cVim for Chrome


j, s scroll down
k, w scroll up
h scroll left
l scroll right
d scroll half-page down
u, e scroll half-page up
gg scroll to the top of the page
G scroll to the bottom of the page
0 scroll to the left of the page
$ scroll to the right of the page
# reset the scroll focus to the main page
gi go to first input box
gI go to the last focused input box by gi
zz center page to current search match (middle)
zt center page to current search match (top)
zb center page to current search match (bottom)
Link Hints
f open link in current tab
F open link in new tab
W open link in new window
A repeat last hint command
q trigger a hover event (mouseover + mouseenter)
Q trigger a unhover event (mouseout + mouseleave)
mf open multiple links
mr reverse image search multiple links
my yank multiple links (open the list of links with P)
gy copy URL from link to clipboard
; change the link hint focus
M<*> create quickmark <*>
go<*> open quickmark <*> in the current tab
gn<*> open quickmark <*> in a new tab
gw<*> open quickmark <*> in a new window
a alias to ":tabnew google "
. repeat the last command
: open command bar
/ open search bar
? open search bar (reverse search)
I search through browser history
g% scroll percent down the page
i enter insert mode (escape to exit)
r reload the current tab
gR reload the current tab + local cache
;<*> create mark <*>
'' go to last scroll position
go to previous scroll position
go to next scroll position
'<*> go to mark <*>
cm mute/unmute a tab
cr reload all tabs but current
zi zoom page in
zo zoom page out
z0 zoom page to original size
z toggle image zoom (same as clicking the image on image-only pages)
gd alias to :chrome://downloads
ge alias to :chrome://extensions
yy copy the URL of the current page to the clipboard
yY copy the URL of the current frame to the clipboard
ya copy the URLs in the current window
yh copy the currently matched text from find mode (if any)
b search through bookmarks
p open the clipboard selection
P open the clipboard selection in a new tab
gj hide the download shelf
gf cycle through iframes
gF go to the root frame
gq stop the current tab from loading
gQ stop all tabs from loading
gu go up one path in the URL
gU go to to the base URL
create or toggle a bookmark for the current URL
g- decrement the first number in the URL path (e.g =>
g+ increment the first number in the URL path
Tab Navigation
gt, K, R navigate to the next tab
gT, J, E navigate to the previous tab
g0, g$ go to the first/last tab
, gh open the last URL in the current tab’s history in a new tab
, gl open the next URL from the current tab’s history in a new tab
x close the current tab
gxT close the tab to the left of the current tab
gxt close the tab to the right of the current tab
gx0 close all tabs to the left of the current tab
gx$ close all tabs to the right of the current tab
X open the last closed tab
t :tabnew
T :tabnew
O :open
% switch to tab
H, S go back
L, D go forward
B search for another active tab
< move current tab left
> move current tab right
]] click the “next” link on the page (see nextmatchpattern above)
[[ click the “back” link on the page (see previousmatchpattern above)
gp pin/unpin the current tab
toggle the focus between the last used tabs
Find Mode
n next search result
N previous search result
v enter visual/caret mode (highlight current search/selection)
V enter visual line mode from caret mode/currently highlighted search
Visual/Caret Mode
exit visual mode to caret mode/exit caret mode to normal mode
v toggle between visual/caret mode
h, j, k, l move the caret position/extend the visual selection
y copys the current selection
n select the next search result
N select the previous search result
p open highlighted text in current tab
P open highlighted text in new tab
Text boxes
move cursor to the beginning of the line
move cursor to the end of the line
delete to the beginning of the line
delete to the end of the line
delete back one word
delete forward one word
move cursor back one word
move cursor forward one word
move cursor forward one letter
move cursor back one letter
move cursor forward one line
move cursor back one line

Command Mode

Command Description
:tabnew (autocomplete) open a new tab with the typed/completed search
:new (autocomplete) open a new window with the typed/completed search
:open (autocomplete) open the typed/completed URL/google search
:history (autocomplete) search through browser history
:bookmarks (autocomplete) search through bookmarks
:bookmarks / (autocomplete) browse bookmarks by folder/open all bookmarks from folder
:chrome:// (autocomplete) open a chrome:// URL
:tabhistory (autocomplete) browse the different history states of the current tab
:command `` aliases : to :
:quit close the current tab
:qall close the current window
:tabattach (autocomplete) move the current tab to another open window
:tabdetach move the current tab to a new window
:file (autocomplete) open a local file
:duplicate duplicate the current tab
:settings open the settings page
:nohlsearch clear the highlighted text from the last search
:buffer (autocomplete) change to a different tab
:mksession create a new session from the current tabs in the active window
:delsession (autocomplete) delete a saved session
:session (autocomplete) open the tabs from a saved session in a new window
:togglepin toggle the pin state of the current tab
:pintab pin the current tab
:unpintab unpin the current tab
  • Commands that open links (:tabnew and :open) have three different properties
  • ! => Open in a new tab
  • $ => Open in a new window
  • | => Open in an incognito window
  • & => Open in a new tab (inactive/unfocused)
  • * => Pin the tab
  • ? => Treat the query as a search
  • = => Treat the query as a URL
