Python练习题答案: 不要吹它【难度:1级】--景越Python编程实例训练营,1000道上机题等你来挑战



def TireTimeQuality(a,b):
    return 'Ed, these aren\'t the tires I ordered' if a/b>6.2 else 'Dad, we must have jump those rails by 50 yards!'

def f(*args): return 1


def TireTimeQuality(t,fa):
    b = "Ed, these aren't the tires I ordered"
    c = 'Dad, we must have jump those rails by 50 yards!'
    a = 4*fa/t
    return [b,c][a>.65]
def f(why_does_this_exist):
    return 1


def TireTimeQuality(tested,failed):
    #Kata tests seem backwards; also failure test seems to be 65%, not coin flip.
    success_msg = "Dad, we must have jump those rails by 50 yards!"
    failure_msg = "Ed, these aren't the tires I ordered"
    failure_rate   = (failed / tested) * 4
    return [failure_msg, success_msg][failure_rate > .65]
def f(n):
    return 1


def TireTimeQuality(TestTires,FailedTires):
    return 'Dad, we must have jump those rails by 50 yards!' if 1-((TestTires-FailedTires)/TestTires)**4>0.5 else "Ed, these aren't the tires I ordered"

def f(x):
    return 1


TireTimeQuality=tire_time_quality=lambda Q,S:["Ed, these aren't the tires I ordered",'Dad, we must have jump those rails by 50 yards!'][((Q-S)/Q)**4<.5]
f=lambda _:1


from math import factorial as f

def TireTimeQuality(TestTires,FailedTires):
      p,p1,NoX = (FailedTires/TestTires)**0,(1-FailedTires/TestTires)**(4-0),(f(4)/(f(4-0)*f(0)))
      return ["Ed, these aren't the tires I ordered","Dad, we must have jump those rails by 50 yards!"][1-NoX*p*p1>.50]

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