

    • 一、前篇
    • 二、正文layer.hpp头文件解析
    • 三、layer.cpp相关的一些理解
    • 四、关于序列化以及第57行为什么要先reset的小例子



caffe 源码导读(一) 了解protobuf
caffe 源码导读(二) Blob数据结构介绍
caffe 源码导读(三) Blob.hpp头文件解析
caffe 源码导读(四) Blob.cpp解析


Layer头文件位于 include/caffe/layer.hpp中,内容以及解析如下

#ifndef CAFFE_LAYER_H_
#define CAFFE_LAYER_H_


#include "caffe/blob.hpp"
#include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe/layer_factory.hpp"
#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"
#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"

 Forward declare boost::thread instead of including boost/thread.hpp
 to avoid a boost/NVCC issues (#1009, #1010) on OSX.
namespace boost { class mutex; }

namespace caffe {

 * @brief An interface for the units of computation which can be composed into a
 *        Net.
 * Layer%s must implement a Forward function, in which they take their input
 * (bottom) Blob%s (if any) and compute their output Blob%s (if any).
 * They may also implement a Backward function, in which they compute the error
 * gradients with respect to their input Blob%s, given the error gradients with
 * their output Blob%s.

//   vector > > blobs_;
template <typename Dtype>
class Layer {
   * You should not implement your own constructor. Any set up code should go
   * to SetUp(), where the dimensions of the bottom blobs are provided to the
   * layer.
   // 显式构造函数,从LayerParameter对象中加载配置
  explicit Layer(const LayerParameter& param)
    : layer_param_(param) {
      // Set phase and copy blobs (if there are any).
      phase_ = param.phase(); //设置当前阶段
      if (layer_param_.blobs_size() > 0) { // 按照layer_param_ 设置本身Blob对象的个数
        blobs_.resize(layer_param_.blobs_size()); // 给blob_分配空间
  // 之后blobs_这里存放的是一个指向blob类的shared_ptr指针的一个vector,
  // 这里是申请空间,然后将出传入的layer_param中的blob拷贝过来
        for (int i = 0; i < layer_param_.blobs_size(); ++i) {
          // 如果没有reset,会报/.. Assertion `px != 0' failed.错误
          // 具体看例一
          blobs_[i].reset(new Blob<Dtype>());
    // 虚析构函数
    // 配置函数,实现常用层配置接口,不可被覆盖
  virtual ~Layer() {}

   * @brief Implements common layer setup functionality.
   * @param bottom the preshaped input blobs
   * @param top
   *     the allocated but unshaped output blobs, to be shaped by Reshape
   * Checks that the number of bottom and top blobs is correct.
   * Calls LayerSetUp to do special layer setup for individual layer types,
   * followed by Reshape to set up sizes of top blobs and internal buffers.
   * Sets up the loss weight multiplier blobs for any non-zero loss weights.
   * This method may not be overridden.
   // 配置函数,实现常用层配置接口,不可被覆盖
  void SetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
    CheckBlobCounts(bottom, top); // 检查blob
    LayerSetUp(bottom, top); // 与层类型相关的配置过程,对每一具体的层做进一步设置
    Reshape(bottom, top); // 对Top Blob变形
    SetLossWeights(top); // 设置损失权值因子

   * @brief Does layer-specific setup: your layer should implement this function
   *        as well as Reshape.
   * @param bottom
   *     the preshaped input blobs, whose data fields store the input data for
   *     this layer
   * @param top
   *     the allocated but unshaped output blobs
   * This method should do one-time layer specific setup. This includes reading
   * and processing relevent parameters from the layer_param_.
   * Setting up the shapes of top blobs and internal buffers should be done in
   * Reshape, which will be called before the forward pass to
   * adjust the top blob sizes.
   // 层配置(虚函数),做特定类型层相关的配置,有该层自己实现,
   // 具体每层实现不一样,主要是输出blob的reshape
  virtual void LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {}

   * @brief Adjust the shapes of top blobs and internal buffers to accommodate
   *        the shapes of the bottom blobs.
   * @param bottom the input blobs, with the requested input shapes
   * @param top the top blobs, which should be reshaped as needed
   * This method should reshape top blobs as needed according to the shapes
   * of the bottom (input) blobs, as well as reshaping any internal buffers
   * and making any other necessary adjustments so that the layer can
   * accommodate the bottom blobs.
   // 纯虚函数,修改Top Blob以及内部Blob缓冲区的形状
  virtual void Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) = 0;

   * @brief Given the bottom blobs, compute the top blobs and the loss.
   * @param bottom
   *     the input blobs, whose data fields store the input data for this layer
   * @param top
   *     the preshaped output blobs, whose data fields will store this layers'
   *     outputs
   * \return The total loss from the layer.
   * The Forward wrapper calls the relevant device wrapper function
   * (Forward_cpu or Forward_gpu) to compute the top blob values given the
   * bottom blobs.  If the layer has any non-zero loss_weights, the wrapper
   * then computes and returns the loss.
   * Your layer should implement Forward_cpu and (optionally) Forward_gpu.
   // 前向传播函数,给定Bottom Blob,计算Top Blob和loss,返回值为当前层的loss
   // 该函数会调用相关设备包装函数,如Forword_cpu或这Forword_gpu来实现真正计算过程
   // 如果该层有任意非零loss_weights参数,那么包装函数会计算并返回loss
   // 派生类应出现Forward_cpu and (optionally) Forward_gpu.
  inline Dtype Forward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);

   * @brief Given the top blob error gradients, compute the bottom blob error
   *        gradients.
   * @param top
   *     the output blobs, whose diff fields store the gradient of the error
   *     with respect to themselves
   * @param propagate_down
   *     a vector with equal length to bottom, with each index indicating
   *     whether to propagate the error gradients down to the bottom blob at
   *     the corresponding index
   * @param bottom
   *     the input blobs, whose diff fields will store the gradient of the error
   *     with respect to themselves after Backward is run
   * The Backward wrapper calls the relevant device wrapper function
   * (Backward_cpu or Backward_gpu) to compute the bottom blob diffs given the
   * top blob diffs.
   * Your layer should implement Backward_cpu and (optionally) Backward_gpu.
   // 反向传播函数,给定Top Blob误差梯度,计算 Bottom Blob误差梯度
   // 参数说明:
   // top-Top Blob, 其diff域包含来自上一层的误差梯度
   // propagate_down, 这个参数和Booton的长度是一样的,每一个index用来指定是否需要反向传播对应的bottom blob
   // bootom里面的diff区域存放的是backward 计算出来相应的 gradient error
   // 该函数会调用相应设备包装函数, 如Backward_cpu或者Backward_gpu来实现计算过程,有派生类负责实现
  inline void Backward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
      const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);

   * @brief Returns the vector of learnable parameter blobs.
   * 返回内部可训练的权值和偏置项向量
  vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > >& blobs() {
    return blobs_;

   * @brief Returns the layer parameter.
   * 返回layer初始化参数(由ProtoBuffer提供)
  const LayerParameter& layer_param() const { return layer_param_; }

   * @brief Writes the layer parameter to a protocol buffer
   * 将Layer初始化参数写入ProtoBuffer缓冲区
  virtual void ToProto(LayerParameter* param, bool write_diff = false);

   * @brief Returns the scalar loss associated with a top blob at a given index.
   * 返回指定index相关的标量loss值
  inline Dtype loss(const int top_index) const {
    return (loss_.size() > top_index) ? loss_[top_index] : Dtype(0);

   * @brief Sets the loss associated with a top blob at a given index.
   * 给定index,设置loss值
  inline void set_loss(const int top_index, const Dtype value) {
    if (loss_.size() <= top_index) {
      loss_.resize(top_index + 1, Dtype(0));
    loss_[top_index] = value;

   * @brief Returns the layer type.
   * 返回层类型字符串,便于识别,由派生类负责实现
  virtual inline const char* type() const { return ""; }

   * @brief Returns the exact number of bottom blobs required by the layer,
   *        or -1 if no exact number is required.
   * 返回该Layer需要的输入的Blob数目, -1表示不关心
   * This method should be overridden to return a non-negative value if your
   * layer expects some exact number of bottom blobs.
   * 如果您的图层需要一些确切数量的bottom blobs,则应该重写此方法以返回非负值。
  virtual inline int ExactNumBottomBlobs() const { return -1; }
   * @brief Returns the minimum number of bottom blobs required by the layer,
   *        or -1 if no minimum number is required.
   * 返回该Layer需要的输入的最小Blob数目
   * This method should be overridden to return a non-negative value if your
   * layer expects some minimum number of bottom blobs.
  virtual inline int MinBottomBlobs() const { return -1; }
   * @brief Returns the maximum number of bottom blobs required by the layer,
   *        or -1 if no maximum number is required.
   * 返回该Layer需要的输入的最大Blob数目
   * This method should be overridden to return a non-negative value if your
   * layer expects some maximum number of bottom blobs.
  virtual inline int MaxBottomBlobs() const { return -1; }
   * @brief Returns the exact number of top blobs required by the layer,
   *        or -1 if no exact number is required.
   * 需要输出的Blob数目
   * This method should be overridden to return a non-negative value if your
   * layer expects some exact number of top blobs.
  virtual inline int ExactNumTopBlobs() const { return -1; }
   * @brief Returns the minimum number of top blobs required by the layer,
   *        or -1 if no minimum number is required.
   * This method should be overridden to return a non-negative value if your
   * layer expects some minimum number of top blobs.
  virtual inline int MinTopBlobs() const { return -1; }
   * @brief Returns the maximum number of top blobs required by the layer,
   *        or -1 if no maximum number is required.
   * This method should be overridden to return a non-negative value if your
   * layer expects some maximum number of top blobs.
  virtual inline int MaxTopBlobs() const { return -1; }
   * @brief Returns true if the layer requires an equal number of bottom and
   *        top blobs.
   * 返回该Layer是否有相同的输入/输出Blob.由派生类实现
   * This method should be overridden to return true if your layer expects an
   * equal number of bottom and top blobs.
  virtual inline bool EqualNumBottomTopBlobs() const { return false; }

   * @brief Return whether "anonymous" top blobs are created automatically
   *        by the layer.
   * 返回是否允许匿名Top Blob,即由该Layer自动创建,如果为真,Net::Init函数中会创建足够多的
   * 匿名Top Blob来满足该Layer ExactNumTopBlobs() MinTopBlobs需求
   * If this method returns true, Net::Init will create enough "anonymous" top
   * blobs to fulfill the requirement specified by ExactNumTopBlobs() or
   * MinTopBlobs().
  virtual inline bool AutoTopBlobs() const { return false; }

   * @brief Return whether to allow force_backward for a given bottom blob
   *        index.
   * If AllowForceBackward(i) == false, we will ignore the force_backward
   * setting and backpropagate to blob i only if it needs gradient information
   * (as is done when force_backward == false).
   * 返回某些Bottom Blob是否允许强制反向传播,If AllowForceBackward(i) == false,将会忽略
   * force_backward设定,因为有些层不需要梯度信息,后面两个函数分别查看以及设置是否需要计算梯度
  virtual inline bool AllowForceBackward(const int bottom_index) const {
    return true;

   * @brief Specifies whether the layer should compute gradients w.r.t. a
   *        parameter at a particular index given by param_id.
   * You can safely ignore false values and always compute gradients
   * for all parameters, but possibly with wasteful computation.
   *  指定该layer是否计算相对权值或偏置项的梯度,具体相对谁由param_id指定
  inline bool param_propagate_down(const int param_id) {
    return (param_propagate_down_.size() > param_id) ?
        param_propagate_down_[param_id] : false;
   * @brief Sets whether the layer should compute gradients w.r.t. a
   *        parameter at a particular index given by param_id.
  inline void set_param_propagate_down(const int param_id, const bool value) {
    if (param_propagate_down_.size() <= param_id) {
      param_propagate_down_.resize(param_id + 1, true);
    param_propagate_down_[param_id] = value;

  /** The protobuf that stores the layer parameters */
  LayerParameter layer_param_; // 保存Layer参数的ProtoBuffer对象
  /** The phase: TRAIN or TEST */
  Phase phase_; // Layer当前所处阶段
  /** The vector that stores the learnable parameters as a set of blobs. */
  vector<shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> > > blobs_; //Layer内部权值或偏置项,以Blob方式组织
  /** Vector indicating whether to compute the diff of each param blob. */
  vector<bool> param_propagate_down_; // 标志位,是否计算对应参数的误差梯度

  /** The vector that indicates whether each top blob has a non-zero weight in
   *  the objective function. */
  vector<Dtype> loss_; // 标志位,在目标函数中,是否每个Top Blob都有非零权重

  // 下面这四个函数,会在各个Layer的派生类中经常看到
  /** @brief Using the CPU device, compute the layer output. */
  virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) = 0;
   * @brief Using the GPU device, compute the layer output.
   *        Fall back to Forward_cpu() if unavailable.
  virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
    // LOG(WARNING) << "Using CPU code as backup.";
    return Forward_cpu(bottom, top);

   * @brief Using the CPU device, compute the gradients for any parameters and
   *        for the bottom blobs if propagate_down is true.
  virtual void Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
      const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) = 0;
   * @brief Using the GPU device, compute the gradients for any parameters and
   *        for the bottom blobs if propagate_down is true.
   *        Fall back to Backward_cpu() if unavailable.
  virtual void Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
      const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
      const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {
    // LOG(WARNING) << "Using CPU code as backup.";
    Backward_cpu(top, propagate_down, bottom);

   * Called by the parent Layer's SetUp to check that the number of bottom
   * and top Blobs provided as input match the expected numbers specified by
   * the {ExactNum,Min,Max}{Bottom,Top}Blobs() functions.
   *  检查 输入/输出 Blob数目收满足Layer要求
  virtual void CheckBlobCounts(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
                               const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
    if (ExactNumBottomBlobs() >= 0) {
      CHECK_EQ(ExactNumBottomBlobs(), bottom.size())
          << type() << " Layer takes " << ExactNumBottomBlobs()
          << " bottom blob(s) as input.";
    if (MinBottomBlobs() >= 0) {
      CHECK_LE(MinBottomBlobs(), bottom.size())
          << type() << " Layer takes at least " << MinBottomBlobs()
          << " bottom blob(s) as input.";
    if (MaxBottomBlobs() >= 0) {
      CHECK_GE(MaxBottomBlobs(), bottom.size())
          << type() << " Layer takes at most " << MaxBottomBlobs()
          << " bottom blob(s) as input.";
    if (ExactNumTopBlobs() >= 0) {
      CHECK_EQ(ExactNumTopBlobs(), top.size())
          << type() << " Layer produces " << ExactNumTopBlobs()
          << " top blob(s) as output.";
    if (MinTopBlobs() >= 0) {
      CHECK_LE(MinTopBlobs(), top.size())
          << type() << " Layer produces at least " << MinTopBlobs()
          << " top blob(s) as output.";
    if (MaxTopBlobs() >= 0) {
      CHECK_GE(MaxTopBlobs(), top.size())
          << type() << " Layer produces at most " << MaxTopBlobs()
          << " top blob(s) as output.";
    if (EqualNumBottomTopBlobs()) {
      CHECK_EQ(bottom.size(), top.size())
          << type() << " Layer produces one top blob as output for each "
          << "bottom blob input.";

   * Called by SetUp to initialize the weights associated with any top blobs in
   * the loss function. Store non-zero loss weights in the diff blob.
   * 该函数在Layer的SetUp函数中调用,主要目的是初始化与Top Blob相关的loss权重,放到Top Blob的diff域,
   * 实际由Forward()计算loss函数
   * SetLoss是非常重要的不走,是被Setup调用来初始化top bottom的weights,
   * 并且存储非零的Loss Weight在diff blob里面
  inline void SetLossWeights(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
    // 从ProtoBuffer对象中获取Layer参数,这里需要调用loss_weight参数
    const int num_loss_weights = layer_param_.loss_weight_size();
    if (num_loss_weights) { //如果Protobuffer中存在至少一个loss_weight参数
      // loss_weight参数个数应当与Top Blob数目想同,或者不要loss_weight参数
      CHECK_EQ(top.size(), num_loss_weights) << "loss_weight must be "
          "unspecified or specified once per top blob.";
      for (int top_id = 0; top_id < top.size(); ++top_id) {
        // 从ProtoBuffer对象拿到loss_weight实际值(0或者1)
        const Dtype loss_weight = layer_param_.loss_weight(top_id);
        // 如果为0
        if (loss_weight == Dtype(0)) { continue; }
        this->set_loss(top_id, loss_weight); // 本地记录loss_weight的值
        const int count = top[top_id]->count();
        Dtype* loss_multiplier = top[top_id]->mutable_cpu_diff();
        // 将loss_weight值写入到Top Blob的diff域,传递到其他需要的地方,实现远程同步
        caffe_set(count, loss_weight, loss_multiplier);

  DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Layer);// 禁止拷贝构造函数和赋值运算函数
};  // class Layer

// Forward and backward wrappers. You should implement the cpu and
// gpu specific implementations instead, and should not change these
// functions.
// 前向函数和反向函数包装,不需要修改这两个函数
// 使用时,只需要在派生类中改写Forword_cpu等
template <typename Dtype>
inline Dtype Layer<Dtype>::Forward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  Dtype loss = 0;
  Reshape(bottom, top); //修改Top Blob以及内部Blob缓冲区的形状
  switch (Caffe::mode()) { // 判断计算设备
  case Caffe::CPU: //在cpu上执行
    Forward_cpu(bottom, top); // 调用cpu版本的Forward函数
    for (int top_id = 0; top_id < top.size(); ++top_id) {
      if (!this->loss(top_id)) { continue; }
      const int count = top[top_id]->count();
      // 如果是LossLater,则已经通过Forword函数计算出全局损失函数,放在Top Blob diff域
      const Dtype* data = top[top_id]->cpu_data();
      const Dtype* loss_weights = top[top_id]->cpu_diff();
      loss += caffe_cpu_dot(count, data, loss_weights); //计算加权后的loss之和,得到标量loss值
      // data[i]*loss_weight[i]之和,函数调用如下,在math_functions中可以看到
       * Dtype caffe_cpu_dot(const int n, const Dtype* x, const Dtype* y) {
         return caffe_cpu_strided_dot(n, x, 1, y, 1);

        template <>
        double caffe_cpu_strided_dot(const int n, const double* x,
            const int incx, const double* y, const int incy) {
          return cblas_ddot(n, x, incx, y, incy);
      功能: 返回 vector X 和 vector Y 的内积。
      incx, incy : 步长,即每隔incx 或 incy 个element 进行操作。
       * */
  case Caffe::GPU:
    Forward_gpu(bottom, top);
#ifndef CPU_ONLY
    for (int top_id = 0; top_id < top.size(); ++top_id) {
      if (!this->loss(top_id)) { continue; }
      const int count = top[top_id]->count();
      const Dtype* data = top[top_id]->gpu_data();
      const Dtype* loss_weights = top[top_id]->gpu_diff();
      Dtype blob_loss = 0;
      caffe_gpu_dot(count, data, loss_weights, &blob_loss);
      loss += blob_loss;
    LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown caffe mode.";
  return loss;

// 反向传播函数,直接调用相应设备函数
template <typename Dtype>
inline void Layer<Dtype>::Backward(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
    const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {
  switch (Caffe::mode()) {
  case Caffe::CPU:
    Backward_cpu(top, propagate_down, bottom);
  case Caffe::GPU:
    Backward_gpu(top, propagate_down, bottom);
    LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown caffe mode.";

// Serialize LayerParameter to protocol buffer
// 将层配置参数序列化为ProtoBuffer
template <typename Dtype>
void Layer<Dtype>::ToProto(LayerParameter* param, bool write_diff) {
  for (int i = 0; i < blobs_.size(); ++i) { //权值和偏项也会保存
    blobs_[i]->ToProto(param->add_blobs(), write_diff);

}  // namespace caffe

#endif  // CAFFE_LAYER_H_


在使用Layer之前,需要包含头文件#include,再通过using namespace caffe



void test2(){

    Blob<float> a;
    // 上面输出的是
    // size:(0)
    // size:1 2 3 4 (24)

    float *p = a.mutable_cpu_data();
    for(int i=0;i<a.count();i++){ // 将 1 2 3 4 ..写入Blob 对象a中
        p[i] = i;

    BlobProto bp; //构造一个BlobProto对象
    a.ToProto(&bp, true); //将a序列化,连同diff(默认不带)
    WriteProtoToBinaryFile(bp, "test.blob"); //写入磁盘文件"test.blob",这个是路径

    // 三、试一试reset和FromProto
    BlobProto bp2; // 构造一个新的BlobProto对象
    ReadProtoFromBinaryFileOrDie("test.blob", &bp2); //读取磁盘
    boost::shared_ptr<Blob<float> > b; // 新建立一个新的Blob对象,注意,用了boost中的只能指针
    b.reset(new Blob<float>()); //必须先reset一下,不然会报错,为空的,然后在反序列化拷贝
    // 如果没有reset,会报/.. Assertion `px != 0' failed.错误

    b->FromProto(bp2, true);//反序列化,从序列化对象中克隆b,连同形状一起
    for(int n=0;n<b->num();n++){
        for(int c=0;c<b->channels();c++){
            for(int h=0;h<b->height();h++){
                for(int w=0;w<b->width();w++){

 * test2 输出如下
size:1 2 3 4 (24)
