OneR算法的思路很简单,它根据已有的数据中,具有相同特征值的个体最可能属于哪个类别进行分类。OneR也就是One Rule的缩写,即“一条规则”,表示我们只选取特征中分类效果最好的一个作为分类的依据。虽然这个算法十分的简单,但是在很多真实数据集上却有着不凡的表现。算法首先遍历每个特征的每个取值,对于每个特征值,统计它在各个类别中出现的次数,找到它出现次数最多的类别,并统计它在其他类别中出现的次数。接着,我们计算每个特征的错误率——把该特征的各个取值的错误率相加。最后选取错误率最低的特征作为唯一的分类标准,也就是“One Rule”。
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split #分割数据集成为训练集和测试集(默认是25%)
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import itemgetter
dataset = load_iris()
X = dataset.data #是一个ndarray
y = dataset.target
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
# print(dataset.DESCR)
attribute_means = X.mean(axis=0)#axis=0为列
assert attribute_means.shape == (n_features,)
X_d = np.array(X >= attribute_means, dtype='int')
# print(attribute_means)
# print(X_d)
def train_feature_value(X, y_true, feature_index, value):
#数据集, 类别数组, 选好的特征索引值, 特征值
class_counts = defaultdict(int)
for sample, y in zip(X, y_true):
if sample[feature_index] == value:
class_counts[y] += 1
sorted_class_counts = sorted(class_counts.items(),
most_frequent_class = sorted_class_counts[0][0]
incorrect_predictions = [class_count for class_value, class_count
in class_counts.items()
if class_value != most_frequent_class] #这句代码确实很简练
error = sum(incorrect_predictions)
return most_frequent_class, error
def train(X, y_true, feature):
"""Computes the predictors and error for a given feature using the OneR algorithm
X: array [n_samples, n_features]
The two dimensional array that holds the dataset. Each row is a sample, each column
is a feature.
y_true: array [n_samples,]
The one dimensional array that holds the class values. Corresponds to X, such that
y_true[i] is the class value for sample X[i].
feature: int
An integer corresponding to the index of the variable we wish to test.
0 <= variable < n_features
predictors: dictionary of tuples: (value, prediction)
For each item in the array, if the variable has a given value, make the given prediction.
error: float
The ratio of training data that this rule incorrectly predicts.
# Check that variable is a valid number
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
assert 0 <= feature < n_features
# Get all of the unique values that this variable has
values = set(X[:, feature])
# Stores the predictors array that is returned
predictors = dict()
errors = []
for current_value in values:
most_frequent_class, error = train_feature_value(X, y_true, feature, current_value)
predictors[current_value] = most_frequent_class
# Compute the total error of using this feature to classify on
total_error = sum(errors)
return predictors, total_error
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_d, y, random_state=14)
print("there are {} training samples".format(y_train.shape))
print("there are {} testing samples".format(y_test.shape))
all_predictors = {variable: train(X_train, y_train, variable) for variable in range(X_train.shape[1])}
errors = {variable: error for variable, (mapping, error) in all_predictors.items()}
best_variable, best_error = sorted(errors.items(), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
print("The best model is based on variable {0} and has error {1:.2f}".format(best_variable, best_error))
# Choose the bset model
model = {'variable': best_variable,
'predictor': all_predictors[best_variable][0]}
# print(model)
# print(model['variable'])
# variable = model['variable']
# predicor = model['predictor']
# prediction = predicor[int(sample[variable])]
def predict(X_test, model):
variable = model['variable']
predictor = model['predictor']
y_predicted = np.array([predictor[int(sample[variable])] for sample in X_test])
return y_predicted
y_predict = predict(X_test, model)
accuracy = np.mean(y_predict == y_test) * 100
print("the test accuracy is {:.1f}%".format(accuracy))