
原文可以看FIFO Depth Calculation 这篇文章。



  • fA > fB with no idle cycles in both write and read.
  • Writing frequency = fA = 80MHz.
  • Reading Frequency = fB = 50MHz.
  • Burst Length = No. of data items to be transferred = 120.
  • There are no idle cycles in both reading and writing which means that, all the items in the burst will be written and read in consecutive clock cycles.


  • 总传输数据为120
  • 把所有数据全部写入FIFO需要时间为 120/80MHz=1500ns 120 / 80 M H z = 1500 n s
  • 该时间段(1500ns)内可以从FIFO中读出的数据为 1500ns50MHz=75 1500 n s ∗ 50 M H z = 75
  • 多余的数据为 12075=45 120 − 75 = 45
  • 所以FIFO的最小深度为45
  • A > fB with one clk cycle delay between two successive reads and


  • fA > fB with idle cycles in both write and read.
  • Writing frequency = fA = 80MHz.
  • Reading Frequency = fB = 50MHz.
  • Burst Length = No. of data items to be transferred = 120.
  • No. of idle cycles between two successive writes is = 1.
  • No. of idle cycles between two successive reads is = 3.


  • 写时钟的等效频率为 fW=fA/2=40MHz f W = f A / 2 = 40 M H z
  • 读时钟的等效频率为 fR=fB/4=12.5MHz f R = f B / 4 = 12.5 M H z
  • 最小深度为 120120/fWfR=83 120 − 120 / f W ∗ f R = 83
  • fA > fB with duty cycles given for wr_enb and rd_enb.
  • Writing frequency = fA = 80MHz.
  • Reading Frequency = fB = 50MHz.
  • Burst Length = No. of data items to be transferred = 120.
  • Duty cycle of wr_enb (write enable) = 50 % = ½.
  • Duty cycle of wr_enb (write enable) = 25 % = ¼.


  • fA < fB with no idle cycles in both write and read (i.e., the delay between two consecutive writes and reads is one clock cycle).
  • Writing frequency = fA = 30MHz.
  • Reading Frequency = fB = 50MHz.
  • Burst Length = No. of data items to be transferred = 120.
  • There are no idle cycles in both reading and writing which means that, all the items in the burst will be written and read in consecutive clock cycles.


  • fA < fB with idle cycles in both write and read (duty cycles of wr_enb and rd_enb can also be given in these type of questions).
  • Writing frequency = fA = 30MHz.
  • Reading Frequency = fB = 50MHz.
  • Burst Length = No. of data items to be transferred = 120.
  • No. of idle cycles between two successive writes is = 1.
  • No. of idle cycles between two successive reads is = 3.


  • 写时钟的等效频率为 fW=fA/2=15MHz f W = f A / 2 = 15 M H z
  • 读时钟的等效频率为 fR=fB/4=12.5MHz f R = f B / 4 = 12.5 M H z
  • 最小深度为 120120/fWfR=20 120 − 120 / f W ∗ f R = 20
  • fA = fB with no idle cycles in both write and read (i.e., the delay between two consecutive writes and reads is one clock cycle).
  • Writing frequency = fA = fB = 30MHz.
  • Burst Length = No. of data items to be transferred = 120.
  • There are no idle cycles in both reading and writing which means that, all the items in the burst will be written and read in consecutive clock cycles.


  • fA = fB with idle cycles in both write and read (duty cycles of wr_enb and rd_enb can also be given in these type of questions).
  • Writing frequency = fA = 50MHz.
  • Reading Frequency = fB = 50MHz.
  • Burst Length = No. of data items to be transferred = 120.
  • No. of idle cycles between two successive writes is = 1.
  • No. of idle cycles between two successive reads is = 3.


  • Writing Data = 80 DATA/100 Clock (Randomization of 20 Data’s)
  • Outgoing Data= 8 DATA/10 Clock.
  • Burst size = 160



考虑最坏的情况case4,160个cycle就要写完160个数据的burst,在这160个时钟周期内能从fifo中读走 160/108=128 160 / 10 ∗ 8 = 128 个数据,所以fifo的深度为160-128=32

  • Frequency (clk A) = frequency (clk B)/4
  • Period (en_B) = period (clk_A)*100
  • Duty cycle (en_B) = 25%

假设clkb=100MHz, 则clka=25MHz, 看起来是一个写慢读快的情况,不需要fifo。

但是因为第三个条件en_B的duty cycle只有1/4个周期,也就是在这个burst期间只有1/4的时间能从fifo中读出数据,这1/4周期的时间内是读快写慢,fifo不需要缓存数据。其余3/4个周期只有写,没有读,所以fifo的深度要能缓存下这3/4个周期中写入的数据。

从第二个条件可以看出burst的数据为100,总burst的时间为 100/25MHz=4000ns 100 / 25 M H z = 4000 n s , 3/4个周期就是3000ns,所以fifo的深度为 3000ns25MHz=75 3000 n s ∗ 25 M H z = 75
