytes | 0 |
| wsrep_received | 10 |
| wsrep_received_bytes | 752 |
| wsrep_local_commits | 0 |
| wsrep_local_cert_failures | 0 |
| wsrep_local_replays | 0 |
| wsrep_local_send_queue | 0 |
| wsrep_local_send_queue_max | 1 |
| wsrep_local_send_queue_min | 0 |
| wsrep_local_send_queue_avg | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_local_recv_queue | 0 |
| wsrep_local_recv_queue_max | 1 |
| wsrep_local_recv_queue_min | 0 |
| wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_local_cached_downto | 18446744073709551615 |
| wsrep_flow_control_paused_ns | 0 |
| wsrep_flow_control_paused | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_flow_control_sent | 0 |
| wsrep_flow_control_recv | 0 |
| wsrep_cert_deps_distance | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_apply_oooe | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_apply_oool | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_apply_window | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_commit_oooe | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_commit_oool | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_commit_window | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_local_state | 4 |
| wsrep_local_state_comment | Synced |
| wsrep_cert_index_size | 0 |
| wsrep_causal_reads | 0 |
| wsrep_cert_interval | 0.000000 |
| wsrep_incoming_addresses |,, |
| wsrep_desync_count | 0 |
| wsrep_evs_delayed | |
| wsrep_evs_evict_list | |
| wsrep_evs_repl_latency | 0/0/0/0/0 |
| wsrep_evs_state | OPERATIONAL |
| wsrep_gcomm_uuid | df49c18f-701a-11e7-aaaa-9659aa7ef9f8 |
| wsrep_cluster_conf_id | 3 |
| wsrep_cluster_size | 3 |
| wsrep_cluster_state_uuid | df4a1da6-701a-11e7-87fe-e6c3a440d1ec |
| wsrep_cluster_status | Primary |
| wsrep_connected | ON |
| wsrep_local_bf_aborts | 0 |
| wsrep_local_index | 0 |
| wsrep_provider_name | Galera |
| wsrep_provider_vendor | Codership Oy |
| wsrep_provider_version | 3.20(r7e383f7) |
| wsrep_ready | ON |
57 rows in set (0.00 sec)
-----------------------------------End By TangYun--------------------------------------------------
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