DL之RNN:基于TF利用RNN算法训练数据集(William Shakespeare的《Coriolanus》)替代你写英语小说短文、测试过程全记录
独自一人, 哪一个叛逆变瘦,真正的仁慈, 并在我的石板上品尝这张纸,品尝他, 我把你的仆人安放在那里 他们把一件事拿给他听,但他现在是 她想去的地方,也有她的对手。 APRINS: 发送者,那就是他在你的血液里; 对你来说,一个让自己成为一个富人的圣地 对我来说似乎比法庭更重要。 LUCIANO: 我是如何,这是持有和她的悲伤 对你的香椿和作为事物,有意志 这是我的眼泪,有些是。 SIR TOBY RELLA: 如果她的话我的男人的这种悲伤是什么? 艾琳娜: 我应该说你是一个厄尔默斯,我们会和他更好相处。 ANTELIUS: 你会有那些失速和野性吗? 在那,有人会说,他会把她所有的绳子 到这里,那一个胸怀和我的乐队 女人应该说这穿了你; 看见了,向我告别 枯萎和刺痛, |
堡垒, 听我的话,她有我的舌头。 SILVIA: 所以,梅蒂,这只手, 为了封你,我们会在一段时间内接受这个想法。 POLANIA: 我都是他们的头脑,这就是舌头。 ANDELIO: 他在我的坏蛋那里,丁克如你 你最后一次告诉你 你把我的羞辱告诉你我的商店 对任何一个阴霾和天堂作为她的悸动 正如他对我的男人和我所拥有的, 我拥有所有值得收藏的东西。 PRINCE HENRY: 他有事要留下。 奥里亚尼奥爵士: 他这里有麻烦。 LAUVANICUS: 就这样把那匹马吓了一跳。 PALIS: 是真的有什么石头卖给谁, 我是一个大师,舌头,一个沙龙 我见他,愿你的斯塔兰格连任, 在你身上,维斯的音符越来越高。你认为 什么是荣耀你的家 他们的停留和手,弦,thyess都有这个, 新闻的灵魂是他的手。 他爱你 |
2018-10-13 17:05:49.402137:
step: 10/20000... loss: 3.4659... 0.1860 sec/batch
step: 1000/20000... loss: 2.0612... 0.1168 sec/batch
step: 2000/20000... loss: 1.9092... 0.1278 sec/batch
step: 3000/20000... loss: 1.8643... 0.1283 sec/batch
step: 10000/20000... loss: 1.8001... 0.1329 sec/batch
step: 15000/20000... loss: 1.7402... 0.1689 sec/batch
step: 15010/20000... loss: 1.8033... 0.2306 sec/batch
step: 15020/20000... loss: 1.8284... 0.1499 sec/batch
step: 15030/20000... loss: 1.7952... 0.1359 sec/batch
step: 15040/20000... loss: 1.7906... 0.1514 sec/batch
step: 15050/20000... loss: 1.7777... 0.1053 sec/batch
step: 15060/20000... loss: 1.7665... 0.1298 sec/batch
step: 15070/20000... loss: 1.7931... 0.1183 sec/batch
step: 15080/20000... loss: 1.8027... 0.1404 sec/batch
step: 15090/20000... loss: 1.8116... 0.1238 sec/batch
step: 15100/20000... loss: 1.7969... 0.1108 sec/batch
step: 19800/20000... loss: 1.8298... 0.1233 sec/batch
step: 19810/20000... loss: 1.8231... 0.1228 sec/batch
step: 19820/20000... loss: 1.7674... 0.1329 sec/batch
step: 19830/20000... loss: 1.7872... 0.1434 sec/batch
step: 19840/20000... loss: 1.8333... 0.1228 sec/batch
step: 19850/20000... loss: 1.6446... 0.1464 sec/batch
step: 19860/20000... loss: 1.8021... 0.1509 sec/batch
step: 19870/20000... loss: 1.8217... 0.1168 sec/batch
step: 19880/20000... loss: 1.7298... 0.1178 sec/batch
step: 19890/20000... loss: 1.6948... 0.1293 sec/batch
step: 19900/20000... loss: 1.7582... 0.1253 sec/batch
step: 19910/20000... loss: 1.8246... 0.1414 sec/batch
step: 19920/20000... loss: 1.7258... 0.1103 sec/batch
step: 19930/20000... loss: 1.8216... 0.1544 sec/batch
step: 19940/20000... loss: 1.7866... 0.1243 sec/batch
step: 19950/20000... loss: 1.7673... 0.1088 sec/batch
step: 19960/20000... loss: 1.7285... 0.1088 sec/batch
step: 19970/20000... loss: 1.7658... 0.1073 sec/batch
step: 19980/20000... loss: 1.8054... 0.1198 sec/batch
step: 19990/20000... loss: 1.7714... 0.1128 sec/batch
step: 20000/20000... loss: 1.7530... 0.1228 sec/batch
First Citizen:
Before we proceed any further, hear me speak.
Speak, speak.
First Citizen:
You are all resolved rather to die than to famish?
Resolved. resolved.
First Citizen:
First, you know Caius Marcius is chief enemy to the people.
We know't, we know't.
First Citizen:
Let us kill him, and we'll have corn at our own price.
Is't a verdict?
No more talking on't; let it be done: away, away!
Second Citizen:
One word, good citizens.
First Citizen:
We are accounted poor citizens, the patricians good.
What authority surfeits on would relieve us: if they
would yield us but the superfluity, while it were
wholesome, we might guess they relieved us humanely;
but they think we are too dear: the leanness that
afflicts us, the object of our misery, is as an
inventory to particularise their abundance; our
sufferance is a gain to them Let us revenge this with
our pikes, ere we become rakes: for the gods know I
speak this in hunger for bread, not in thirst for revenge.
Second Citizen:
Would you proceed especially against Caius Marcius?
Against him first: he's a very dog to the commonalty.
Second Citizen:
Consider you what services he has done for his country?
First Citizen:
Very well; and could be content to give him good
report fort, but that he pays himself with being proud.
Second Citizen:
Nay, but speak not maliciously.
First Citizen:
I say unto you, what he hath done famously, he did
it to that end: though soft-conscienced men can be
content to say it was for his country he did it to
please his mother and to be partly proud; which he
is, even till the altitude of his virtue.
Second Citizen:
What he cannot help in his nature, you account a
vice in him. You must in no way say he is covetous.
First Citizen:
If I must not, I need not be barren of accusations;
he hath faults, with surplus, to tire in repetition.
What shouts are these? The other side o' the city
is risen: why stay we prating here? to the Capitol!
Come, come.
First Citizen:
Soft! who comes here?
Second Citizen:
Worthy Menenius Agrippa; one that hath always loved
the people.
First Citizen:
He's one honest enough: would all the rest were so!