解读Depth Map Prediction from a Single Image using a Multi-Scale Deep Network (2)

解读Depth Map Prediction from a Single Image using a Multi-Scale Deep Network (2)

把CNN的基本知识补全后,接着向下看 Section 3 Approach


a. A coarse-scale network predicts the depth of the scene at a global level

b.It is then refined within local regions by a fine-scale network


解读Depth Map Prediction from a Single Image using a Multi-Scale Deep Network (2)_第1张图片

先来看 Global Coarse-Scale Network

主要作用:predict the overall depth map structure using a global view of the scene


 upper layers(fully connected):      contain the entire image in their field of view

 lower and middle layers :                 contain information from different parts of the image


 a. be able to integrate a global understanding of the full scene to predict the depth

 b. make effective use of cues such as vanishing point, object location

再来看 Local Fine-Scale Network

主要作用:to edit the coarse prediction it receives to align with local details such as objects and wall edges


 a. consists of convolutional layers only, along with one pooling stage for the first layer edge features

 b. Subsequent layers maintain this size using zero-padded convolutions

 c. All hidden units use rectified linear activations


 a. first train the coarse network against the ground-truth targets

 b. then train the fine-scale network keeping the coarse-scale output fixed

      (when training the fine network, we do not backpropagate through the coarse one)





