

1 普通类

1.1 没有虚函数的类



using namespace std;

class book
    int val;
    char ch_val;
    static int static_val;
        val = 4;
        ch_val = 3;
        cout<<"book constructer function\n";
        cout<<"book deconstructer function\n";
    static void static_function(){}
    void ptr_ostream()
        cout<<"size of object book\t" << sizeof(*this)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object book\t" << this<<endl;
        cout<<"address of val\t"<<&val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of ch_val\t"<<&ch_val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of static_val\t"<<&book::static_val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of static_function\t" << &book::static_function<<endl;

int book::static_val = 0;

int main()
    book b;
    return 0;


book constructer function
size of object book	8
address of object book	00000054A772F8D8
address of val	00000054A772F8D8
address of ch_val	00000054A772F8DC
address of static_val	00007FF670FCA4F4
address of static_function	00007FF670FB1866
book deconstructer function

  通过g++ -fdump-class-hierarchy main.cpp可以看到类的结构,整体大小为5字节,内存对齐之后为8字节。

Class book
   size=8 align=4
   base size=5 base align=4
book (0x0x6fffe70d8c0) 0


1.2 有虚函数的类



using namespace std;

class book
    int val;
    char ch_val;
    static int static_val;
        cout<<"book constructer function\n";
        cout<<"book deconstructer function\n";
    static void static_function(){}
    virtual void virtual_function_rst()
        cout<<"book virtual function first\n";
    virtual void virtual_function_snd()
        cout<<"book virtual function second\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        cout<<"size of object book\t" << sizeof(*this)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object book\t" << this<<endl;
        cout<<"address of val\t"<<&val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of static_val\t"<<&book::static_val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of static_function\t" << &book::static_function<<endl;

int book::static_val = 0;

int main()
    book b;
    return 0;


book constructer function
size of object book	16
address of object book	00000059180FF648
address of val	00000059180FF650
address of static_val	00007FF629F4A4F4
address of static_function	00007FF629F31866
book virtual function first
book virtual function second
book deconstructer function

  通过g++ -fdump-class-hierarchy main.cpp可以看到类的结构。

Vtable for book
book::_ZTV4book: 4 entries
0     (int (*)(...))0
8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI4book)
16    (int (*)(...))book::virtual_function_rst
24    (int (*)(...))book::virtual_function_snd

Class book
   size=16 align=8
   base size=13 base align=8
book (0x0x6fffe70d8c0) 0
    vptr=((& book::_ZTV4book) + 16)


void ptr_ostream()
        cout<<"size of object book\t" << sizeof(*this)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object book\t" << this<<endl;
        cout<<"address of val\t"<<&val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of static_val\t"<<&book::static_val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of static_function\t" << &book::static_function<<endl;
		void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(this);
		cout<<"address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		int func_no = 2;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < func_no;i++)
		    //virtual_func func = (int)vptr[i];
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;


book constructer function
size of object book	16
address of object book	0000005C03CFFE28
address of val	0000005C03CFFE30
address of static_val	00007FF67AFBA4F4
address of static_function	00007FF67AFA1866
book virtual function first
book virtual function second
address of virtual table	00007FF67AFB40B0
book virtual function first
the 0th virtual function address	00007FF67AFA187A
book virtual function second


2 单继承类

2.1 普通单继承类



using namespace std;

class book
    int val;
    char ch_val;

        ch_val = 3;
        val = 4;
        cout<<"book constructer function\n";
        cout<<"book deconstructer function\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        cout<<"size of object book\t" << sizeof(*this)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object book\t" << this<<endl;
        cout<<"address of val\t"<<(int*)&val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of ch_val\t"<<(int*)&ch_val<<endl;

class science_book : public book
    char sci_val;
        sci_val = 5;
        cout<<"science book constructer function\n";
        cout<<"science book deconstructer function\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        cout<<"size of object science book\t" << sizeof(*this)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object science book\t" << this<<endl;
        cout<<"address of sci_val\t"<<(int*)&sci_val<<endl;


  • 构造基类book==>构造子类science_book
  • 销毁子类science_book==>销毁子类book
book constructer function
science book constructer function
size of object book	8
address of object book	000000AA7238FAC8
address of val	000000AA7238FAC8
address of ch_val	000000AA7238FACC
size of object science book	12
address of object science book	000000AA7238FAC8
address of sci_val	000000AA7238FAD0
science book deconstructer function
book deconstructer function


Class book
   size=8 align=4
   base size=5 base align=4
book (0x0x6fffe70d8c0) 0
Class science_book
   size=8 align=4
   base size=6 base align=4
science_book (0x0x6fffe53b4c8) 0
  book (0x0x6fffe70f000) 0


2.2 多层继承



using namespace std;

class book
    int val;
    char ch_val;

        ch_val = 3;
        val = 4;
        cout<<"book constructer function\n";
        cout<<"book deconstructer function\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        cout<<"size of object book\t" << sizeof(*this)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object book\t" << this<<endl;
        cout<<"address of val\t"<<(int*)&val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of ch_val\t"<<(int*)&ch_val<<endl;

class science_book : public book
    char sci_val;
        sci_val = 5;
        cout<<"science book constructer function\n";
        cout<<"science book deconstructer function\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        cout<<"size of object science book\t" << sizeof(*this)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object science book\t" << this<<endl;
        cout<<"address of sci_val\t"<<(int*)&sci_val<<endl;

class task_book : public science_book
    char tsk_val;
        tsk_val = 5;
        cout<<"task book constructer function\n";
        cout<<"task book deconstructer function\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        cout<<"size of object task book\t" << sizeof(*this)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object task book\t" << this<<endl;
        cout<<"address of tsk_val\t"<<(int*)&tsk_val<<endl;


book constructer function
science book constructer function
task book constructer function
size of object book	8
address of object book	000000725BCFFC48
address of val	000000725BCFFC48
address of ch_val	000000725BCFFC4C
size of object science book	12
address of object science book	000000725BCFFC48
address of sci_val	000000725BCFFC50
size of object task book	16
address of object task book	000000725BCFFC48
address of tsk_val	000000725BCFFC54
task book deconstructer function
science book deconstructer function
book deconstructer function


Class book
   size=8 align=4
   base size=5 base align=4
book (0x0x6fffe70d8c0) 0
Class science_book
   size=8 align=4
   base size=6 base align=4
science_book (0x0x6fffe53b4c8) 0
  book (0x0x6fffe70f000) 0
Class task_book
   size=8 align=4
   base size=7 base align=4
task_book (0x0x6fffe53b9a8) 0
  science_book (0x0x6fffe53ba10) 0
    book (0x0x6fffe70f8a0) 0


2.3 包含虚函数的继承类


  • book中实现了三个虚函数book_virtual_rst,book_virtual_snd,book_virtual_snd
  • science_book重写了父类的book_virtual_snd,book_virtual_thd,新添加了一个虚函数sci_book_virtual
  • task_book重写了父类的book_virtual_thd,新添加了一个虚函数task_virtual



using namespace std;

class book
    int val;
    char ch_val;

        ch_val = 3;
        val = 4;
        cout<<"book constructer function\n";
        cout<<"book deconstructer function\n";
    virtual void book_virtual_rst()
        cout<<"book virtual first!"<<endl;
    virtual void book_virtual_snd()
        cout<<"book virtual second!"<<endl;
    virtual void book_virtual_thd()
        cout<<"book virtual third!"<<endl;
    void ptr_ostream()
        book *ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"\nsize of object book\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object book\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of val\t"<<(int*)&val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of ch_val\t"<<(int*)&ch_val<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"book address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		int func_no = 5;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < func_no;i++)
		    //virtual_func func = (int)vptr[i];
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;

class science_book : public book
    char sci_val;
        sci_val = 5;
        cout<<"science book constructer function\n";
        cout<<"science book deconstructer function\n";
    virtual void book_virtual_snd()
        cout<<"science book virtual second!"<<endl;
    virtual void book_virtual_thd()
        cout<<"science book virtual third!"<<endl;
    virtual void sci_book_virtual()
        cout<<"science book virtual function!"<<endl;
    void ptr_ostream()
        science_book *ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"\nsize of object science book\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object science book\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of sci_val\t"<<(int*)&sci_val<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"science book address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		int func_no = 5;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < func_no;i++)
		    //virtual_func func = (int)vptr[i];
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;

class task_book : public science_book
    char tsk_val;
        tsk_val = 5;
        cout<<"task book constructer function\n";
        cout<<"task book deconstructer function\n";
    virtual void book_virtual_thd()
        cout<<"task book virtual third!"<<endl;
    virtual void task_virtual()
        cout<<"task book virtual function!"<<endl;
    void ptr_ostream()
        task_book *ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"\nsize of object task book\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object task book\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of tsk_val\t"<<(int*)&tsk_val<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"task book address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		int func_no = 5;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < func_no;i++)
		    //virtual_func func = (int)vptr[i];
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;


book constructer function
science book constructer function
task book constructer function

size of object book	16
address of object book	000000ECDDEFFB98
address of val	000000ECDDEFFBA0
address of ch_val	000000ECDDEFFBA4
book address of virtual table	00007FF78B793FF8
book virtual first!
the 0th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818D9
science book virtual second!
the 1th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818CF
task book virtual third!
the 2th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818C5
science book virtual function!
the 3th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818B1
task book virtual function!
the 4th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818B6

size of object science book	24
address of object science book	000000ECDDEFFB98
address of sci_val	000000ECDDEFFBA8
science book address of virtual table	00007FF78B793FF8
book virtual first!
the 0th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818D9
science book virtual second!
the 1th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818CF
task book virtual third!
the 2th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818C5
science book virtual function!
the 3th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818B1
task book virtual function!
the 4th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818B6

size of object task book	32
address of object task book	000000ECDDEFFB98
address of tsk_val	000000ECDDEFFBB0
task book address of virtual table	00007FF78B793FF8
book virtual first!
the 0th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818D9
science book virtual second!
the 1th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818CF
task book virtual third!
the 2th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818C5
science book virtual function!
the 3th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818B1
task book virtual function!
the 4th virtual function address	00007FF78B7818B6
task book virtual third!
task book deconstructer function
science book deconstructer function
book deconstructer function


Vtable for book
book::_ZTV4book: 5 entries
0     (int (*)(...))0
8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI4book)
16    (int (*)(...))book::book_virtual_rst
24    (int (*)(...))book::book_virtual_snd
32    (int (*)(...))book::book_virtual_thd

Class book
   size=16 align=8
   base size=13 base align=8
book (0x0x6fffe70d8c0) 0
    vptr=((& book::_ZTV4book) + 16)
Vtable for science_book
science_book::_ZTV12science_book: 6 entries
0     (int (*)(...))0
8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12science_book)
16    (int (*)(...))book::book_virtual_rst
24    (int (*)(...))science_book::book_virtual_snd
32    (int (*)(...))science_book::book_virtual_thd
40    (int (*)(...))science_book::sci_book_virtual

Class science_book
   size=16 align=8
   base size=14 base align=8
science_book (0x0x6fffe53b598) 0
    vptr=((& science_book::_ZTV12science_book) + 16)
  book (0x0x6fffe70f1e0) 0
      primary-for science_book (0x0x6fffe53b598)
Vtable for task_book
task_book::_ZTV9task_book: 7 entries
0     (int (*)(...))0
8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI9task_book)
16    (int (*)(...))book::book_virtual_rst
24    (int (*)(...))science_book::book_virtual_snd
32    (int (*)(...))task_book::book_virtual_thd
40    (int (*)(...))science_book::sci_book_virtual
48    (int (*)(...))task_book::task_virtual

Class task_book
   size=16 align=8
   base size=15 base align=8
task_book (0x0x6fffe53bb48) 0
    vptr=((& task_book::_ZTV9task_book) + 16)
  science_book (0x0x6fffe53bbb0) 0
      primary-for task_book (0x0x6fffe53bb48)
    book (0x0x6fffe70fc60) 0
        primary-for science_book (0x0x6fffe53bbb0)



task_book tk;
book* ptr = &tk;



3 多继承类

3.1 普通多继承类


using namespace std;

class communicator
    int com_val;
    char com_ch;
        cout<<"call communicator constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call communicator desctructor!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        communicator* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object communicator\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object communicator\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of com_val\t"<<(int*)&com_val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of com_ch\t"<<(int*)&com_ch<<endl;

class camera
    char cam_ch;
        cout<<"call camera constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call camera desctructor!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        camera* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object camera\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object camera\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of cam_ch\t"<<(int*)&cam_ch<<endl;

class player
    char play_ch;
        cout<<"call player constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call player desctructor!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        player* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object player\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object player\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of play_ch\t"<<(int*)&play_ch<<endl;

class phone : public communicator, public camera, public player
    char ph_ch;
        cout<<"call phone constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call phone desctructor!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        phone* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object phone\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object phone\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of play_ch\t"<<(int*)&ph_ch<<endl;


call communicator constructor!
call camera constructor!
call player constructor!
call phone constructor!

size of object communicator	8
address of object communicator	000000BEC44FFBB8
address of com_val	000000BEC44FFBB8
address of com_ch	000000BEC44FFBBC

size of object camera	1
address of object camera	000000BEC44FFBC0
address of cam_ch	000000BEC44FFBC0

size of object player	1
address of object player	000000BEC44FFBC1
address of play_ch	000000BEC44FFBC1

size of object phone	12
address of object phone	000000BEC44FFBB8
address of play_ch	000000BEC44FFBC2
call phone desctructor!
call player desctructor!
call camera desctructor!
call communicator desctructor!

  通过g++ -fdump-class-hierarchy得到的内存模型如下:

Class communicator
   size=8 align=4
   base size=5 base align=4
communicator (0x0x6fffe70d8c0) 0
Class camera
   size=1 align=1
   base size=1 base align=1
camera (0x0x6fffe70ee80) 0
Class player
   size=1 align=1
   base size=1 base align=1
player (0x0x6fffe70f5a0) 0
Class phone
   size=8 align=4
   base size=8 base align=4
phone (0x0x6fffe321860) 0
  communicator (0x0x6fffe70fb40) 0
  camera (0x0x6fffe70fba0) 5
  player (0x0x6fffe70fc00) 6


3.2 包含虚函数的多继承类


  • communicator添加com_vir_rst和com_vir_snd
  • camera添加cam_vir_rst和cam_vir_snd
  • player添加play_vir_rst和play_vir_snd
  • phone添加ph_virtual,重写com_vir_rst, play_vir_rst, cam_vir_rst
using namespace std;

class communicator
    int com_val;
    char com_ch;
        cout<<"call communicator constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call communicator desctructor!\n";
    virtual void com_vir_rst()
        cout<<"communicator virtual first!\n";
    virtual void com_vir_snd()
        cout<<"communicator virtual second!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        communicator* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object communicator\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object communicator\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of com_val\t"<<(int*)&com_val<<endl;
        cout<<"address of com_ch\t"<<(int*)&com_ch<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"communicator address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		int func_no = 6;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < func_no;i++)
		    if(i == 3) continue;
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;

class camera
    char cam_ch;
        cout<<"call camera constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call camera desctructor!\n";
    virtual void cam_vir_rst()
        cout<<"camera virtual first!\n";
    virtual void cam_vir_snd()
        cout<<"camera virtual second!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        camera* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object camera\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object camera\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of cam_ch\t"<<(int*)&cam_ch<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"camera address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		int func_no = 2;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < func_no;i++)
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;

class player
    char play_ch;
        cout<<"call player constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call player desctructor!\n";
    virtual void play_vir_rst()
        cout<<"player virtual first!\n";
    virtual void play_vir_snd()
        cout<<"player virtual second!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        player* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object player\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object player\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of play_ch\t"<<(int*)&play_ch<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"player address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		int func_no = 2;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < func_no;i++)
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;

class phone : public communicator, public camera, public player
    char ph_ch;
        cout<<"call phone constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call phone desctructor!\n";
    virtual void ph_virtual()
        cout<<"phone virtual!\n";
    virtual void com_vir_rst()
        cout<<"phone communicator virtual first!\n";
    virtual void cam_vir_rst()
        cout<<"phone camera virtual first!\n";
    virtual void play_vir_rst()
        cout<<"phone player virtual first!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        phone* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object phone\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object phone\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of play_ch\t"<<(int*)&ph_ch<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"phone address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		int func_no = 3;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < func_no;i++)
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;


call communicator constructor!
call camera constructor!
call player constructor!
call phone constructor!

size of object communicator	16
address of object communicator	000000BA45DCF7C8
address of com_val	000000BA45DCF7D0
address of com_ch	000000BA45DCF7D4
communicator address of virtual table	00007FF666DA3FC0
phone communicator virtual first!
the 0th virtual function address	00007FF666D9191F
communicator virtual second!
the 1th virtual function address	00007FF666D91929
phone virtual!
the 2th virtual function address	00007FF666D9191A
phone player virtual first!
the 4th virtual function address	00007FF666D91938
player virtual second!
the 5th virtual function address	00007FF666D91947

size of object camera	16
address of object camera	000000BA45DCF7D8
address of cam_ch	000000BA45DCF7E0
camera address of virtual table	00007FF666DA3E98
phone camera virtual first!
the 0th virtual function address	00007FF666D9193D
camera virtual second!
the 1th virtual function address	00007FF666D9192E

size of object player	16
address of object player	000000BA45DCF7E8
address of play_ch	000000BA45DCF7F0
player address of virtual table	00007FF666DA3FE0
phone player virtual first!
the 0th virtual function address	00007FF666D91938
player virtual second!
the 1th virtual function address	00007FF666D91947

size of object phone	56
address of object phone	000000BA45DCF7C8
address of play_ch	000000BA45DCF7F8
phone address of virtual table	00007FF666DA3FC0
phone communicator virtual first!
the 0th virtual function address	00007FF666D9191F
communicator virtual second!
the 1th virtual function address	00007FF666D91929
phone virtual!
the 2th virtual function address	00007FF666D9191A
call phone desctructor!
call player desctructor!
call camera desctructor!
call communicator desctructor!


Vtable for communicator
communicator::_ZTV12communicator: 4 entries
0     (int (*)(...))0
8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12communicator)
16    (int (*)(...))communicator::com_vir_rst
24    (int (*)(...))communicator::com_vir_snd

Class communicator
   size=16 align=8
   base size=13 base align=8
communicator (0x0x6fffe70d8c0) 0
    vptr=((& communicator::_ZTV12communicator) + 16)
Vtable for camera
camera::_ZTV6camera: 4 entries
0     (int (*)(...))0
8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6camera)
16    (int (*)(...))camera::cam_vir_rst
24    (int (*)(...))camera::cam_vir_snd

Class camera
   size=16 align=8
   base size=9 base align=8
camera (0x0x6fffe70f540) 0
    vptr=((& camera::_ZTV6camera) + 16)
Vtable for player
player::_ZTV6player: 4 entries
0     (int (*)(...))0
8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6player)
16    (int (*)(...))player::play_vir_rst
24    (int (*)(...))player::play_vir_snd

Class player
   size=16 align=8
   base size=9 base align=8
player (0x0x6fffe70ff60) 0
    vptr=((& player::_ZTV6player) + 16)
Vtable for phone
phone::_ZTV5phone: 15 entries
0     (int (*)(...))0
8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI5phone)
16    (int (*)(...))phone::com_vir_rst
24    (int (*)(...))communicator::com_vir_snd
32    (int (*)(...))phone::ph_virtual
40    (int (*)(...))phone::cam_vir_rst
48    (int (*)(...))phone::play_vir_rst
56    (int (*)(...))-16
64    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI5phone)
72    (int (*)(...))phone::_ZThn16_N5phone11cam_vir_rstEv
80    (int (*)(...))camera::cam_vir_snd
88    (int (*)(...))-32
96    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI5phone)
104   (int (*)(...))phone::_ZThn32_N5phone12play_vir_rstEv
112   (int (*)(...))player::play_vir_snd

Class phone
   size=48 align=8
   base size=42 base align=8
phone (0x0x6fffe321b30) 0
    vptr=((& phone::_ZTV5phone) + 16)
  communicator (0x0x6fffe2806c0) 0
      primary-for phone (0x0x6fffe321b30)
  camera (0x0x6fffe280720) 16
      vptr=((& phone::_ZTV5phone) + 72)
  player (0x0x6fffe280780) 32
      vptr=((& phone::_ZTV5phone) + 104)



3.3 菱形继承类


  • hardware作为公共基类,拥有两个成员变量had_chhad_val,三个虚函数had_rst,had_snd,had_thd
  • camera的基类为hardware,拥有一个成员变量cam_ch,和两个虚函数cam_rst,cam_snd,重写基类虚函数had_rst;
  • communicator的基类为hardware,拥有一个成员变量com_ch,和两个虚函数com_rst,com_snd,重写基类虚函数had_rst
  • phone的基类为communicatorcamera,拥有一个成员变量ph_ch,和一个虚函数ph_virtual,重写基类中的虚函数cam_rst,com_rst


3.3.1 非虚继承


using namespace std;

class hardware
    char hd_ch;
    int hd_val;

        cout<<"call hardware constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call hardware destructor!\n";
    virtual void had_rst()
        cout<<"hardware virtual first!\n";
    virtual void had_snd()
        cout<<"hardware virtual second!\n";
    virtual void had_thd()
        cout<<"hardware virtual third!\n";
    void ptr_ostream(int func_no)
        hardware* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object hardware\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object hardware\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of hd_ch\t"<<(int*)&hd_ch<<endl;
        cout<<"address of hd_val\t"<<(int*)&hd_val<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"hardware address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < func_no;i++)
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;

class communicator : public hardware
    char com_ch;
        cout<<"call communicator constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call communicator desctructor!\n";
    virtual void had_rst()
        cout<<"communicator hadware virtual first!\n";
    virtual void com_rst()
        cout<<"communicator virtual first!\n";
    virtual void com_snd()
        cout<<"communicator virtual second!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        communicator* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object communicator\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object communicator\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of com_ch\t"<<(int*)&com_ch<<endl;

class camera : public hardware
    char cam_ch;
        cout<<"call camera constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call camera desctructor!\n";
    virtual void had_rst()
        cout<<"camera hadware virtual first!\n";
    virtual void cam_rst()
        cout<<"camera virtual first!\n";
    virtual void cam_snd()
        cout<<"camera virtual second!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        camera* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object camera\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object camera\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of cam_ch\t"<<(int*)&cam_ch<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"camera address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;

class phone : public communicator, public camera
    char ph_ch;
        cout<<"call phone constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call phone desctructor!\n";
    virtual void ph_virtual()
        cout<<"phone virtual!\n";
    virtual void com_rst()
        cout<<"phone communicator virtual first!\n";
    virtual void cam_rst()
        cout<<"phone camera virtual first!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        phone* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object phone\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object phone\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of play_ch\t"<<(int*)&ph_ch<<endl;


call hardware constructor!
call communicator constructor!
call hardware constructor!
call camera constructor!
call phone constructor!

size of object hardware	16
address of object hardware	000000BB654FFC48
address of hd_ch	000000BB654FFC50
address of hd_val	000000BB654FFC54
hardware address of virtual table	00007FF7E08CC420
communicator hadware virtual first!
the 0th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C1127
hardware virtual second!
the 1th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C1299
hardware virtual third!
the 2th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C124E
phone communicator virtual first!
the 3th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C1005
communicator virtual second!
the 4th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C101E
phone virtual!
the 5th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C100A

size of object hardware	16
address of object hardware	000000BB654FFC60
address of hd_ch	000000BB654FFC68
address of hd_val	000000BB654FFC6C
hardware address of virtual table	00007FF7E08CC3C0
camera hadware virtual first!
the 0th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C11EA
hardware virtual second!
the 1th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C1299
hardware virtual third!
the 2th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C124E
phone camera virtual first!
the 3th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C1217
camera virtual second!
the 4th virtual function address	00007FF7E08C1186

size of object communicator	24
address of object communicator	000000BB654FFC48
address of com_ch	000000BB654FFC58

size of object camera	24
address of object camera	000000BB654FFC60
address of cam_ch	000000BB654FFC70
camera address of virtual table	00007FF7E08CC3C0

size of object phone	56
address of object phone	000000BB654FFC48
address of play_ch	000000BB654FFC78
call phone desctructor!
call camera desctructor!
call hardware destructor!
call communicator desctructor!
call hardware destructor!


G:\tmp\tmp>g++ -fdump-class-hierarchy vvpmult.hpp
vvpmult.hpp: In member function 'void phone::ptr_ostream()':
vvpmult.hpp:169:46: error: 'hardware' is an ambiguous base of 'phone'
vvpmult.hpp:170:40: error: 'hardware' is an ambiguous base of 'phone'


3.3.2 虚继承

  虚继承将两个类声明修改virtual public并且删除had_rst函数的重写,因为会出现二义性:

class communicator : virtual public hardware
class camera : virtual public hardware
using namespace std;

class hardware
    char hd_ch;
    int hd_val;

        cout<<"call hardware constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call hardware destructor!\n";
    virtual void had_rst()
        cout<<"hardware virtual first!\n";
    virtual void had_snd()
        cout<<"hardware virtual second!\n";
    virtual void had_thd()
        cout<<"hardware virtual third!\n";
    void ptr_ostream(int func_no)
        hardware* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object hardware\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object hardware\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of hd_ch\t"<<(int*)&hd_ch<<endl;
        cout<<"address of hd_val\t"<<(int*)&hd_val<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"hardware address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < 3;i++)
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;

class communicator : virtual public hardware
    char com_ch;
        cout<<"call communicator constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call communicator desctructor!\n";
    virtual void com_rst()
        cout<<"communicator virtual first!\n";
    virtual void com_snd()
        cout<<"communicator virtual second!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        communicator* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object communicator\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object communicator\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of com_ch\t"<<(int*)&com_ch<<endl;
        void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"hardware address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < 3;i++)
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;

class camera : virtual public hardware
    char cam_ch;
        cout<<"call camera constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call camera desctructor!\n";
    virtual void cam_rst()
        cout<<"camera virtual first!\n";
    virtual void cam_snd()
        cout<<"camera virtual second!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        camera* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object camera\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object camera\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of cam_ch\t"<<(int*)&cam_ch<<endl;
		void **vptr = (void**)(int*)*(int**)(ptr);
		cout<<"hardware address of virtual table\t"<<vptr<<endl;
		typedef void (*virtual_func)();
		for(int i = 0;i < 2;i++)
		    virtual_func func = (virtual_func)(int*)vptr[i];
		    cout<<"the "<<i<<"th virtual function address\t"<<func<<endl;

class phone : public communicator, public camera
    char ph_ch;
        cout<<"call phone constructor!\n";
        cout<<"call phone desctructor!\n";
    virtual void ph_virtual()
        cout<<"phone virtual!\n";
    virtual void com_rst()
        cout<<"phone communicator virtual first!\n";
    virtual void cam_rst()
        cout<<"phone camera virtual first!\n";
    void ptr_ostream()
        phone* ptr = &(*this);
        cout<<"size of object phone\t" << sizeof(*ptr)<<endl;
        cout<<"address of object phone\t" << ptr<<endl;
        cout<<"address of play_ch\t"<<(int*)&ph_ch<<endl;
Vtable for hardware
hardware::_ZTV8hardware: 5 entries
0     (int (*)(...))0
8     (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI8hardware)
16    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_rst
24    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_snd
32    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_thd

Class hardware
   size=16 align=8
   base size=16 base align=8
hardware (0x0x6fffe70d8c0) 0
    vptr=((& hardware::_ZTV8hardware) + 16)
Vtable for communicator
communicator::_ZTV12communicator: 13 entries
0     16
8     (int (*)(...))0
16    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12communicator)
24    (int (*)(...))communicator::com_rst
32    (int (*)(...))communicator::com_snd
40    0
48    0
56    0
64    (int (*)(...))-16
72    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12communicator)
80    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_rst
88    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_snd
96    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_thd

VTT for communicator
communicator::_ZTT12communicator: 2 entries
0     ((& communicator::_ZTV12communicator) + 24)
8     ((& communicator::_ZTV12communicator) + 80)
Vtable for camera
camera::_ZTV6camera: 13 entries
0     16
8     (int (*)(...))0
16    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6camera)
24    (int (*)(...))camera::cam_rst
32    (int (*)(...))camera::cam_snd
40    0
48    0
56    0
64    (int (*)(...))-16
72    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6camera)
80    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_rst
88    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_snd
96    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_thd

VTT for camera
camera::_ZTT6camera: 2 entries
0     ((& camera::_ZTV6camera) + 24)
8     ((& camera::_ZTV6camera) + 80)

Class camera
   size=32 align=8
   base size=9 base align=8
camera (0x0x6fffe53be20) 0
    vptridx=0 vptr=((& camera::_ZTV6camera) + 24)
  hardware (0x0x6fffe280000) 16 virtual
      vptridx=8 vbaseoffset=-24 vptr=((& camera::_ZTV6camera) + 80)
Vtable for phone
phone::_ZTV5phone: 20 entries
0     32
8     (int (*)(...))0
16    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI5phone)
24    (int (*)(...))phone::com_rst
32    (int (*)(...))communicator::com_snd
40    (int (*)(...))phone::ph_virtual
48    (int (*)(...))phone::cam_rst
56    16
64    (int (*)(...))-16
72    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI5phone)
80    (int (*)(...))phone::_ZThn16_N5phone7cam_rstEv
88    (int (*)(...))camera::cam_snd
96    0
104   0
112   0
120   (int (*)(...))-32
128   (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI5phone)
136   (int (*)(...))hardware::had_rst
144   (int (*)(...))hardware::had_snd
152   (int (*)(...))hardware::had_thd

Construction vtable for communicator (0x0x6fffe53c1c8 instance) in phone
phone::_ZTC5phone0_12communicator: 13 entries
0     32
8     (int (*)(...))0
16    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12communicator)
24    (int (*)(...))communicator::com_rst
32    (int (*)(...))communicator::com_snd
40    0
48    0
56    0
64    (int (*)(...))-32
72    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI12communicator)
80    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_rst
88    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_snd
96    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_thd

Construction vtable for camera (0x0x6fffe53c230 instance) in phone
phone::_ZTC5phone16_6camera: 13 entries
0     16
8     (int (*)(...))0
16    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6camera)
24    (int (*)(...))camera::cam_rst
32    (int (*)(...))camera::cam_snd
40    0
48    0
56    0
64    (int (*)(...))-16
72    (int (*)(...))(& _ZTI6camera)
80    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_rst
88    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_snd
96    (int (*)(...))hardware::had_thd

VTT for phone
phone::_ZTT5phone: 7 entries
0     ((& phone::_ZTV5phone) + 24)
8     ((& phone::_ZTC5phone0_12communicator) + 24)
16    ((& phone::_ZTC5phone0_12communicator) + 80)
24    ((& phone::_ZTC5phone16_6camera) + 24)
32    ((& phone::_ZTC5phone16_6camera) + 80)
40    ((& phone::_ZTV5phone) + 136)
48    ((& phone::_ZTV5phone) + 80)

Class phone
   size=48 align=8
   base size=26 base align=8
phone (0x0x6fffe458ce0) 0
    vptridx=0 vptr=((& phone::_ZTV5phone) + 24)
  communicator (0x0x6fffe53c1c8) 0
      primary-for phone (0x0x6fffe458ce0)
    hardware (0x0x6fffe2808a0) 32 virtual
        vptridx=40 vbaseoffset=-24 vptr=((& phone::_ZTV5phone) + 136)
  camera (0x0x6fffe53c230) 16
      subvttidx=24 vptridx=48 vptr=((& phone::_ZTV5phone) + 80)
    hardware (0x0x6fffe2808a0) alternative-path


