

(一)用邻接矩阵解决图的编程问题 (此代码里面含有Dijkstra最短路径算法,在最后面)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace 用邻接矩阵解决图的编程问题
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
    public class Node
        private T data;//数据域

        public T Data { get => data; set => data = value; }

        public Node(T v)
            data = v;

    public interface IGraph
        void SetNode(int index, Node v);//设置索引为index的顶点的信息

        void SetEdge(Node v1, Node v2, int v);//在结点v1和v2之间添加权值为v的边        
        void SetEdge(Node v1, Node v2);//设置顶点v1,v2之间的边
        void SetEdge(int index1, int index2);//设置索引为index1和index2的两个顶点之间的边

        int GetEdge(Node v1, Node v2);//获取结点v1,v2之间的边    
        int GetEdge(int index1, int index2);//获取索引index1和index2的两个顶点之间的边

        void DelEdge(Node v1, Node v2);//删除结点v1,v2之间的边

        int GetNumOfVertex();//获取顶点的数目
        int GetNumOfEdge();//获取边的数目

        Node GetNode(int index);//根据索引获取图中的顶点
        int GetIndex(Node v);//获取顶点v在顶点数组中的索引

        bool IsEdge(Node v1, Node v2);//判断结点v1,v2之间是否存在边
        bool IsNode(Node v);//判断v是否是图的顶点

    public class GraphAdjMatrix : IGraph
        private Node[] nodes;//顶点数组
        private int[,] matrix;//邻接矩阵数组
        private int numEdges;//边的数目

        public GraphAdjMatrix(int n)
            nodes = new Node[n];
            matrix = new int[n, n];

        /// 获取边的数目
        public int GetNumOfEdge()
            return numEdges;

        /// 获取顶点的数目
        public int GetNumOfVertex()
            return nodes.Length;

        /// 获取索引index1和index2的两个顶点之间的边
        public int GetEdge(int index1, int index2)
            return matrix[index1, index2];

        /// 设置索引为index1和index2的两个顶点之间的边
        public void SetEdge(int index1, int index2)
            matrix[index1, index2] = 1;
        /// 设置索引为index的顶点的信息
        public void SetNode(int index, Node v)
            nodes[index] = v;

        /// 获取索引为index的顶点的信息
        public Node GetNode(int index)
            return nodes[index];

        /// 判断结点v是否是图的顶点
        public bool IsNode(Node v)
            foreach (Node node in nodes)
                if (v.Equals(node))
                    return true;
            return false;

        /// 获取顶点v在顶点数组中的索引
        public int GetIndex(Node v)
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                if (nodes[i].Equals(v))
                    return i;
            return -1;

        /// 判断结点v1,v2之间是否存在边
        public bool IsEdge(Node v1, Node v2)
            if (!IsNode(v1) || !IsNode(v2))//如果结点v1,v2不是图的顶点
                Console.WriteLine("Node is not belong to Graph");
                return false;
            if (matrix[GetIndex(v1), GetIndex(v2)] == 1)
                return true;
                return false;

        /// 在结点v1和v2之间添加权值为v的边 
        public void SetEdge(Node v1, Node v2, int v)
            if (!IsNode(v1) || !IsNode(v2))//如果结点v1,v2不是图的顶点
                Console.WriteLine("Node is not belong to Graph");

            matrix[GetIndex(v1), GetIndex(v2)] = v;
            matrix[GetIndex(v2), GetIndex(v1)] = v;

            for (int i = 0; i < GetNumOfVertex (); i++)
                for (int j = i+1; j < GetNumOfVertex (); j++)//???
                    if(matrix[i, j] == 0)
                        matrix[i, j] = int.MaxValue;//用整数的最大值代表无穷大
                        matrix[j, i] = int.MaxValue;

        /// 设置顶点v1,v2之间的边
        public void SetEdge(Node v1, Node v2)
            SetEdge(v1, v2, 1);

        /// 获取结点v1,v2之间的边 
        public int GetEdge(Node v1, Node v2)
            if (!IsNode(v1) || !IsNode(v2))
                Console.WriteLine("Node is not belong to Graph");
                return 0;
            return matrix[GetIndex(v1), GetIndex(v2)];

        /// 删除结点v1,v2之间的边
        public void DelEdge(Node v1, Node v2)
            if (!IsNode(v1) || !IsNode(v2))
                Console.WriteLine("Node is not belong to Graph");
            if (matrix[GetIndex(v1), GetIndex(v2)] == 1)
                matrix[GetIndex(v1), GetIndex(v2)] = 0;
                matrix[GetIndex(v2), GetIndex(v1)] = 0;

        #region Dijkstra最短路径算法
        /// Dijkstra最短路径算法
        public void Dijkstra(ref int[] distance, Node n)
            int v = 0;
            bool[] final = new bool[nodes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                final[i] = false;
                distance[i] = matrix[GetIndex(n), i];
            distance[GetIndex(n)] = 0;//n为源点
            final[GetIndex(n)] = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)//处理从源点到其余顶点的最短路径
                int min = int.MaxValue;
                for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Length; j++)//比较从源点到其余顶点的路径长度
                    if (!final[j])//从源点到j顶点的最短路径还没有找到
                        if (distance[j] < min)//从源点到j顶点的路径长度最小
                            v = j;
                            min = distance[j];

                final[v] = true;//源点到顶点k的路径长度最小
                for (int w = 0; w < nodes.Length; w++)//更新当前最短路径及距离
                    if (final[w] == false)
                        if (matrix[v, w] != int.MaxValue && (min + matrix[v, w] < distance[w]))
                            distance[w] = min + matrix[v, w];




using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace 用邻接表解决图的编程问题
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

    public class Node
        private T data;//数据域

        public T Data { get => data; set => data = value; }

        public Node(T v)
            data = v;

    public class AdjListNode
        private int adjvex;//邻接顶点序号。注意:不是表示该结点相邻的结点的序号,而是表示自己的序号!不要被误导了
        private int info;//存储边或弧相关的信息,如权值
        private AdjListNode nextadj;//下一个邻接表结点

        public int Adjvex { get => adjvex; set => adjvex = value; }
        public int Info { get => info; set => info = value; }
        public AdjListNode Nextadj { get => nextadj; set => nextadj = value; }

        public AdjListNode (int adjvex)
            this.adjvex = adjvex;
            nextadj = null;
        public AdjListNode (int adjvex,int info)
            this.adjvex = adjvex;
            this.info = info;
            nextadj = null;

    public  class VexNode
        private Node data;//图的顶点
        private AdjListNode firstadj;//邻接表的第1个结点

        public Node Data { get => data; set => data = value; }
        public AdjListNode Firstadj { get => firstadj; set => firstadj = value; }

        public VexNode (Node  node)
            data = node;
            firstadj = null;
        public VexNode (Node  node,AdjListNode  alNode)
            data = node;
            firstadj = alNode;

    public interface IGraph
        void SetNode(int index, Node v);//设置索引为index的顶点的信息

        void SetEdge(Node v1, Node v2, int v);//在结点v1和v2之间添加权值为v的边        
        void SetEdge(Node v1, Node v2);//设置顶点v1,v2之间的边
        void SetEdge(int index1, int index2);//设置索引为index1和index2的两个顶点之间的边

        int GetEdge(Node v1, Node v2);//获取结点v1,v2之间的边    
        int GetEdge(int index1, int index2);//获取索引index1和index2的两个顶点之间的边

        void DelEdge(Node v1, Node v2);//删除结点v1,v2之间的边

        int GetNumOfVertex();//获取顶点的数目
        int GetNumOfEdge();//获取边的数目

        Node GetNode(int index);//根据索引获取图中的顶点
        int GetIndex(Node v);//获取顶点v在顶点数组中的索引

        bool IsEdge(Node v1, Node v2);//判断结点v1,v2之间是否存在边
        bool IsNode(Node v);//判断v是否是图的顶点

    public class GraphAdjList : IGraph
        private VexNode[] adjList;//邻接表数组

        /// 初始化邻接表
        public GraphAdjList(Node[] nodes)
            adjList = new VexNode[nodes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes .Length ; i++)
                adjList[i] = new VexNode(nodes[i]);

        /// 获取顶点的数目
        public int GetNumOfVertex()
            return adjList.Length;

        /// 设置索引为index的顶点的信息
        public void SetNode(int index, Node v)
            adjList[index] = new VexNode(v);

        /// 获取索引为index的顶点的信息
        public Node GetNode(int index)
            return adjList[index].Data;

        /// 判断结点v是否是图的顶点
        public bool IsNode(Node v)
            foreach (VexNode  node in adjList )
                if(v.Equals (node .Data))
                    return true;
            return false;

        /// 获取顶点v在邻接表数组中的索引
        public int GetIndex(Node v)
            for (int i = 0; i < adjList .Length ; i++)
                if(adjList [i].Data.Data.Equals (v.Data ))
                    return i;
            return -1;

        /// 判断结点v1,v2之间是否存在边
        public bool IsEdge(Node v1, Node v2)
            if(!IsNode (v1)||!IsNode(v2))
                Console.WriteLine("Node is not belong to Graph");
                return false;

            AdjListNode p = adjList[GetIndex(v1)].Firstadj;
            while (p!=null)
                if(p.Adjvex ==GetIndex(v2))//???
                    return true;
                p = p.Nextadj;
            return false;

        /// 获取边的数目
        public int GetNumOfEdge()
            int i = 0;
            foreach (VexNode  node in adjList )
                AdjListNode p = node.Firstadj;
                while (p!=null)
                    p = p.Nextadj;
            return i / 2;

        /// 在结点v1和v2之间添加权值为v的边
        public void SetEdge(Node v1, Node v2, int v)
            if(!IsNode (v1 )||!IsNode (v2 )||IsEdge(v1, v2))
                Console.WriteLine("Node is not belong to Graph");
            if (v == 0)
            AdjListNode p;

            p = new AdjListNode(GetIndex(v2), v);
            if (adjList [GetIndex (v1)].Firstadj ==null)
                adjList[GetIndex(v1)].Firstadj = p;
                p.Nextadj = adjList[GetIndex(v1)].Firstadj;
                adjList[GetIndex(v1)].Firstadj = p;

            p = new AdjListNode(GetIndex(v1), v);
            if (adjList[GetIndex(v2)].Firstadj == null)
                adjList[GetIndex(v2)].Firstadj = p;
                p.Nextadj = adjList[GetIndex(v2)].Firstadj;
                adjList[GetIndex(v2)].Firstadj = p;


        /// 设置顶点v1,v2之间的边
        public void SetEdge(Node v1, Node v2)
            SetEdge(v1, v2, 1);

        /// 设置索引为index1和index2的两个顶点之间的边
        public void SetEdge(int index1, int index2)
            SetEdge(GetNode(index1), GetNode(index2), 1);

        /// 获取索引index1和index2的两个顶点之间的边
        public int GetEdge(int index1, int index2)
            if(!IsNode (GetNode (index1 ))||!IsNode (GetNode (index2)))
                Console.WriteLine("Node is not belong to Graph");
                return 0;
            AdjListNode p = adjList[index1].Firstadj;
            while (p!=null)
                if(p.Adjvex ==index2)
                    return p.Info;
                p = p.Nextadj;
            return 0;

        /// 获取结点v1,v2之间的边  
        public int GetEdge(Node v1, Node v2)

            AdjListNode p = adjList[GetIndex(v1)].Firstadj;
            while (p!=null)
                if(p.Adjvex ==GetIndex (v2))
                    return p.Info;
                p = p.Nextadj;
            return 0;

        /// 删除结点v1,v2之间的边
        public void DelEdge(Node v1, Node v2)//???
            if (!IsNode(v1) || !IsNode(v2))
                Console.WriteLine("Node is not belong to Graph");
                return ;
            if(IsEdge(v1, v2))
                AdjListNode p = adjList[GetIndex(v1)].Firstadj;
                AdjListNode pre = null;
                while (p!=null)
                    if(p.Adjvex !=GetIndex (v2))
                        pre = p;
                        p = p.Nextadj;
                pre.Nextadj = p.Nextadj;
                p = adjList[GetIndex(v2)].Firstadj;
                pre = null;
                while (p!=null)
                    if(p.Adjvex !=GetIndex(v1))
                        pre = p;
                        p = p.Nextadj;
                pre.Nextadj = p.Nextadj;

        #region 图的遍历:深度优先搜索算法,广度优先搜索算法
        private bool[] visited;
        /// 深度优先搜索算法
        public Node[] DFSAL(Node v)
            int i = GetIndex(v);
            int m = 0;
            Node[] nodes = new Node[GetNumOfVertex()];
            visited[i] = true;
            Stack stack = new Stack();//需要导入命名空间:System.Collections
            while (stack.Count > 0)
                int k = (int)stack.Pop();
                nodes[m++] = adjList[k].Data;
                AdjListNode p = adjList[k].Firstadj;
                while (p != null)
                    if (visited[p.Adjvex] == false)
                        visited[p.Adjvex] = true;
                    p = p.Nextadj;
            for (int j = 0; j < visited.Length; j++)
                if (visited[j] == false)
            return nodes;

        /// 广度优先搜索算法
        public Node[] BFSAL(Node v)
            int i = GetIndex(v);
            int m = 0;
            Node[] nodes = new Node[GetNumOfVertex()];
            visited[i] = true;
            Queue queue = new Queue();//需要导入命名空间:System.Collections
            while (queue.Count > 0)
                int k = (int)queue.Dequeue();
                nodes[m++] = adjList[k].Data;
                AdjListNode p = adjList[k].Firstadj;
                while (p != null)
                    if (visited[p.Adjvex] == false)
                        visited[p.Adjvex] = true;
                    p = p.Nextadj;
            for (int j = 0; j < visited.Length; j++)
                if (visited[j] == false)
            return nodes;









