1 xml version="1.0" ?> 2 <configuration> 3 <configSections> 4 <section name="MySection1" type="ConfigApplicationDemo.MySection1, ConfigApplication" /> 5 <section name="MySection2" type="ConfigApplicationDemo.MySection2, ConfigApplication" /> 6 <section name="MySection3" type="ConfigApplicationDemo.MySection3, ConfigApplication" /> 7 <section name="MySection4" type="ConfigApplicationDemo.MySection4, ConfigApplication" /> 8 configSections> 9 <MySection1 name="Halia" url="http://www.cnblogs.com/halia/"> 10 MySection1> 11 <MySection2> 12 <users username="halia" password="test2012">users> MySection2> 13 <MySection3> 14 <add key="aa" value="11111">add> 15 <add key="bb" value="22222">add> 16 <add key="cc" value="33333">add> 17 MySection3> 18 <MySection4> 19 <add name="aa" id="11111" role="test">add> 20 <add name="bb" id="22222" role="key">add> 21 <add name="cc" id="33333" role="rest">add> 22 MySection4> 23 configuration>
<MySection3> <add key="aa" value="11111">add> <add key="bb" value="22222">add> <add key="cc" value="33333">add> MySection3>
public class MySection3 : ConfigurationSection // 所有配置节点都要选择这个基类 {
private static readonly ConfigurationProperty s_property = new ConfigurationProperty(string.Empty, typeof(TheKeyValueCollection), null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection); [ConfigurationProperty("", Options = ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection)] public TheKeyValueCollection KeyValues
get {
return (TheKeyValueCollection)base[s_property];
} }
public class TheKeyValueCollection: ConfigurationElementCollection // 自定义一个集合 { new public TheKeyValuethis[string name]
{ get {
return (TheKeyValue)base.BaseGet(name);
} // 下面二个方法中抽象类中必须要实现的。 protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
return new TheKeyValue();
} protected override object GetElementKey
ConfigurationElement element)
{ return ((TheKeyValue)element).Key;
public class TheKeyValue : ConfigurationElement // 集合中的每个元素 {
[ConfigurationProperty("key", IsRequired = true)]
public string Key
{ get { return this["key"].ToString(); } set { this["key"] = value; }
[ConfigurationProperty("value", IsRequired = true)]
public string Value {
get { return this["value"].ToString(); } set { this["value"] = value; } }
1. 为每个集合中的参数项创建一个从ConfigurationElement继承的派生类。
2. 为集合创建一个从ConfigurationElementCollection继承的集合类,具体在实现时主要就是调用基类的方法。
3. 在创建ConfigurationSection的继承类时,创建一个表示集合的属性就可以了,注意[ConfigurationProperty]的各参数。
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigFile)) //这里的ConfigFile是你要读取的Xml文件的路径,如果为空,则使用默认的app.config文件
{ var fileMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap() { ExeConfigFilename = ConfigFile }; var config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(fileMap, ConfigurationUserLevel.None); MySection3 configSection = (MySection3 )config.GetSection("MySection3"); } else { //Get the default config app.config MySection3 configSection = (MySection3 )ConfigurationManager.GetSection("MySection3"); }
var values = from kv in configSection.KeyValues.Cast<TheKeyValue>()
select new
{ key=kv.Key, val=kv.Value)};
<MySection4> <add name="aa" id="11111" role="test">add> <add name="bb" id="22222" role="key">add> <add name="cc" id="33333" role="rest">add> MySection4>
public class TheKeyValue : ConfigurationElement // 集合中的每个元素 { [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired = true)] public string Name { get { return this["name"].ToString(); } set { this["name"] = value; } } [ConfigurationProperty("id", IsRequired = true)] public string Id { get { return this["id"].ToString(); } set { this["id"] = value; } } } [ConfigurationProperty("role", IsRequired = true)] public string Role { get { return this["role"].ToString(); } set { this["role"] = value; } } } }
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigFile)) //这里的ConfigFile是你要读取的Xml文件的路径,如果为空,则使用默认的app.config文件 { var fileMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap() { ExeConfigFilename = ConfigFile }; var config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(fileMap, ConfigurationUserLevel.None); MySection4 configSection = (MySection4 )config.GetSection("MySection4"); } else { //Get the default config app.config MySection4 configSection = (MySection4 )ConfigurationManager.GetSection("MySection4"); } var values = from v in configSection.KeyValues.Cast() select new { name=v.Name, id=v.Id,role=v.Role)};
<section name="MySection1" type="ConfigApplicationDemo.MySection1, ConfigApplication" />
关于这个type的定义,逗号前面ConfigApplicationDemo.MySection1, 需要对应你的namespace和你的section类的名字,逗号后面需要对应的是你编译出来的dll的名字,很多情况下namespace和dll名字是一样的,但是出现不一样的情况一定要注意,不然type定义不好,或版本不对,会报错,错误如下,程序会告诉你找不到指定的file或者section。
An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for XXX: Could not load type..