源代码参见我的github: https://github.com/YaoZengzeng/MIT-6.824
Part I: Word count
MapReduce操作实际上就是将一个输入文件拆分成M份,交由M个Map task进行操作。每个Map task生成R个包含中间键值对的结果。R个Reduce task执行Reduce操作,其中第i个Reduce task操作每个Map task的第i个输出文件。最终,生成R个结果文件,通过Merge操作,将结果生成一个输出文件。
func RunSingle(nMap int, nReduce int, file string, Map func(string) *list.List, Reduce func(string, *list.List) string)
该函数首先调用mr := InitMapReduce(nMap, nReduce, file, "")初始化一个MapReduce结构,再调用mr.Split(mr.file)切割输入文件,
最后再调用两个for循环,做nMap次DoMap(i, mr.file, mr.nReduce, Map )操作和nReduce次DoReduce(i, mr.file, mr.nMap, Reduce)操作。
type MapReduce struct { nMap int // Number of Map jobs nReduce int // Number of Reduce jobs file string // Name of input file MasterAddress string registerChannel chan string DoneChannel chan bool alive bool l net.Listener stats *list.List // Map of registered workers that you need to keep up to date Worker map[string]*WorkerInfo // add any additional state here }
func InitMapReduce(nmap int, nreduce int, file string, master string) *MapReduce
该函数仅仅对一个MapReduce结构进行初始化,其中mr.alive = true, mr.registerChannel = make(chan string), mr.DoneChannel = make(chan bool)
// Split bytes of input file into nMap splits, but split only on white space
func (mr *MapReduce) Split(fileName string)
该函数的作用是将fileName切分成nMap块,先获取每个块的大小nchunk,再从输入文件中读取内容,写入输出文件中,每当读取内容的大小大于nchunk的整数倍时,再创建一个新的输出文件进行写操作。从而将输入文件切分到mr.nMap个输出文件中。其中,输出文件的命名方式为 "mrtmp." + fileName + "-" + strconv.Itoa(MapJob),其中MapJob就是一个编号。
// Read split for job, call Map for that split, and create nreduce partitions
func DoMap(JobNumber int, fileName string, nreduce int, Map func(string) *list.List)
该函数先根据name := MapName(fileName, JobNumber)中获取输入文件名,再将文件的内容读入[]byte切片b中,最后调用res := Map(string(b))
再将中间键值对存入nreduce个临时文件中,临时文件的命名规则为 MapName(fileName, MapJob) + "-" + strconv.Itoa(ReduceJob)。
其中将哪个中间键值对存入哪个文件是由中间键的哈希值决定的。如果中间键的哈希值恰好和reduce Job的编号相等,则将该中间键值对存入。这样做有一个好处,就是每个Map task的产生的具有相同键的键值对都会被放在同一序号的临时输出文件中,因此能被同一个Reduce task取到,因此每个Reduce task产生的结果对于每个单词就是最终结果,从而不需要对R个Reduce task的结果再进行合并操作。
type KeyValue struct { Key string Value string }
// Read map outputs for partition job, sort them by key, call reduce by each key
func DoReduce(job int, fileName string, nmap int, Reduce func(string, *list.List) string)
首先定义变量 kvs := make(map[string]*list.List),用于保存从nmap个文件中收集来的中间键值对,其中同一个中间键对应的中间值都保存在一个list中。
再对这些中间键进行排序,并且对每个中间键调用res := Reduce(k, kvs[k])函数,并将最终结果以KeyValue{k, res}的形式写入Merge文件中,Merge文件的命名形式为 "mrtmp." + fileName + "-res-" + strconv.Itoa(ReduceJob)
// Merge the results of the reduce jobs XXX use merge sort
func (mr *MapReduce) Merge()
首先定义变量 kvs := make(map[string]string),再从nReduce个文件中读入结果,放入kvs中。最后对所有键值进行排序,并按排序结果输出键值和对应的最终结果。
Part II:Distributing MapReduce jobs
func MakeMapReduce(nmap int, nreduce int, file string, master) *MapReduce
(1)、首先调用mr := InitMapReduce(nmap, nreduce, file, master)初始化MapReduce结构
(3)、调用go mr.Run(),并return mr
func (mr *MapReduce) StartRegistrationServer()
(1)、调用rpcs := rpc.NewServer()和rpcs.Register(mr)生成一个RPC server
(2)、调用l, e := net.Listen("unix", mr.MasterAddress)并且将l赋值给mr.l
// now that we are listening on the master address, can fork off accepting connections to another thread
(3)、启动一个goroutine,调用conn, err := mr.l.Accept()建立连接,每建立一个连接就创建一个goroutine,
// Run jobs in parallel, assuming a shared file system
func (mr *MapReduce) Run()
该函数首先调用mr.Split(mr.file)将输入文件切分为mr.nMap个文件,再调用mr.stats = mr.RunMaster(),接着调用mr.Merge()对mr.nReduce个输出文件进行合并,最后调用mr.CleanupRegistration(),注销worker。
func (mr *MapReduce) RunMaster() *list.List
func (mr *MapReduce) CleanupRegistration()
首先创建变量 args := &ShutdownArgs{},var reply ShutdownReply,最后调用ok := call(mr.MasterAddress, "MapReduce.Shutdown", args, &reply )
// call() returns true if the server responded, and false if call() was not able to contact the server.in particular, reply's
// contents are valid if and only if call() returned true
// you should assume that call() will time out and return an error after a while if it doesn't get a reply from the server
// please use call() to send all RPCs, in master.go, mapreduce.go, and worker.go. don't change this function
func call(srv string, rpcname string, args interface{}, reply interface{}) bool
首先调用 c, errx := rpc.Dial("unix", srv)建立连接,再调用err := c.Call(rpcname, args, reply)传送RPC
func (mr *MapReduce) Register(args *RegisterArgs, res *RegisterReply) error
调用mr.registerChannel <- args.Worker,res.Ok =true,并且返回nil
// Worker is a server waiting for DoJob or Shutdown RPCs type Worker struct { name string Reduce func(string, *list.List) string Map func(string) *list.List nRPC int nJobs int l net.Listener }
// Set up a connection with the master, register with the master, and wait for jobs from the master
func RunWorker(MasterAddress string, me string, MapFunc func(string) *list.List, ReduceFunc func(string, *list.List) string, nRPC int)
(2)、调用rpcs := rpc.NewServer()和rpcs.Register(wk),创建一个rpc server
(3)、调用l, e := net.Listen("unix", me)和wr.l = l
(4)、调用Register(MasterAddress, me)
(5)、当wk.nRPC不为0时,一致循环接收conn, err := wk.l.Accept(),并且在err为nil时,调用wk.nRPC -= 1,go rpcs.ServeConn(conn), wk.nJobs += 1
// Tell the master we exist and ready to work
func Register(master string, me string)
创建变量 args := &RegisterArgs{},args.Worker = me,var reply RegisterReply,最后调用ok := call(master, "MapReduce.Register", args, &reply)
Part III: Handling worker failures
(2)、RPC failure并不意味着worker的故障;worker可能只是不可达了,但是仍然在进行计算。因此可能发生两个worker接受到了同一个job并且对它进行了计算。但是因为job都是幂等的,因此一个job是否被计算了两次是无所谓的,反正两次计算产生的是相同的结果。而且在我们的测试中,我们不会在job执行的过程中让worker发生故障,所以我们不需要担心多个worker写同一个输出文件的情况。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 测试框架分析 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Test Basic:
func TestBasic(t *testing.T)
(1)、调用mr := setup()
(2)、for循环,调用go RunWorker(mr.MasterAddress, port("worker"+strconv.Itoa(i)), MapFunc, ReduceFunc, -1)
(4)、最后依次调用check(t, mr.file),checkWorker(t, mr.stats),cleanup(mr)进行检查清理工作
func setup() *MapReduce
调用file := makeInput()创建输入文件,再调用master := port("master")创建一个UNIX-domain socket name,格式为/var/tmp/824-$(uid)/mr$(pid)-master
最后调用mr := MakeMapReduce(nMap, nReduce, file, master)
// Checks input file against output file: each input number should show up in the output file in string sorted order
func check(t *testing.T, file string)
该函数打开file文件,并从中读入所有行至var line []string中,并调用sort.Strings(lines)进行排序,最后逐行读取输出文件,并将两者进行比较
// Workers report back how many RPCs they have processed in the Shutdown reply.
// Check that they processed at least 1 RPC.
func checkWorker(t *testing.T, l *list.List)
遍历l,其中若有e.Value == 0,则报错
func cleanup(mr *MapReduce)
Test One Failure:
func TestOneFailure(t *testing.T)
首先调用mr := setup()建立MapReduce系统,再生成两个worker
其中一个worker的启动函数为go RunWorker(mr.MasterAddress, port("worker"+strconv.Itoa(0)), MapFunc, ReduceFunc, 10)
另一个worker的启动函数为go RunWorker(mr.MasterAddress, port("worker"+strconv.Itoa(1)), MapFunc, ReduceFunc, -1),之后再对结果进行检查并完成清理,流程和Basic基本类似。
Test Many Failures:
同样,首先调用mr := setup()建立MapReduce系统。当系统为完成之前,不断地进行循环,每隔一秒生成一个worker,并且每个worker做完10个job之后就会发生故障。