ping的功能随Windows版本而不同,Windows XP以SP3版本的最为强大,支持众多选项。
Usage: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS]
[-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]]
[-w timeout] target_name
-t Ping the specified host until stopped.
To see statistics and continue - type Control-Break;
To stop - type Control-C.
-a Resolve addresses to hostnames.
-n count Number of echo requests to send.
-l size Send buffer size.
-f Set Don't Fragment flag in packet.
-i TTL Time To Live.
-v TOS Type Of Service.
-r count Record route for count hops.
-s count Timestamp for count hops.
-j host-list Loose source route along host-list.
-k host-list Strict source route along host-list.
-w timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply.
hrping是一款比Windows ping命令功能更强大的网络连通性测试工具,集成了ping和tracert命令的功能,并且可以定制很多功能选项,除了ping的能力之外,还提供了对以上几项特殊需求的支持,是很好的很强大的测试工具。。
This is hrPING v2.41 by cFos Software GmbH -- http://www.cfos.de
usage: hrPING [options] host
-lic Show public license and warranty
-t Ping the specified host until stopped
-n count Number of echo requests to send (default 4)
-E file Stop pinging when
-l size Send buffer size (ICMP payload size, default 64)
-L size Total IP datagram size (ICMP payload size + 28)
-f Set Don't Fragment bit in IP header
-i TTL Time To Live (default 255 for ping, 30 for traceroute)
-v TOS Type Of Service (default 0)
-w timeout Timeout in millisecs to wait for each reply (default 2000)
-s time Interval in millisecs between packets (default 500 ms)
-r [count] Be a traceroute (do
-a [hop] Resolve addresses to names for traceroute (start at
-o Don't do overlapped send/receive (& mention each lost packet)
-tsc Force RDTSC usage
-W "warm up" with one uncounted echo request at beginning
-F file Log output into
-T Print timestamp in front of each line
-I id Set ICMP id field to
-q Be quiet (-qr no replies, -qe no errors, -qt no timeouts)
-A Abort after the first echo reply (-AA => or error)
-H use IP_HDR_INCL socket option (experimental)
-S print a summary on each receive
Thank you for using hrPING! hrPING is Freeware, share it with anybody.
Check out www.cfos.de for our Traffic Shaping driver cFosSpeed, improved IPv6
Connectivity with cFos IPv6 Link or cFos Broadband Connect for faster PPPoE!
C:/>hrping -r www.yahoo.com.cn
This is hrPING v2.41 by cFos Software GmbH -- http://www.cfos.de
Using source IP address to send packets
Tracing route to www.yahoo.com.cn []
with 64 bytes data (92 bytes IP) over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 15.945 15.218 15.460 [xxx.xxx.xx.xx]
2 15.834 15.338 15.285 [xx1.xx2.xx0.x8]
3 15.503 15.830 15.412 []
4 15.281 15.793 15.492 []
5 93.803 94.159 93.106 []
6 30.503 31.528 31.094 []
7 62.198 62.420 62.146 []
8 31.553 30.748 31.261 []
9 46.479 46.402 46.848 []
10 31.326 30.780 31.164 []
11 31.409 62.187 31.095 []
12 30.931 31.264 30.981 []
13 46.514 31.864 30.389 []
C:/>hrping -T www.yahoo.com.cn
This is hrPING v2.41 by cFos Software GmbH -- http://www.cfos.de
Using source IP address to send packets
Pinging www.yahoo.com.cn []
with 64 bytes data (92 bytes IP):
2009-11-19 20:48:05.500: Reply from seq=0000 time=30.579ms TTL=
52 ID=03ca
2009-11-19 20:48:06.000: Reply from seq=0001 time=30.492ms TTL=
52 ID=04ba
2009-11-19 20:48:06.500: Reply from seq=0002 time=30.719ms TTL=
52 ID=056b
2009-11-19 20:48:07.000: Reply from seq=0003 time=30.686ms TTL=
52 ID=0655
Statistics for www.yahoo.com.cn:
Packets: sent=4, rcvd=4, error=0, lost=0 (0% loss) in 1.530679 sec
RTTs of replies in ms: min/avg/max: 30.492 / 30.619 / 30.719