Android 预制文件权限增加

custom_files/system/core/libcutils/fs_config.c 文件 可以添加权限


static const char conf_dir[] = "/system/etc/fs_config_dirs";
static const char conf_file[] = "/system/etc/fs_config_files";

static const struct fs_path_config android_files[] = {
    { 00440, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/init.goldfish.rc" },
    { 00550, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/" },
    { 00550, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/" },
    { 00550, AID_DHCP,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks" },
    { 00550, AID_DHCP,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/etc/wide-dhcpv6/dhcp6c.script" },
    { 00555, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/etc/ppp/*" },
    { 00555, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/etc/rc.*" },
    #add by dengli for Bug#137611 20161103 begin
    { 00444, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/etc/" },   // 为 文件 赋值444权限
    #add by dengli for Bug#137611 20161103 end
    { 00444, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, conf_dir + 1 },
    { 00444, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, conf_file + 1 },
    { 00644, AID_SYSTEM,    AID_SYSTEM,    0, "data/app/*" },
    { 00644, AID_MEDIA_RW,  AID_MEDIA_RW,  0, "data/media/*" },
    { 00644, AID_SYSTEM,    AID_SYSTEM,    0, "data/app-private/*" },
    { 00644, AID_APP,       AID_APP,       0, "data/data/*" },

    /* the following five files are INTENTIONALLY set-uid, but they
     * are NOT included on user builds. */
    { 04750, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/xbin/su" },
    { 06755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/xbin/librank" },
    { 06755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/xbin/procrank" },
    { 06755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/xbin/procmem" },
    { 04770, AID_ROOT,      AID_RADIO,     0, "system/bin/pppd-ril" },

    /* the following files have enhanced capabilities and ARE included in user builds. */
    { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     (1ULL << CAP_SETUID) | (1ULL << CAP_SETGID), "system/bin/run-as" },
    { 00700, AID_SYSTEM,    AID_SHELL,     (1ULL << CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND), "system/bin/inputflinger" },

    { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/bin/uncrypt" },
    { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/bin/" },
    { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/bin/*" },
    { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/lib/valgrind/*" },
    { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "system/lib64/valgrind/*" },
    { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/xbin/*" },
    { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "system/vendor/bin/*" },
    { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "vendor/bin/*" },
    { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "sbin/*" },
    { 00755, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, "bin/*" },
    { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "init*" },
    { 00750, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "sbin/fs_mgr" },
    { 00640, AID_ROOT,      AID_SHELL,     0, "fstab.*" },
    { 00644, AID_ROOT,      AID_ROOT,      0, 0 },
