ToastMasters - IceBreaker Presentation

Three VIP

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, my name is Frank. Ijoint in Nomura two months ago. Now I work in credit team.  Today, I am so appreciated that I could bethe Ice Breaker share my story to you all. When I prepared this speech lastweek, I decided to introduce three VIP during my 25years life. They guide me toimprove and let me become what I am now. Through these VIP’s story, you may geta three-dimensional impression on me.



The first VIP, of course, is my mother. I was born in a smalltown in He Nan Province and lived with my mother during the most of mychildhood. She is a versatile /'vɜːrsətl/ woman who is good at singing,painting and handwriting. So my daily life was more colorful than otherchildren. While at the meantime, she is also a strict mother who pushed me alot on study.  For example, she wouldassign me about fifty calculation questions every day to drill my mathematics.In addition, she taught me to learn many words and Tang poetry. Every time whenI totally comprehend a word, she would write down this word on a piece of paperand paste it on my bedroom wall. So whatever in the morning I woke up or in theevening I went to bed, I would see millions of words and poetry on the wall. Forceme to learn them again, review them again and remember them again. Naturally,it guides me to get a good habit of learning and improve my capabilities.Definitely, it benefits for my whole life.




The second VIP is my Chinese teacher in primary school. Wheni was in the third grade in primary school, our family moved to a bigger cityfor the sake of  the better education. Butfor me, everything was fully changed. New school, new teacher ,new classmates. Nobodyknows me and no one would like to play with me, so I just sitting in the lastrow of the classroom and became more and more introverted /'ɪntrəvɜːrtɪd/. One day, my Chinese teacher asked aquestion but nobody knows. However, I know the answer and i want to have a try,so i raised my hand slowly with great care. For now, i still remember what myChinese teacher said at that time :“Let us give a chance to the boy who settingin the last row.” i stand up and tell the answer to the public. Unsurprisingly,the answer is right and I received a warm applause.

“What is your name?” My teacher asked. “My name is Cui Xun.”

I'm very grateful to my teacher for energizing me. Because afterthat day, It seems that the sky becomes blue and the flowers are blooming. Ibecome more outgoing and more confident to embrace the new surroundings. 




The third VIP, I assume, is myself.

To be honest, i did not do a good job in senior high schoolentrance examination. so i could only access to the ordinary class instead ofgenius class. 

The Genius class gathered the most excellent students andteachers. In He Nan province,  competitionof College Entrance Examination is very intense. if you want to entrance yourdream university, you must become a member of the Genius class.

So i studied harder with full diligence. Sleep at 2 ‘o clockin AM and wake up on 6’o clock AM, only sleep 4 hours a day. After using oneyears' effort, finally I make it. I seize the chance to access the geniusclass.

(WhileI thought the rest of my senior high life would be more peaceful, but the dramawas continue.

Afterthe first day of College entrance examinationi Can't help to check the answers of language subject.In this subject, Choicequestions totally have 9.  i was shockedthat the answer of  6 questions i wrotewas wrong. 

Ohmy gosh, i burst into tears cause i thought i was over. Everything is in vainin my three years senior high life.

Thenext morning i woke up, my inner voice told myself, i could not give up rightnow. i have nothing to lose, just go ahead.just do not regret.

Therefore,i put my utmost during the rest of exam.

Afterthese finished, i stumbled upon that most of my classmates also make manyerrors in language subject. I did a better job instead compared with them.

Fatemade me a joke and i am rejoice that idid not give up and tried my best until last seconds.)

I am rejoice that I change the destiny by my own and let mehave the chance coming to Shanghai, coming to Fudan and coming to Nomura.




Well, now for me, the new life is just beginning. I amfinding my fourth VIP, it should be my girlfriend I think, and wish all thebest.

that’s all for my sharing. hope you like it. thank you verymuch.



