netty 通道接口定义

netty Inboudn/Outbound通道Invoker:[url][/url]
netty 抽象BootStrap定义:[url][/url]
netty ServerBootStrap解析:[url][/url]
netty Bootstrap解析:[url][/url]
EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); // (1)
EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
try {
ServerBootstrap serverBoot = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup)

EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
try {
Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap();

* A {@link} implementation which uses
* NIO selector based implementation to accept new connections.
public class NioServerSocketChannel extends AbstractNioMessageChannel
implements {

* {@link AbstractNioChannel} base class for {@link Channel}s that operate on messages.
public abstract class AbstractNioMessageChannel extends AbstractNioChannel {

* Abstract base class for {@link Channel} implementations which use a Selector based approach.
public abstract class AbstractNioChannel extends AbstractChannel {

* A skeletal {@link Channel} implementation.
public abstract class AbstractChannel extends DefaultAttributeMap implements Channel {

public interface Channel extends AttributeMap, ChannelOutboundInvoker, Comparable {

* A TCP/IP {@link ServerChannel} which accepts incoming TCP/IP connections.
public interface ServerSocketChannel extends ServerChannel {

* A {@link Channel} that accepts an incoming connection attempt and creates
* its child {@link Channel}s by accepting them. {@link ServerSocketChannel} is
* a good example.
public interface ServerChannel extends Channel {

* {@link} which uses NIO selector based implementation.
public class NioSocketChannel extends AbstractNioByteChannel implements {

* {@link AbstractNioChannel} base class for {@link Channel}s that operate on bytes.
public abstract class AbstractNioByteChannel extends AbstractNioChannel {

* A TCP/IP socket {@link Channel}.
public interface SocketChannel extends DuplexChannel {

* A duplex {@link Channel} that has two sides that can be shutdown independently.
public interface DuplexChannel extends Channel {

从上面可以看出Nio服务端socket通道和socket通道都是一种通道,不同的时服务端socket通道是,基于消息的通道,而socket通道是基于字节的通道,不同的是Server Socket通道用于接受socket连接请求,而socket通道用于客户端,连接Server通道,或者Server通道接收客户端的请求,产生与客户端交互的Socket通道。


import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.util.AttributeMap;


* A nexus to a network socket or a component which is capable of I/O
* operations such as read, write, connect, and bind.
* A channel provides a user:
* [list]
* [*]the current state of the channel (e.g. is it open? is it connected?),

* [*]the {@linkplain ChannelConfig configuration parameters} of the channel (e.g. receive buffer size),

* [*]the I/O operations that the channel supports (e.g. read, write, connect, and bind), and

  • the {@link ChannelPipeline} which handles all I/O events and requests
    * associated with the channel.

  • * [/list]

    All I/O operations are asynchronous.


    * All I/O operations in Netty are asynchronous. It means any I/O calls will
    * return immediately with no guarantee that the requested I/O operation has
    * been completed at the end of the call. Instead, you will be returned with
    * a {@link ChannelFuture} instance which will notify you when the requested I/O
    * operation has succeeded, failed, or canceled.

    Channels are hierarchical


    * A {@link Channel} can have a {@linkplain #parent() parent} depending on
    * how it was created. For instance, a {@link SocketChannel}, that was accepted
    * by {@link ServerSocketChannel}, will return the {@link ServerSocketChannel}
    * as its parent on {@link #parent()}.

    * The semantics of the hierarchical structure depends on the transport
    * implementation where the {@link Channel} belongs to. For example, you could
    * write a new {@link Channel} implementation that creates the sub-channels that
    * share one socket connection, as [url=]BEEP[/url] and
    * [url=]SSH[/url] do.

    Downcast to access transport-specific operations


    * Some transports exposes additional operations that is specific to the
    * transport. Down-cast the {@link Channel} to sub-type to invoke such
    * operations. For example, with the old I/O datagram transport, multicast
    * join / leave operations are provided by {@link DatagramChannel}.

    Release resources


    * It is important to call {@link #close()} or {@link #close(ChannelPromise)} to release all
    * resources once you are done with the {@link Channel}. This ensures all resources are
    * released in a proper way, i.e. filehandles.
    public interface Channel extends AttributeMap, ChannelOutboundInvoker, Comparable {

    * Returns the globally unique identifier of this {@link Channel}.
    ChannelId id();

    * Return the {@link EventLoop} this {@link Channel} was registered to.
    EventLoop eventLoop();

    * Returns the parent of this channel.
    * 返回所属通道
    * @return the parent channel.
    * {@code null} if this channel does not have a parent channel.
    Channel parent();

    * Returns the configuration of this channel.
    ChannelConfig config();

    * Returns {@code true} if the {@link Channel} is open and may get active later
    boolean isOpen();

    * Returns {@code true} if the {@link Channel} is registered with an {@link EventLoop}.
    boolean isRegistered();

    * Return {@code true} if the {@link Channel} is active and so connected.
    boolean isActive();

    * Return the {@link ChannelMetadata} of the {@link Channel} which describe the nature of the {@link Channel}.
    ChannelMetadata metadata();

    * Returns the local address where this channel is bound to. The returned
    * {@link SocketAddress} is supposed to be down-cast into more concrete
    * type such as {@link InetSocketAddress} to retrieve the detailed
    * information.
    * 返回通道绑定的socket地址
    * @return the local address of this channel.
    * {@code null} if this channel is not bound.
    SocketAddress localAddress();

    * Returns the remote address where this channel is connected to. The
    * returned {@link SocketAddress} is supposed to be down-cast into more
    * concrete type such as {@link InetSocketAddress} to retrieve the detailed
    * information.
    * @return the remote address of this channel.
    * {@code null} if this channel is not connected.
    * If this channel is not connected but it can receive messages
    * from arbitrary remote addresses (e.g. {@link DatagramChannel},
    * use {@link DatagramPacket#recipient()} to determine
    * the origination of the received message as this method will
    * return {@code null}.
    SocketAddress remoteAddress();

    * Returns the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when this
    * channel is closed. This method always returns the same future instance.
    ChannelFuture closeFuture();

    * Returns {@code true} if and only if the I/O thread will perform the
    * requested write operation immediately. Any write requests made when
    * this method returns {@code false} are queued until the I/O thread is
    * ready to process the queued write requests.
    boolean isWritable();

    * Get how many bytes can be written until {@link #isWritable()} returns {@code false}.
    * This quantity will always be non-negative. If {@link #isWritable()} is {@code false} then 0.
    long bytesBeforeUnwritable();

    * Get how many bytes must be drained from underlying buffers until {@link #isWritable()} returns {@code true}.
    * This quantity will always be non-negative. If {@link #isWritable()} is {@code true} then 0.
    long bytesBeforeWritable();

    * Returns an [i]internal-use-only[/i] object that provides unsafe operations.
    Unsafe unsafe();

    * Return the assigned {@link ChannelPipeline}.
    ChannelPipeline pipeline();

    * Return the assigned {@link ByteBufAllocator} which will be used to allocate {@link ByteBuf}s.
    ByteBufAllocator alloc();
    Channel read();

    Channel flush();

    * [i]Unsafe[/i] operations that should [i]never[/i] be called from user-code. These methods
    * are only provided to implement the actual transport, and must be invoked from an I/O thread except for the
    * following methods:
    * [list]
    * [*]{@link #localAddress()}

    * [*]{@link #remoteAddress()}

    * [*]{@link #closeForcibly()}

    * [*]{@link #register(EventLoop, ChannelPromise)}

    * [*]{@link #deregister(ChannelPromise)}

    * [*]{@link #voidPromise()}

    * [/list]
    interface Unsafe {

    * Return the assigned {@link RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle} which will be used to allocate {@link ByteBuf}'s when
    * receiving data.
    RecvByteBufAllocator.Handle recvBufAllocHandle();

    * Return the {@link SocketAddress} to which is bound local or
    * {@code null} if none.
    SocketAddress localAddress();

    * Return the {@link SocketAddress} to which is bound remote or
    * {@code null} if none is bound yet.
    SocketAddress remoteAddress();

    * Register the {@link Channel} of the {@link ChannelPromise} and notify
    * the {@link ChannelFuture} once the registration was complete.
    void register(EventLoop eventLoop, ChannelPromise promise);

    * Bind the {@link SocketAddress} to the {@link Channel} of the {@link ChannelPromise} and notify
    * it once its done.
    void bind(SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise);

    * Connect the {@link Channel} of the given {@link ChannelFuture} with the given remote {@link SocketAddress}.
    * If a specific local {@link SocketAddress} should be used it need to be given as argument. Otherwise just
    * pass {@code null} to it.
    * The {@link ChannelPromise} will get notified once the connect operation was complete.
    void connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise);

    * Disconnect the {@link Channel} of the {@link ChannelFuture} and notify the {@link ChannelPromise} once the
    * operation was complete.
    void disconnect(ChannelPromise promise);

    * Close the {@link Channel} of the {@link ChannelPromise} and notify the {@link ChannelPromise} once the
    * operation was complete.
    void close(ChannelPromise promise);

    * Closes the {@link Channel} immediately without firing any events. Probably only useful
    * when registration attempt failed.
    void closeForcibly();

    * Deregister the {@link Channel} of the {@link ChannelPromise} from {@link EventLoop} and notify the
    * {@link ChannelPromise} once the operation was complete.
    void deregister(ChannelPromise promise);

    * Schedules a read operation that fills the inbound buffer of the first {@link ChannelInboundHandler} in the
    * {@link ChannelPipeline}. If there's already a pending read operation, this method does nothing.
    调度一个读操作,填充字节数据到管道中第一个Inbound处理器的inbound buf中。如果有一个正在读取的操作,则

    void beginRead();

    * Schedules a write operation.
    void write(Object msg, ChannelPromise promise);

    * Flush out all write operations scheduled via {@link #write(Object, ChannelPromise)}.
    void flush();

    * Return a special ChannelPromise which can be reused and passed to the operations in {@link Unsafe}.
    * It will never be notified of a success or error and so is only a placeholder for operations
    * that take a {@link ChannelPromise} as argument but for which you not want to get notified.
    ChannelPromise voidPromise();

    * Returns the {@link ChannelOutboundBuffer} of the {@link Channel} where the pending write requests are stored.
    返回一个Outbound buf,用于存放写请求。
    ChannelOutboundBuffer outboundBuffer();






    * A TCP/IP {@link ServerChannel} which accepts incoming TCP/IP connections.
    public interface ServerSocketChannel extends ServerChannel {
    ServerSocketChannelConfig config();
    InetSocketAddress localAddress();
    InetSocketAddress remoteAddress();



    * A {@link Channel} that accepts an incoming connection attempt and creates
    * its child {@link Channel}s by accepting them. {@link ServerSocketChannel} is
    * a good example.
    public interface ServerChannel extends Channel {
    // This is a tag interface.





    * A TCP/IP socket {@link Channel}.
    public interface SocketChannel extends DuplexChannel {
    ServerSocketChannel parent();

    SocketChannelConfig config();
    InetSocketAddress localAddress();
    InetSocketAddress remoteAddress();




    * A duplex {@link Channel} that has two sides that can be shutdown independently.
    public interface DuplexChannel extends Channel {
    * Returns {@code true} if and only if the remote peer shut down its output so that no more
    * data is received from this channel. Note that the semantic of this method is different from
    * that of {@link Socket#shutdownInput()} and {@link Socket#isInputShutdown()}.
    boolean isInputShutdown();

    * @see Socket#shutdownInput()
    ChannelFuture shutdownInput();

    * Will shutdown the input and notify {@link ChannelPromise}.
    * @see Socket#shutdownInput()
    ChannelFuture shutdownInput(ChannelPromise promise);

    * @see Socket#isOutputShutdown()
    boolean isOutputShutdown();

    * @see Socket#shutdownOutput()
    ChannelFuture shutdownOutput();

    * Will shutdown the output and notify {@link ChannelPromise}.
    * @see Socket#shutdownOutput()
    ChannelFuture shutdownOutput(ChannelPromise promise);

    * Determine if both the input and output of this channel have been shutdown.
    boolean isShutdown();
    * Will shutdown the input and output sides of this channel.
    * @return will be completed when both shutdown operations complete.
    ChannelFuture shutdown();
    * Will shutdown the input and output sides of this channel.
    * @param promise will be completed when both shutdown operations complete.
    * @return will be completed when both shutdown operations complete.
    ChannelFuture shutdown(ChannelPromise promise);




    * Represents the globally unique identifier of a {@link Channel}.

    * The identifier is generated from various sources listed in the following:
    * [list]
    * [*]MAC address (EUI-48 or EUI-64) or the network adapter, preferably a globally unique one,

    * [*]the current process ID,

    * [*]{@link System#currentTimeMillis()},

    * [*]{@link System#nanoTime()},

    * [*]a random 32-bit integer, and

    * [*]a sequentially incremented 32-bit integer.

    * [/list]

    * The global uniqueness of the generated identifier mostly depends on the MAC address and the current process ID,
    * which are auto-detected at the class-loading time in best-effort manner. If all attempts to acquire them fail,
    * a warning message is logged, and random values will be used instead. Alternatively, you can specify them manually
    * via system properties:
    * [list]

  • {@code io.netty.machineId} - hexadecimal representation of 48 (or 64) bit integer,
    * optionally separated by colon or hyphen.

  • * [*]{@code io.netty.processId} - an integer between 0 and 65535

    * [/list]

    public interface ChannelId extends Serializable, Comparable {
    * Returns the short but globally non-unique string representation of the {@link ChannelId}.
    String asShortText();

    * Returns the long yet globally unique string representation of the {@link ChannelId}.
    String asLongText();


    import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;

    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
    import java.util.Map;

    * A set of configuration properties of a {@link Channel}.
    * Please down-cast to more specific configuration type such as
    * {@link SocketChannelConfig} or use {@link #setOptions(Map)} to set the
    * transport-specific properties:

    * {@link Channel} ch = ...;
    * {@link SocketChannelConfig} cfg = [b]({@link SocketChannelConfig}) ch.getConfig();[/b]
    * cfg.setTcpNoDelay(false);


    Option map

    * An option map property is a dynamic write-only property which allows
    * the configuration of a {@link Channel} without down-casting its associated
    * {@link ChannelConfig}. To update an option map, please call {@link #setOptions(Map)}.

    * All {@link ChannelConfig} has the following options:

    NameAssociated setter method
    {@link ChannelOption#CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS}{@link #setConnectTimeoutMillis(int)}
    {@link ChannelOption#WRITE_SPIN_COUNT}{@link #setWriteSpinCount(int)}
    {@link ChannelOption#WRITE_BUFFER_WATER_MARK}{@link #setWriteBufferWaterMark(WriteBufferWaterMark)}
    {@link ChannelOption#ALLOCATOR}{@link #setAllocator(ByteBufAllocator)}
    {@link ChannelOption#AUTO_READ}{@link #setAutoRead(boolean)}


    * More options are available in the sub-types of {@link ChannelConfig}. For
    * example, you can configure the parameters which are specific to a TCP/IP
    * socket as explained in {@link SocketChannelConfig}.
    public interface ChannelConfig {

    * Return all set {@link ChannelOption}'s.
    Map, Object> getOptions();

    * Sets the configuration properties from the specified {@link Map}.
    boolean setOptions(Map, ?> options);

    * Return the value of the given {@link ChannelOption}
    T getOption(ChannelOption option);

    * Sets a configuration property with the specified name and value.
    * To override this method properly, you must call the super class:

    * public boolean setOption(ChannelOption option, T value) {
    * if (super.setOption(option, value)) {
    * return true;
    * }
    * if (option.equals(additionalOption)) {
    * ....
    * return true;
    * }
    * return false;
    * }

    * @return {@code true} if and only if the property has been set
    boolean setOption(ChannelOption option, T value);

    * Returns the connect timeout of the channel in milliseconds. If the
    * {@link Channel} does not support connect operation, this property is not
    * used at all, and therefore will be ignored.
    * @return the connect timeout in milliseconds. {@code 0} if disabled.
    int getConnectTimeoutMillis();

    * Sets the connect timeout of the channel in milliseconds. If the
    * {@link Channel} does not support connect operation, this property is not
    * used at all, and therefore will be ignored.
    * @param connectTimeoutMillis the connect timeout in milliseconds.
    * {@code 0} to disable.
    ChannelConfig setConnectTimeoutMillis(int connectTimeoutMillis);

    * @deprecated Use {@link MaxMessagesRecvByteBufAllocator}

    * Returns the maximum number of messages to read per read loop.
    * a {@link ChannelInboundHandler#channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext, Object) channelRead()} event.
    * If this value is greater than 1, an event loop might attempt to read multiple times to procure multiple messages.
    int getMaxMessagesPerRead();

    * @deprecated Use {@link MaxMessagesRecvByteBufAllocator}

    * Sets the maximum number of messages to read per read loop.
    * If this value is greater than 1, an event loop might attempt to read multiple times to procure multiple messages.
    ChannelConfig setMaxMessagesPerRead(int maxMessagesPerRead);

    * Returns the maximum loop count for a write operation until
    * {@link WritableByteChannel#write(ByteBuffer)} returns a non-zero value.
    * It is similar to what a spin lock is used for in concurrency programming.
    * It improves memory utilization and write throughput depending on
    * the platform that JVM runs on. The default value is {@code 16}.
    int getWriteSpinCount();

    * Sets the maximum loop count for a write operation until
    * {@link WritableByteChannel#write(ByteBuffer)} returns a non-zero value.
    * It is similar to what a spin lock is used for in concurrency programming.
    * It improves memory utilization and write throughput depending on
    * the platform that JVM runs on. The default value is {@code 16}.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    * if the specified value is {@code 0} or less than {@code 0}
    ChannelConfig setWriteSpinCount(int writeSpinCount);

    * Returns {@link ByteBufAllocator} which is used for the channel
    * to allocate buffers.
    ByteBufAllocator getAllocator();

    * Set the {@link ByteBufAllocator} which is used for the channel
    * to allocate buffers.
    ChannelConfig setAllocator(ByteBufAllocator allocator);

    * Returns {@link RecvByteBufAllocator} which is used for the channel to allocate receive buffers.
    T getRecvByteBufAllocator();

    * Set the {@link RecvByteBufAllocator} which is used for the channel to allocate receive buffers.
    ChannelConfig setRecvByteBufAllocator(RecvByteBufAllocator allocator);

    * Returns {@code true} if and only if {@link ChannelHandlerContext#read()} will be invoked automatically so that
    * a user application doesn't need to call it at all. The default value is {@code true}.
    boolean isAutoRead();

    * Sets if {@link ChannelHandlerContext#read()} will be invoked automatically so that a user application doesn't
    * need to call it at all. The default value is {@code true}.
    ChannelConfig setAutoRead(boolean autoRead);

    * @deprecated Auto close will be removed in a future release.
    * Returns {@code true} if and only if the {@link Channel} will be closed automatically and immediately on
    * write failure. The default is {@code false}.
    boolean isAutoClose();

    * @deprecated Auto close will be removed in a future release.
    * Sets whether the {@link Channel} should be closed automatically and immediately on write failure.
    * The default is {@code false}.
    ChannelConfig setAutoClose(boolean autoClose);

    * Returns the high water mark of the write buffer. If the number of bytes
    * queued in the write buffer exceeds this value, {@link Channel#isWritable()}
    * will start to return {@code false}.
    int getWriteBufferHighWaterMark();


    * Sets the high water mark of the write buffer. If the number of bytes
    * queued in the write buffer exceeds this value, {@link Channel#isWritable()}
    * will start to return {@code false}.
    ChannelConfig setWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int writeBufferHighWaterMark);

    * Returns the low water mark of the write buffer. Once the number of bytes
    * queued in the write buffer exceeded the
    * {@linkplain #setWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int) high water mark} and then
    * dropped down below this value, {@link Channel#isWritable()} will start to return
    * {@code true} again.
    int getWriteBufferLowWaterMark();


    * Sets the low water mark of the write buffer. Once the number of bytes
    * queued in the write buffer exceeded the
    * {@linkplain #setWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int) high water mark} and then
    * dropped down below this value, {@link Channel#isWritable()} will start to return
    * {@code true} again.
    ChannelConfig setWriteBufferLowWaterMark(int writeBufferLowWaterMark);

    * Returns {@link MessageSizeEstimator} which is used for the channel
    * to detect the size of a message.
    MessageSizeEstimator getMessageSizeEstimator();

    * Set the {@link MessageSizeEstimator} which is used for the channel
    * to detect the size of a message.
    ChannelConfig setMessageSizeEstimator(MessageSizeEstimator estimator);

    * Returns the {@link WriteBufferWaterMark} which is used for setting the high and low
    * water mark of the write buffer.
    WriteBufferWaterMark getWriteBufferWaterMark();

    * Set the {@link WriteBufferWaterMark} which is used for setting the high and low
    * water mark of the write buffer.
    ChannelConfig setWriteBufferWaterMark(WriteBufferWaterMark writeBufferWaterMark);



    * Represents the properties of a {@link Channel} implementation.
    public final class ChannelMetadata {

    private final boolean hasDisconnect;
    private final int defaultMaxMessagesPerRead;

    * Create a new instance
    * @param hasDisconnect {@code true} if and only if the channel has the {@code disconnect()} operation
    * that allows a user to disconnect and then call {@link Channel#connect(SocketAddress)}
    * again, such as UDP/IP.
    public ChannelMetadata(boolean hasDisconnect) {
    this(hasDisconnect, 1);

    * Create a new instance
    * @param hasDisconnect {@code true} if and only if the channel has the {@code disconnect()} operation
    * that allows a user to disconnect and then call {@link Channel#connect(SocketAddress)}
    * again, such as UDP/IP.
    * @param defaultMaxMessagesPerRead If a {@link MaxMessagesRecvByteBufAllocator} is in use, then this value will be
    * set for {@link MaxMessagesRecvByteBufAllocator#maxMessagesPerRead()}. Must be {@code > 0}.
    public ChannelMetadata(boolean hasDisconnect, int defaultMaxMessagesPerRead) {
    if (defaultMaxMessagesPerRead <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("defaultMaxMessagesPerRead: " + defaultMaxMessagesPerRead +
    " (expected > 0)");
    this.hasDisconnect = hasDisconnect;
    this.defaultMaxMessagesPerRead = defaultMaxMessagesPerRead;

    * Returns {@code true} if and only if the channel has the {@code disconnect()} operation
    * that allows a user to disconnect and then call {@link Channel#connect(SocketAddress)} again,
    * such as UDP/IP.
    public boolean hasDisconnect() {
    return hasDisconnect;

    * If a {@link MaxMessagesRecvByteBufAllocator} is in use, then this is the default value for
    * {@link MaxMessagesRecvByteBufAllocator#maxMessagesPerRead()}.
    public int defaultMaxMessagesPerRead() {
    return defaultMaxMessagesPerRead;


    import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
    import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufHolder;
    import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
    import io.netty.util.Recycler;
    import io.netty.util.Recycler.Handle;
    import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil;
    import io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocal;
    import io.netty.util.internal.InternalThreadLocalMap;
    import io.netty.util.internal.PromiseNotificationUtil;
    import io.netty.util.internal.SystemPropertyUtil;
    import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
    import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;

    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;

    * (Transport implementors only) an internal data structure used by {@link AbstractChannel} to store its pending
    * outbound write requests.

    * All methods must be called by a transport implementation from an I/O thread, except the following ones:
    * [list]
    * [*]{@link #size()} and {@link #isEmpty()}

    * [*]{@link #isWritable()}

    * [*]{@link #getUserDefinedWritability(int)} and {@link #setUserDefinedWritability(int, boolean)}

    * [/list]

    public final class ChannelOutboundBuffer {
    // Assuming a 64-bit JVM:
    // - 16 bytes object header
    // - 8 reference fields
    // - 2 long fields
    // - 2 int fields
    // - 1 boolean field
    // - padding
    SystemPropertyUtil.getInt("io.netty.transport.outboundBufferEntrySizeOverhead", 96);

    private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(ChannelOutboundBuffer.class);

    private static final FastThreadLocal NIO_BUFFERS = new FastThreadLocal() {
    protected ByteBuffer[] initialValue() throws Exception {
    return new ByteBuffer[1024];

    private final Channel channel;//关联通道

    // Entry(flushedEntry) --> ... Entry(unflushedEntry) --> ... Entry(tailEntry)
    // The Entry that is the first in the linked-list structure that was flushed
    private Entry flushedEntry;
    // The Entry which is the first unflushed in the linked-list structure
    private Entry unflushedEntry;
    // The Entry which represents the tail of the buffer
    private Entry tailEntry;
    // The number of flushed entries that are not written yet
    private int flushed;

    private int nioBufferCount;
    private long nioBufferSize;

    private boolean inFail;

    private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater TOTAL_PENDING_SIZE_UPDATER =
    AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ChannelOutboundBuffer.class, "totalPendingSize");

    private volatile long totalPendingSize;

    private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater UNWRITABLE_UPDATER =
    AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ChannelOutboundBuffer.class, "unwritable");

    private volatile int unwritable;

    private volatile Runnable fireChannelWritabilityChangedTask;

    ChannelOutboundBuffer(AbstractChannel channel) { = channel;
