#define Scalar double
Eigen::Transform findTransformBetween2CS(const Eigen::Matrix from_line_x,
const Eigen::Matrix from_line_y,
const Eigen::Matrix to_line_x,
const Eigen::Matrix to_line_y)
// Convert lines into Vector3 :
Eigen::Matrix fr0 (from_line_x.template head<3>()),
fr1 (from_line_x.template head<3>() + from_line_x.template tail<3>()),
fr2 (from_line_y.template head<3>() + from_line_y.template tail<3>()),
to0 (to_line_x.template head<3>()),
to1 (to_line_x.template head<3>() + to_line_x.template tail<3>()),
to2 (to_line_y.template head<3>() + to_line_y.template tail<3>());
// Code is inspired from http://stackoverflow.com/a/15277421/1816078
// Define matrices and points :
Eigen::Transform T, T1, T2 = Eigen::Transform::Identity ();
Eigen::Matrix x1, y1, x2, y2;
// Axes of the coordinate system "fr"
x1 = (fr1 - fr0).normalized(); // the versor (unitary vector) of the (fr1-fr0) axis vector
y1 = (fr2 - fr0).normalized();
// Axes of the coordinate system "to"
x2 = (to1 - to0).normalized();
y2 = (to2 - to0).normalized();
// transform from CS1 to CS2
// Note: if fr0==(0,0,0) --> CS1==CS2 --> T2=Identity
T1.linear() << x1, y1, x1.cross(y1);
// transform from CS1 to CS3
T2.linear() << x2, y2, x2.cross(y2);
// T = transform to CS2 to CS3
// Note: if CS1==CS2 --> T = T3
// T.linear() = T2.linear() * T1.linear().inverse();
// T.translation() = to0;
T.linear () = T2.linear () * T1.linear ().inverse ();
// T.translation() = to0;
T.translation () = to0 - (T.linear () * fr0);
return T;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
Eigen::Transform transformation;
Eigen::Matrix from_line_x;
Eigen::Matrix from_line_y;
Eigen::Matrix to_line_x;
Eigen::Matrix to_line_y;
from_line_x << 1234.56, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00387281179, 0.00572064891, -0.999976099;
from_line_y << 1234.56, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6113801, -0.79133445, -0.00202810019;
to_line_x << 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0;
to_line_y << 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0;
transformation = findTransformBetween2CS (from_line_x, from_line_y, to_line_x, to_line_y);
std::cout<< "transformation" <
g++ coordinate.cpp -I/usr/include/eigen3 -L/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/ -leigen_conversions -std=c++11
0.00395299 0.00561688 -0.999976 -4.8802
0.611381 -0.791334 -0.00215923 -754.786
-0.791327 -0.611358 -0.00656218 976.941
0 0 0 1