Some summary about of how to configuring the LunarGLASS project

The project’s address is as follow:
It took me 2 week to configuring this project,from the beginning of the project version issue to the final debugging.
Thanks to the developer of this project for their help and support.

Initially,I am self-reviewing.I have a problem with my ability.If this project should be completed in less than a week.But I spent extra an week! The next quote is already for ring.

1 First,download the GLSLang and LunarGLASS project in accordance with In a folder ,they used as a sibling folder.
2 According to to configure the environment, you will encounter some errors.These problems are because the functions and methods that not available in the new version of glslang. You need to look for the old version of glslang. Probably between 2.0 - 5.0. You can’t use the old version of glslang directly.,because there are some parameters need the latest version of glslang.
3 When you modified the implementation of some methods. use cd LunarGLASS command into LunarGLASS folder and create a folder named as build. As the follow commands:
cd build
cmake …/
make -j4
make install

Go to the Path of your Choice/LunarGLASS/build/install/bin/ folder.and you will find that you have generated the LunarGOO executable program
Use the` ./LunarGOO -V -a ``command in the bin folder on the terminal
More operations can be viewed with …/LunarGOO -help.

Thank you for reading.
