
 我使用的InstallShield版本是InstallShield Professional—Standard Edition6.3。
 通过Project Wizard-generated script 做好了COPY打包工作。
 以下就是我用Project Wizard-generated script
 // Include header files
 #include ""ifx.h""
 function OnFirstUIBefore()
 number nResult,nSetupType;
 string szTitle, szMsg;
 string szLicenseFile, szQuestion;
 string szName, szCompany, szSerial;
 string szTargetPath;
 string szDir;
 string szComponents, szTargetdir;
 number nLevel;
 LIST listStartCopy;
 number nvSize;
 nSetupType = TYPICAL;
 TARGETDIR = ""C:""^""inetpub"" ^""wwwroot"" ^@PRODUCT_NAME;
 szName = """";
 szCompany = """";
 szSerial = """";
 // beginning of dialogs label
 szTitle = """";
 szMsg = """";
 nResult = SdWelcome( szTitle, szMsg );
 if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_Start;
 szLicenseFile = SUPPORTDIR ^ ""license.txt"";
 szTitle = """";
 szMsg = """";
 szQuestion = """";
 nResult = SdLicense( szTitle, szMsg, szQuestion, szLicenseFile );
 if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdWelcome;
 szMsg = """";
 szTitle = """";
 nResult = SdRegisterUserEx( szTitle, szMsg, szName, szCompany, szSerial );
 if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdLicense;
 szTitle = """";
 szMsg = ""please select setup folder"";
 nResult = SdAskDestPath( szTitle, szMsg, szDir, 0 );
 if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdRegisterUserEx;
 szTitle = """";
 szMsg = """";
 nResult = SetupType ( szTitle , szMsg , """" , nSetupType , 0 );
 if (nResult = BACK) then
 goto Dlg_SdAskDestPath;
 nSetupType = nResult;
 if (nSetupType != CUSTOM) then
 szTargetPath = TARGETDIR;
 nvSize = 0;
 if (nvSize != 0) then
 MessageBox( szSdStr_NotEnoughSpace, WARNING );
 goto Dlg_SetupType;
 if ((nResult = BACK) && (nSetupType != CUSTOM)) goto Dlg_SetupType;
 szTitle = """";
 szMsg = """";
 szTargetdir = TARGETDIR;
 szComponents = """";
 nLevel = 2;
 if (nSetupType = CUSTOM) then
 nResult = SdComponentTree(szTitle, szMsg, szTargetdir, szComponents, nLevel);
 if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SetupType;
 nResult = ShowObjWizardPages(nResult);
 if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdComponentTree;
 szTitle = """";
 szMsg = """";
 listStartCopy = ListCreate( STRINGLIST );
 nResult = SdStartCopy( szTitle, szMsg, listStartCopy );
 if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_ObjDialogs;
 // setup default status
 SetStatusWindow(0, """");
 StatusUpdate(ON, 100);
 return 0;
 // FUNCTION: OnMoving
 // EVENT: Moving event is sent when file transfer is started as a result of
 // ComponentTransferData call, before any file transfer operations
 // are performed.
 function OnMoving()
 string szAppPath;
 szAppPath = TARGETDIR;
 RegDBSetItem(REGDB_APPPATH, szAppPath);
 // --- include script file section ---
