只需要在File->Save Format下,保存为wave.do文件(保存的路径要跟sim.do在同一目录下),这样sim.do就会优先读取wave.do文件的配置信号,再进行仿真。
do文件的颜色可以设置为RGB形式(如"#F0F0F0"),也支持 X window的标准颜色名。
在set default_color命令下面,都是标准颜色名,以逗号分隔,使用时替换默认颜色(default_color)即可。
你可以使用es命令,把工程目录下所有的.v .vt .vhd .vht文件,都加密,并放在工程目录下的encrypt_src目录里面。
你还可以在以下命令下,修改新建工程的路径,但是必须使用do sim.do才能生效。
######## this is a .do file running for modelsim or questasim ########
# you can copy the command as below to run it :
# do sim.do
# testbench name without .v , .vt , .vhd , .vht
set testbench_name DDS_tb
# simulation time ; ns/us/ms/min
set sim_time 1us
# auto add files when $auto_add_file==1; add file list when $auto_add_file==0
quietly set auto_add_file 1
# project path
set prj_path D:/Projects/ProQuestaSim/DDS_sim/
# backup path
set bkp_path D:/Projects/ProQuestaSim/backup
# you can select "altera" or "lattice" device
quietly set device "altera"
# default wave color : rst clk en cnt data flag default
quietly set default_color { "orange" "silver" "pink" "gold" "olive" "purple" "green" }
#################### standard X Window color name ####################
# alice blue, antique white, aqua, aquamarine, azure,
# beige, bisque, black, blanched almond, blue, blue violet, brown, burlywood,
# cadet blue, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, cornflower, cornsilk, crimson, cyan,
# dark blue, dark cyan, dark goldenrod, dark gray, dark green, dark khaki,
# dark magenta, dark olive green, dark orange, dark orchid, dark red,
# dark salmon, dark sea green, dark slate blue, dark slate gray, dark turquoise,
# dark violet, deep pink, deep sky blue, dim gray, dodger blue,
# firebrick, floral white, forest green, fuchsia,
# gainsboro, ghost white, gold, goldenrod, gray, green, green yellow,
# honeydew, hot pink, indian red, indigo, ivory, khaki,
# lavender, lavender blush, lawn green, lemon chiffon, light blue, light coral,
# light cyan, light goldenrod, light gray, light green,
# light pink, light salmon, light sea green, light sky blue, light slate gray,
# light steel blue, light yellow, lime, lime green, linen,
# magenta, maroon, medium aquamarine, medium blue, medium orchid, medium purple,
# medium sea green, medium slate blue, medium spring green, medium turquoise,
# medium violet red, midnight blue, mint cream, misty rose, moccasin
# navajo white, navy blue, old lace, olive, olive drab, orange, orange red, orchid,
# pale goldenrod, pale green, pale turquoise, pale violet red, papaya whip,
# peach puff, peru, pink, plum, powder blue, purple,
# rebecca purple, red, rosy brown, royal blue,
# saddle brown, salmon, sandy brown, sea green, seashell, sienna, silver,
# sky blue, slate blue, slate gray, snow, spring green, steel blue,
# tan, teal, thistle, tomato, turquoise, violet,
# wheat, white, white smoke, yellow, yellow green,
# monitor resolution ratio , for example : 1920 x 1080
quietly set m_width 1920
quietly set m_height 1080
# altera simulation library path
quietly set altera_lib_path D:/altera/13.0sp1/quartus/eda/sim_lib
# lattice simulation library path
quietly set lattice_lib_path C:/lscc/diamond/1.4/cae_library/simulation
# add altera quartus simulation library
namespace eval lib_ns {
proc lattice_lib_list {} {
set lib_name {}
# lappend lib_name ec
# lappend lib_name ecp
# lappend lib_name ecp2
# lappend lib_name ecp3
# lappend lib_name ecp5u
# lappend lib_name lptm
# lappend lib_name lptm2
# lappend lib_name machxo
lappend lib_name machxo2
# lappend lib_name machxo3l
# lappend lib_name pmi
# lappend lib_name sc
# lappend lib_name scm
# lappend lib_name xp
# lappend lib_name xp2
return $lib_name
proc altera_verilog_lib_list {} {
set lib_name {}
##################### verilog libraries ####################
lappend lib_name 220model
lappend lib_name altera_mf
# lappend lib_name altera_primitives
# lappend lib_name altera_primitives_quasar
# lappend lib_name sgate
# lappend lib_name arriagx_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriagx_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaiigz_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaiigz_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaiigz_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaii_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaii_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaii_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriavgz_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriavgz_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriavgz_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriav_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriav_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriav_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneiiils_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneiii_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneii_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneive_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneiv_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneiv_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneiv_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name cyclonev_atoms
# lappend lib_name cyclonev_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name cyclonev_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name cyclone_atoms
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiii_atoms
# lappend lib_name hardcopyii_atoms
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiv_atoms
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiv_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiv_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name maxii_atoms
# lappend lib_name maxv_atoms
# lappend lib_name max_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixgx_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixgx_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixgx_mf
# lappend lib_name stratixiigx_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiigx_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiii_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixii_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiv_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiv_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiv_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixv_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixv_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixv_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratix_atoms
return $lib_name
proc altera_vhdl_lib_list {} {
set lib_name {}
##################### vhdl libraries ####################
# lappend lib_name 220pack
# lappend lib_name 220model
# lappend lib_name altera_europa_support_lib
# lappend lib_name altera_lnsim_components
# lappend lib_name altera_mf
# lappend lib_name altera_mf_components
# lappend lib_name altera_primitives
# lappend lib_name altera_primitives_components
# lappend lib_name altera_standard_functions
# lappend lib_name altera_syn_attributes
# lappend lib_name alt_dspbuilder_package
# lappend lib_name arriagx_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriagx_components
# lappend lib_name arriagx_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriagx_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name arriaiigz_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaiigz_components
# lappend lib_name arriaiigz_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaiigz_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name arriaiigz_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaiigz_pcie_hip_components
# lappend lib_name arriaii_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaii_components
# lappend lib_name arriaii_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaii_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name arriaii_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriaii_pcie_hip_components
# lappend lib_name arriavgz_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriavgz_components
# lappend lib_name arriavgz_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriavgz_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name arriavgz_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriavgz_pcie_hip_components
# lappend lib_name arriav_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriav_components
# lappend lib_name arriav_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name arriav_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name cycloneiiils_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneiiils_components
# lappend lib_name cycloneiii_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneiii_components
# lappend lib_name cycloneii_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneii_components
# lappend lib_name cycloneive_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneive_components
# lappend lib_name cycloneiv_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneiv_components
# lappend lib_name cycloneiv_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneiv_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name cycloneiv_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name cycloneiv_pcie_hip_components
# lappend lib_name cyclonev_atoms
# lappend lib_name cyclonev_components
# lappend lib_name cyclone_atoms
# lappend lib_name cyclone_components
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiii_atoms
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiii_components
# lappend lib_name hardcopyii_atoms
# lappend lib_name hardcopyii_components
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiv_atoms
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiv_components
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiv_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiv_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiv_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name hardcopyiv_pcie_hip_components
# lappend lib_name maxii_atoms
# lappend lib_name maxii_components
# lappend lib_name maxv_atoms
# lappend lib_name maxv_components
# lappend lib_name max_atoms
# lappend lib_name max_components
# lappend lib_name sgate
# lappend lib_name sgate_pack
# lappend lib_name stratixgx_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixgx_components
# lappend lib_name stratixgx_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixgx_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name stratixgx_mf
# lappend lib_name stratixgx_mf_components
# lappend lib_name stratixiigx_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiigx_components
# lappend lib_name stratixiigx_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiigx_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name stratixiii_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiii_components
# lappend lib_name stratixii_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixii_components
# lappend lib_name stratixiv_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiv_components
# lappend lib_name stratixiv_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiv_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name stratixiv_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixiv_pcie_hip_components
# lappend lib_name stratixv_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixv_components
# lappend lib_name stratixv_hssi_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixv_hssi_components
# lappend lib_name stratixv_pcie_hip_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratixv_pcie_hip_components
# lappend lib_name stratix_atoms
# lappend lib_name stratix_components
return $lib_name
proc new_prj {new_prj_name} {
global prj_path
set new_prj_path D:/Projects/ProQuestaSim/$new_prj_name/
quit -sim
project close
if { [file exists $new_prj_path]==0 } {
file mkdir $new_prj_path
project new $new_prj_path $new_prj_name work
if { [file exists $new_prj_path/src]==0 } {
file mkdir $new_prj_path/src
file copy -force -- $prj_path/sim.do $new_prj_path
puts "create new project successfully!"
puts "current project path : "
proc encrypt_src {} {
global prj_path
set encrypt_path $prj_path/encrypt_src/
file mkdir $encrypt_path
set paths {}
set paths [glob -nocomplain -directory $paths */]
lappend paths $prj_path
foreach one_path $paths {
set vfiles [glob -nocomplain -directory $one_path *.v *.vt]
foreach one_file $vfiles {
set one_file_path $prj_path
vencrypt [append one_file_path $one_file] -d $encrypt_path -e v -quiet
foreach one_path $paths {
set vhdfiles [glob -nocomplain -directory $one_path *.vhd *.vht]
foreach one_file $vhdfiles {
set one_file_path $prj_path
vhencrypt [append one_file_path $one_file] -d $encrypt_path -e vhd -quiet
puts "encrypt HDL design file(s) successfully!"
proc add_lib {} {
global altera_lib_path lattice_lib_path device
vlib verilog_lib
vmap verilog_lib verilog_lib
if {$device == "altera"} {
foreach lib_name [lib_ns::altera_verilog_lib_list] {
vlog -work verilog_lib $altera_lib_path/$lib_name.v
} else {
foreach lib_path [lib_ns::lattice_lib_list] {
set vfiles [glob -nocomplain -directory $lattice_lib_path/verilog/$lib_path *.v]
foreach one_file $vfiles {
vlog -work verilog_lib $one_file
vlib vhdl_lib
vmap vhdl_lib vhdl_lib
if {$device == "altera"} {
foreach lib_name [lib_ns::altera_vhdl_lib_list] {
vcom -work vhdl_lib $altera_lib_path/$lib_name.vhd
} else {
# vcom -work vhdl_lib $lattice_lib_path/vhdl/MACH_Components.vhd
foreach lib_path [lib_ns::lattice_lib_list] {
set vhdfiles [glob -nocomplain -directory $lattice_lib_path/vhdl/$lib_path *.vhd]
foreach one_file $vhdfiles {
# their something wrong with diamond vhdl library
# vcom -work vhdl_lib $one_file
puts -nonewline "add "
puts -nonewline $device
puts " libraries successfully!"
proc create_file_list {} {
global prj_path
set prj_files [project filenames]
set paths {}
set paths [glob -nocomplain -directory $paths */]
lappend paths $prj_path
set fd [open $prj_path/hdl_design_file_list.tcl w+]
foreach one_path $paths {
set vfiles [glob -nocomplain -directory $one_path *.v *.vt *.vhd *.vht]
foreach one_file $vfiles {
set exists_num 0
set one_file_path {}
append one_file_path $prj_path
append one_file_path $one_file
foreach one_prj_file $prj_files {
if {$one_file_path == $one_prj_file} {
incr exists_num
if {$exists_num == 0} {
puts -nonewline $fd "# "
puts $fd $one_file_path
close $fd
puts "create file list successfully!"
proc add_file {} {
global prj_path auto_add_file
set add_count 0
set del_count 0
set prj_files [project filenames]
if {$auto_add_file == 1} {
set paths [glob -nocomplain -directory $prj_path */]
lappend paths $prj_path
foreach one_path $paths {
set vfiles [glob -nocomplain -directory $one_path *.v *.vt *.vhd *.vht]
foreach one_file $vfiles {
set exists_num 0
foreach one_prj_file $prj_files {
if {$one_file == $one_prj_file} {
incr exists_num
if {$exists_num == 0} {
project addfile $one_file
incr add_count
} elseif {$auto_add_file == 0} {
if {[file exists $prj_path/hdl_design_file_list.tcl] == 0 || \
[file size $prj_path/hdl_design_file_list.tcl] <= 1} {
set fd [open $prj_path/hdl_design_file_list.tcl r]
set old_content [read -nonewline $fd]
close $fd
regsub -all " " $old_content {} new_content
regsub -all \t+ $new_content {} new_content
foreach one_file [split $new_content \n] {
if {[regexp ^# $one_file] == 0 && $one_file != "\n"} {
set exists_num 0
foreach one_prj_file $prj_files {
if {$one_file == $one_prj_file} {
incr exists_num
if {$exists_num == 0} {
project addfile $one_file
incr add_count
} elseif {[regexp ^# $one_file] == 1 && $one_file != "\n"} {
set one_file [string trim $one_file "#"]
foreach one_prj_file $prj_files {
if { $one_file == $one_prj_file} {
project removefile $one_file
incr del_count
puts -nonewline "add "
puts -nonewline $add_count
puts " file(s) successfully!"
puts -nonewline "remove "
puts -nonewline $del_count
puts " file(s) successfully!"
proc compile_changed {} {
project compileoutofdate
puts "compile changed file(s) successfully!"
# radix types : binary, ascii, unsigned, decimal, octal, hex, symbolic, time, and default
proc wave_style_set {} {
global testbench_name default_color
foreach sig [find signals $testbench_name/*] {
switch -regexp -nocase -- $sig {
/*/*rst+ {add wave -radix binary -color [lindex $default_color 0] $sig}
/*/*clk+ {add wave -radix binary -color [lindex $default_color 1] $sig}
/*/*en+ {add wave -radix binary -color [lindex $default_color 2] $sig}
/*/*cnt+ {add wave -radix decimal -color [lindex $default_color 3] $sig}
/*/*data+ {add wave -radix hex -color [lindex $default_color 4] $sig}
/*/*flag+ {add wave -radix binary -color [lindex $default_color 5] $sig}
default {add wave -radix hex -color [lindex $default_color 6] $sig}
proc run_all {} {
global testbench_name sim_time m_height m_width prj_path
quit -sim
vsim -novopt -L verilog_lib -L vhdl_lib -l sim_log.log \
+transport_int_delays +transport_path_delays work.$testbench_name
if {[file exists $prj_path/wave.do] == 1} {
do $prj_path/wave.do
} else {
run $sim_time
view -undock wave -x 0 -y 0 -width $m_width -height $m_height
wave zoom full
proc backup_prj {msg} {
global testbench_name bkp_path prj_path
set time [clock seconds]
set bkp_name $testbench_name
append bkp_name [clock format $time -format "_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"]
if { [file isdirectory $bkp_path] == 0 } {
file mkdir $bkp_path
file mkdir $bkp_path/$bkp_name
file copy -force $prj_path $bkp_path/$bkp_name
append bkp_name "_README.txt"
set fd [open $bkp_path/$bkp_name w+]
puts $fd $msg
close $fd
puts "backup current project successfully!"
proc save_wave {} {
global sim_time
set time [clock seconds]
set filename "sim_wave_"
append filename [clock format $time -format "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"]
vcd add -dumpports -r -optcells -file $filename.vcd -internal -ports *
run $sim_time
vcd flush $filename.vcd
vcd off $filename.vcd
proc load_wave {vcd_file} {
append vcd_file ".vcd"
wave import $vcd_file
proc write_report {} {
global prj_path
set report_path [append prj_path report]
if {[file exists $report_path] == 0} {
file mkdir $report_path
set txt_file "report.txt"
write report -l $report_path/$txt_file
set filename "instances"
set fd [open $report_path/$filename.txt w+]
puts $fd "instances :"
puts $fd "\tshow -all"
set linstances [find instances -r -nodu /*]
foreach instance $linstances {
puts -nonewline $fd \t
puts -nonewline $fd "show "
puts $fd $instance
close $fd
puts "write report successfully!"
proc display_info {} {
global testbench_name sim_time prj_path m_width m_height default_color device
puts "========= infomation of current project ========="
puts -nonewline "monitor resolution ratio : "
puts -nonewline $m_width
puts -nonewline "x"
puts $m_height
puts "\npreset signals color style"
puts -nonewline "rst signals color : "
puts [lindex $default_color 0]
puts -nonewline "clk signals color : "
puts [lindex $default_color 1]
puts -nonewline "en signals color : "
puts [lindex $default_color 2]
puts -nonewline "cnt signals color : "
puts [lindex $default_color 3]
puts -nonewline "data signals color : "
puts [lindex $default_color 4]
puts -nonewline "flag signals color : "
puts [lindex $default_color 5]
puts -nonewline "default signals color : "
puts [lindex $default_color 6]
puts "\nHDL design files of project path : "
set paths [glob -nocomplain -directory $prj_path */]
lappend paths $prj_path
foreach one_path $paths {
set vfiles [glob -nocomplain -directory $one_path *.v *.vt *.vhd *.vht]
foreach one_file $vfiles {
puts $one_file
puts -nonewline "\nloaded "
puts -nonewline $device
puts " simulation library list : "
if {$device == "altera"} {
foreach lib_name [lib_ns::altera_verilog_lib_list] {
puts $lib_name.v
foreach lib_name [lib_ns::altera_vhdl_lib_list] {
puts $lib_name.v
} else {
foreach lib_name [lib_ns::lattice_lib_list] {
puts $lib_name
puts -nonewline "\ntestbench name : "
puts $testbench_name
puts -nonewline "\nsimulation time : "
puts $sim_time
puts "============= end of infomation ============="
proc do_help {} {
echo "============ display help infomation ============"
echo "alias ne = new_prj : new a project"
echo "alias es = encrypt_src : encrypt all HDL design file(s)"
echo "alias ab = add_lib : add altera simulation library"
echo "alias af = add_file : add source files"
echo "alias bc = backup_prj : backup current project"
echo "alias cf = create_file_list : create hdl design file list"
echo "alias cc = compile_changed : compile changed files including *.v , *.vt , *.vhd , *.vht"
echo "alias cr = .main clear : clear the tcl console"
echo "alias ra = run_all : compile_changed and simulate"
echo "alias rr = run : run"
echo "alias sw = save_wave : save simulation wave in a VCD file"
echo "alias aw = load_wave : load simulation wave from a VCD file"
echo "alias wr = write_report : write a report to a .txt file"
echo "alias df = display_info : echo information of current project"
echo "alias dh = do_help : echo help information of this do file"
echo "============= end of help infomation ============="
################# TCL commands alias ##################
alias ne "new_prj"
alias es "encrypt_src"
alias ab "add_lib"
alias af "add_file"
alias br "backup_prj"
alias cf "create_file_list"
alias cc "compile_changed"
alias cr ".main clear"
alias rr "run"
alias ra "run_all"
alias sw "save_wave"
alias aw "load_wave"
alias wr "write_report"
alias df "display_info"
alias dh "do_help"