
2020/05/26 09:02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------● Even before the feature they are working on is production-ready,是时间状语从句,表示“在功能上线之前”  ● work-in-progress例句:You are strongly encouraged to save your document frequently, back-up regularly, and print your work-in-progress periodically.  ● bug bash In software development, a bug bash is a procedure where all the developers, testers, program managers, usability researchers, designers, documentation folks, and even sometimes marketing people, put aside their regular day-to-day duties and “pound on the product”—that is, each exercises the product in every way they can think of. Because each person will use the product in slightly different (or very different) ways, and the product is getting a great deal of use in a short amount of time, this approach may reveal bugs relatively quickly.在软件开发过程中,所有开发人员、测试人员、项目经理,还有负责可研、设计、文档管理甚至营销的同事,把他们的日常工作放在一边,一起来开“捉虫大会”。换言之,每个人都用他们能想到的方式来操作产品。因为每个人使用产品的方式略有不同(或非常不同),从而使得产品在很短的时间内得到了大量的使用,有助于团队相对较快地发现产品缺陷。  ● Ownership End-to-end product feature ownership 它由 owner(物主、所有权人)加上 ship(表示地位、状态、关系的后缀,例如 leadership/friendship/dictatorship/partnership 等等)组成,本意是“物主身份、产权关系”。 例句:Major breakthroughs have been made in the reform of China’s ownership structure. 在国内,论及所有制(即 ownership)的时候,我们会区分国有企业、集体企业和非公有制企业(包括私营企业)等。而西方国家在对市场中的企业类型进行划分时,更常用的是 private company 和 public company 这两个相对的概念。  初学者看到这组词的时候,容易望文生义,认为 private company 是“私营企业或者民营企业”,那么 public company 一定是“公有体制下的国有企业”。如果这么理解的话,那就大错特错啦。国有企业现在约定俗成的说法叫 state-owned-enterprise,缩写是 SOE。 Privately held companies are—no surprise here—privately held. This means that, in most cases, the company is owned by its founders, management, or a group of private investors. A public company, on the other hand, is a company that has sold all or a portion of itself to the public via an initial public offering (IPO), meaning shareholders have a claim to part of the company’s assets and profits. 最重要的是,一旦一个私人公司成为公众公司(英文可以叫 goes public),就不能再享有闭门经营、少数几个经营者说了算的自由,公众公司必须接受证券交易监督管理委员会的监管,满足定期向股东和公众进行信息披露的要求。公众公司也可以进行“私有化”(privatization,如果是一家上市公司,就是“退市”),私有化和公募上市是一个反向的过程。     ● Most experienced engineers own their work end-to-end: from getting the specification, through implementing it, all the way to rolling it out//全面推出 and validating that it works correctly. ● all the way 表示“一直、自始至终  ● Product-minded engineers often go a step beyond this.  ● 而 even though 引导的从句,往往是在说真实发生的情况,表示“尽管、虽然”的意思。大部分情况下,我们可以直接用 though 或 although 代替,但是不可以说 even although。  even if 引导的从句一般是假设性的,并不符合真实的状况,表示“即使、就算、哪怕”等含义。这么说比较抽象,我们来看具体的例句。而 even though 引导的从句,往往是在说真实发生的情况,表示“尽管、虽然”的意思。大部分情况下,我们可以直接用 though 或 although 代替,但是不可以说 even although。  ● prioritypriority 源于形容词 prior,意思是“优先的、前面的、更重要的事项”。有时候为了表示强调,我们会在 priority 前面加上 top 或者 number one,表示“重中之重、第一优先事项”。它的词根 pri/prim/prin,表示“首先、第一、重要”等含义,我们所熟悉的 primary、prime minister/premier、prince/princess、principal、principle、primate 都带有这个前缀。 ● persistencepersistence 源于形容词 persistent 和动词 persist。从词根的角度看,per=through,是“从头至尾、贯穿始终”的意思(例如 permanent、perpetual 等);sist=to stand,是“站立”的意思。例如,consist(站在一起 = 组成)、resist(站到反面 = 抵抗)。所以,合在一起这个词就是“始终站立、坚持到底”的意思。动词 persist 一般和介词 in 搭配,意思要看上下文,较多情况下偏贬义,有“顽固坚持、执迷不悟”的意思。 2020/05/26 08:34 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------● interns● hectichate of  hectic,but i’m hectic● get down to bussinessi and my associate get down to bussiness● industryinternet  industry● copyi haven’t seen our company’s copy● proofreadsometimes,testing is proofread work● social media pagesmaintain our social media pages● inquiriesinquiries  is part of pm’s work● clienteleneed to do research on future clientele● hispanichispanic is any spanish speaking group of people● incomingincoming seniors and juniorsfreshman sophomore● stipend(fixed amount)interns can get a stipend for the whole summer● letter of recommendationletter of recommendation is a good thing--------------------------------------------------------------------------------● Malus is bad; bonus is good. malediction is a curse; a benediction (ben′-Ə-DIK′-shƏn) is a blessing,        contrast to malefactor is benefactor (BEN′-Ə-fak′-tƏr), one who does good things for another, as by giving help, providing financial gifts or aid, or coming to the rescue when someone is in need.        ● infidel (IN′-fƏ-dƏl), one who does not have the right faith or religion       ● Benediction and malediction derive from dico, dictus, to say, tell.  ● Dictaphone combines dico /to say,tell/with phone, sound; 录音机● contradict, to say against, or to make an opposite statement Don’t contradict me!”;“That contradicts what I know”)Dictate, dictator, dictation, dictatorial (dik′-tƏ-TAWR′-ee-Əl)—words that signify telling others what to do (“Do as I say!”)  ● Volo, to wish, to will, to be willing (as in malevolent, benevolent), occurs in voluntary, involuntary, volunteer, words too familiar to need definition, and each quite obviously expressing wish or willingness. volition (vō-LISH′-Ən), the act or power of willing or wishing, as in “of her own volition ● when husband and wife, or lovers, quarrel, one of them finally makes a placative gesture if the war no longer fulfills his or her neurotic needs—one of them eventually will wake up some bright morning in a placatory mood. If you are placid (PLAS′-id), you are calm, easygoing, serene, undisturbed—etymologically, you are pleased with things as they are. 平静的       If you are complacent (kƏm-PLAY-sƏnt), you are pleased with yourself (com-, from con-, with, together);         ● You may condone cheating on one’s income tax, shoplifting from a big, impersonal supermarket, or exceeding the speed limit, Condone is built on Latin dono, to give, the root found in donor, one who gives; donate, to give; and donation, a gift.        --------------------------------------------------------------------------------极客 小心那些平淡无奇、人畜无害的简单小词!● Edge case occurs at an extreme (maximum or minimum) operating parameter. Corner case occurs outside of normal operating parameters, specifically when multiple environmental variables or conditions are simultaneously at extreme levels, even though each parameter is within the specified range for that parameter. Boundary case occurs when one of inputs is at or just beyond maximum or minimum limits. 从字面意思上来看,感觉边缘案例和边角案例似乎都是在可允许的范围内,取参数的最大值,边缘案例是一个参数,而边角案例是多个。边界案例似乎就已经达到或略微超出输入的范围。边缘案例和边角案例说的都是操作参数,这个不一定是用户输入的,也可能是环境、温度之类;而边界案例有特指用户输入参数的意思 ● A pragmatic person deals with things in a practical way I suddenly know pm are a kind of pragmatic/præg’mætɪk/ person. ● Edge cases are a funny thing. funny 的意思都是偏负面的要想夸别人很风趣,我们一般不说“You are so funny.”或者“You are a funny guy.”,容易让人误会你在说他“逗比”“二货”之类。而常用的是“You are so much fun” interesting,其实它也是“呵呵”的意思 1. Could we consider some other options?能否考虑其他方案?(你的方案是狗屎)2. It was a bit disappointing that…我感到有些失望……(你们 XXX 干的叫什么事!!!)3. Oh, by the way…顺便提一句……(下面要说的可能是谈话里最重要的一件事……)4. It is quite good. 还行吧。(不咋地。)5. It is not bad. 不坏。(真心不错,但不要骄傲。)6. With all due(预期的/)the greatest respect…恕我冒昧,恕我直言……(后面跟的话就是要骂人了。)I hear what you say…你的意见我听到了……(你给我闭嘴吧!)7. It is a very brave proposal. 这真是个勇敢的提议。(我看这个愣头青大概是疯了吧!)8. I almost agree…我基本同意?(同意个鬼,基本不同意。)  ● map out the future 的意思是“筹划未来”。它的英文解释是:If you map out something that you are intending to do, you work out in detail how you will do it. It is important to map out the big picture first so that we can systematically identify user requirements.With the whole IT picture in hand, we can map out how the information flows from start to finish. I used to map out my daily plan  ● MVP 指的是 Minimum Viable/[ˈvaɪəbl]/ Product 可实行的MLP 指的是 Minimum Lovable Product  ● More and more in this age of social media, it seems like people of differing views are unwilling to attempt to find a middle ground. Maybe I and Mr.wang  could find a middle-ground--------------------------------------------------------------------------------● I’m afraid of missing out some opportunities● It seems like I rush towards my good future● The Lastest bit of mental bling● Sometimes I think I have mental problems● My grandmother likes to wear bling● You 're really blinged-out there● You simply know you won’t go through it● I often feel anxious, because I’m not satisfied with my life● My associates who are cantonese were clamouring/ˈklæmərɪŋ/ for the five days salary● I’m a restless people, and I often shake my leg ,it’s not a good habit (restless leg syndrome/'sɪndrəm/)● Enjoy the present loveliness 美好 and emptiness● Spurn the treasure on the shelf● I was in favor of 是为了 making more money● Don’t think of sunk cost means not regret your wrong choices● I highly doubt if I do a good choice. 2020/05/21 21:48 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------● you can (figuratively) titillate people, or their minds, fancies, palates● Titillation (tit′-Ə-LAY′-shƏn) has the added meaning of light sexual stimulation. ● Adulation (aj′-Ə-LAY′-shƏn) is flattery and worship carried to an excessive, ridiculous degree. ● proscribed activities are the most pleasant ones—● pro-, before, plus scribo, scriptus, to write. ● Manuscript, combining manus, hand (as in manual labor), with scriptus, is something handwritten  ● To subscribe (as to a magazine) is to write one’s name under an order or contract (sub-, under, as in subway, subsurface● to subscribe to a philosophy or a principle is figuratively to write one’s name under the statement of such philosophy or principle. ● To inscribe is to write in or into (a book, for example, or metal or stone). ● A postscript is something written after (Latin post, after) the main part is finished. ● leaving for work early will obviate worry about being late. ● without great significance; you will confine your conversation to trivialities [ˌtrɪviˈæləti] ● A militant reformer is one who fights for reforms● Sally is a militant in the Women’s Liberation movement. ● to malign is to speak evil about● the malign influence of his unconscious will to fail. ● malediction (mal′-Ə-DIK′-shƏn), a curse, i.e., an evil saying. ● malevolent (mƏ-LEV′-Ə-lent), wishing evil or harm—a malevolent glance, attitude, feeling, etc. ● Add the root facio, factus, to do or make (also spelled, in English words, fec-, fic-, factus, or, as a verb ending, -fy), to form the adjective maleficent (mƏ-LEF′-Ə-sƏnt), doing harm or evil, or causing hurt—maleficent acts, deeds, behavior. ● malefactor (MAL′-Ə-fak′-tƏr) is a wrongdoer, an evildoer, a criminal—a malefactor commits a malefaction (mal′-Ə-FAK′-shƏn), a crime, an evil deed. ● maladroit (mal′-Ə-DROYT′), clumsy, bungling, awkward, unskillful ● malaise (mƏ-LAYZ′), an indefinite feeling of bodily discomfort, as in a mild illness, or as a symptom preceding an illness ● Proscribe, to forbid, is commonly used for medical, religious, or legal prohibitions ● A large and steady income obviates fears of financial insecurity ● If something militates against you, it fights against you 2020/05/20 21:21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------● In cucumber ,feature may refer to function● For pm, when define the function they may need to have quantitative data.● Dividing quantitative data into different groups they will have qualitative data.● ‘wenjuanxing’ is a good survey platform ,our company use it to collect data.● I should be intentional with the planning part when I decide to spend time on something● I think testing is a craft● To save time, when I ask other people to question I should be short and sweet and to the point.● All I do is pertaining to my future● For us ,we don’t like open ended question, because it will make us spend more time.● In the planning meeting ,we should pose some questions for the convenience of test● We often skew /skju/ other people’s words● If you want to grow up you must consistently learn new things.● though i think there are too many case to execute,i can finish it in time logistically● I want to engage into AT group● If I do a good job, I hope my boss would incentivize me .● When I work in marriot, I often get some swags.● We often have prize-giving quiz activities,and I can get raffles.   2020/05/20 20:44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------● A trade-off is a situation where you make a compromise between two things, or where you exchange all or part of one thing for another. Life is full of trade-offs. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Spending  time is also a tradeoff. ● breakoutBubble economy usually starts with false prosperity and ends in a breakout of financial crisesPoint Break was a breakout film for Kathryn Bigelow in 1991. Get rid of my  habits is a breakout to me ● outbreakFears are growing of avian influenza outbreak following the appearance of several cases in the city. The outbreak  of Coronavirus is in 2020 ● A little knowledge is a dangerous thing逐渐减少使用连字符是一个发展趋势就可以了  ● By 2020, scientists will figure out how to control robots via brain-machine interfaces. scientists will figure out how to control Coronavirus in the near future ● I was juggling books, shopping bags and the baby.I was juggling study, making money, growing up ● According to a study published by the American Psychological Association, you spend between 20 and 40 percent more time when you multitask To save time I should not multitask  ● They can quickly go back-and-forth between the two sides of the same coin: product features and engineering effort and tradeoffs.back-and-forth 的意思是“来来回回”,英文解释是:moving first in one direction and then in the opposite one I’ve always felt that tragedy and comedy are two sides of the same coin. Love and hate are the opposite sides of the same coin. I want to be a kind of person that goes back-and-forth easily ● If you gain insight or an insight into a complex situation or problem, you gain an accurate and deep understanding of it. Having a good insight of life will help me live happily2020/05/20 19:57 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
