ctags使用方法 ctags的使用方法




ctags -R

2:递归检索当前目录以下所有默认要检索的文件,且检索被#if 0包含的内容

ctags -R --if0=yes

3:递归检索当前目录以下所有c c++  java类型的文件,如c++类型的文件可以通过ctags --list-maps=c++得到

ctags --languages=c,c++,java -R

4:递归检索指定目录(含文件)下的c c++  java类型的文件

ctags --languages=c,c++,java --exclude=kerne* --exclude=lk* -R //排除kerne*及lk*表示的文件及文件夹

ctags --languages=c,c++,java kerne* lk* -R //只检索kerne*及lk*表示的文件及文件夹



1:ctags中支持的languages ,规定支持了很多种语言,并且将每种语言有若干种特定的后缀表示的文件,


如 C++      *.c++ *.cc *.cp *.cpp *.cxx *.h *.h++*.hh *.hp *.hpp *.hxx *.C *.H

2:kinds 每种语言都支持检索若干种类型的字符(串),比如c语言支持检索变量,函数

    c  classes
    d  macro definitions
    e  enumerators (values inside an enumeration)
    f  function definitions
    g  enumeration names
    l  local variables [off]
    m  class, struct, and union members
    n  namespaces
    p  function prototypes [off]
    s  structure names
    t  typedefs
    u  union names
    v  variable definitions
    x  external and forward variable declarations [off]


ctags --help
Exuberant Ctags 5.9~svn20110310, Copyright (C) 1996-2009Darren Hiebert
  Compiled: Oct  7 2014, 13:52:03
  Addresses: ,http://ctags.sourceforge.net
  Optional compiled features: +wildcards, +regex

Usage: ctags [options] [file(s)]

  -a   Append the tags to an existing tag file.
  -B   Use backward searching patterns (?...?).
  -e   Output tag file for use with Emacs.
       Write tags to specified file.Value of "-" writes tags to stdout
       ["tags"; or"TAGS" when -e supplied].


  -F   Use forward searching patterns (/.../)(default).
       Specify list of file extensions tobe treated as include files.

//将list文件作为包含文件  ctags –h .h++ -R

       A list of tokens to be speciallyhandled is read from either the
       command line or the specified file.
       A list of source file names areread from the specified file.
       If specified as "-", thenstandard input is read.
  -n   Equivalent to --excmd=number.
  -N   Equivalent to --excmd=pattern.
  -o   Alternative for -f.
  -R   Equivalent to --recurse.
  -u   Equivalent to --sort=no.
  -V   Equivalent to --verbose.
  -x   Print a tabular cross reference file tostandard output.
       Should tags should be appended toexisting tag file [no]?


//如ctags --languages=c++ -R  //tags中只有C++,h文件的索引

//ctags --languages=c -R --append=yes //tags中有C++,h和C文件的索引

      Include reference to 'file' inEmacs-style tag file (requires -e).

      Exclude files and directories matching'pattern'.


//ctags--languages=c,c++ -R –exclude=*.cpp//检索文件为c,c++语言,且排除*.cpp表示的文件及文件夹

//ctags--languages=c,c++ -R –exclude=kerne* //检索文件为c,c++语言,且排除kerne*表示的文件及文件夹

       Uses the specified type of EXcommand to locate tags [mix].
      Include extra tag entries for selectedinformation (flags: "fq").
      Include selected extension fields(flags: "afmikKlnsStz") [fks].
       Should tags scoped only for asingle file (e.g. "static" tags
       be included in the output [yes]?
       Behave as a filter, reading filenames from standard input and
       writing tags to standard output[no].
       Specify string to print to stdoutfollowing the tags for each file
       parsed when --filter is enabled.
       Force output of specified tag fileformat [2].
       Print this option summary.
       Should C code within #if 0conditional branches be parsed [no]?

//检索if 0包含的内容

       Enable/disable tag kinds forlanguage .
       Define a new language to be parsedwith regular expressions.
       Override default mapping oflanguage to source file extension.
       Force all files to be interpretedusing specified language.

       Restrict files scanned for tags tothose mapped to langauges
       specified in the comma-separated'list'. The list can contain any
       built-in or user-defined language[all].


//ctags--languages=-c,c++ -R//不检索c c++ h语言

//ctags--languages=c,c++ -R //只检索c c++ h语言

       Print details of software license.
       Should #line directives beprocessed [no]?
       Indicate whether symbolic linksshould be followed [yes].
       Output a list of all tag kinds forspecified language or all.


       Output list of supported languages.


       Output list of language mappings.

//列出所有语言对应的文件后缀,如 C++      *.c++ *.cc *.cp *.cpp *.cxx *.h *.h++*.hh *.hp *.hpp *.hxx *.C *.H

//表示这些后缀的文件都是c++语言的文件,ctags --languages=c++ -R 都回检索这些后缀的文件

       Specify file from which commandline options should be read.
       Recurse into directories suppliedon command line [no].
       Define regular expression forlocating tags in specific language.
       Should tags be sorted (optionallyignoring case) [yes]?.


       Should paths be relative tolocation of tag file [no; yes when -e]?
       Print statistics about source andtag files [no].
       Enable verbose messages describingactions on each source file.


       Print version identifier tostandard output.

