QNX 多线程样例分析

在QNX Momentics环境中有几个样例供初学者参考,学习QNX多线程编程的一个好方法是导入QNX的多线程样例,测试运行后分析样例代码,和自己编写测试样例相比,这种方法可以减少输入错误,配置错误等低级错误带来的问题。

在QNX Momentics中选择“File->New -> Example...”打开样例向导,选择“QNX Example Neutrino Threads Project”。然后保留缺省设置,点击“Next”,“Finish”即可创建QNX多线程样例工程。

所创建的工程的目标系统是X86,所以在QNX虚拟机上不需要修改就可以运行,选择项目,点击右键并选择“Build Project”对项目进行编译。

编译成功后可以通过“Run As->Rung Configuration”配置运行环境,具体过程参考之前的博文。


1: Creating thread now.
2: functionA active
3: Thread was created.
4: The main thread is going on...
5: ... as long as it hasn't used up its timeslice.
6: Creating another thread.
7: functionB is working...
8: Thread was created.
9: The main thread continues...
10: We are now creating two more threads...
11: universalthread is now running...
12: universalthread: localvariable 3 * parameter 12 = 36
13: universalthread is now running...
14: universalthread: localvariable 3 * parameter 59 = 177
15: Threads created.
16: Main thread now waiting for first thread to finish
17: universalthread: localvariable 15 * parameter 12 = 180
18: universalthread: localvariable 62 * parameter 59 = 3658
19: universalthread: localvariable 27 * parameter 12 = 324
20: universalthread: localvariable 121 * parameter 59 = 7139
21: functionA is finished.
22: Thread 2 completed its function!
23: Main thread now waiting for termination through user.
24: Other threads keep running in the background until
25: they finish or are terminated together with the main thread.
26: universalthread: localvariable 39 * parameter 12 = 468
27: universalthread: localvariable 180 * parameter 59 = 10620
28: functionB done.
29: universalthread: localvariable 51 * parameter 12 = 612
30: universalthread: localvariable 239 * parameter 59 = 14101
31: universalthread with parameter 12 finished.
32: universalthread with parameter 59 finished.


#include //注意使用线程时要引入pthread.h头文件



void *functionA();
void *functionB();
void *universalthread(int parameter);


int main () {


printf("Creating thread now.\n");

pthread_create(&our_thread_id, NULL, &functionA ,NULL);

printf("Thread was created.\n");


printf("The main thread is going on...\n");
printf("... as long as it hasn't used up its timeslice.\n");


printf("Creating another thread.\n");

pthread_create(NULL,NULL, &functionB ,NULL);

printf("Thread was created.\n");
printf("The main thread continues...\n");

printf("We are now creating two more threads...\n");

pthread_create(NULL,NULL, (void *) &universalthread, (void *) 12);
pthread_create(NULL,NULL, (void *) &universalthread, (void *) 59);

printf("Threads created.\n");

printf("Main thread now waiting for first thread to finish\n");


pthread_join(our_thread_id, NULL);

printf("Thread %d completed its function!\n",our_thread_id);

printf("Main thread now waiting for termination through user.\n");
printf("Other threads keep running in the background until\n");
printf("they finish or are terminated together with the main thread.\n");

//等待用户结束主线程(Ctrl+C ),此时其它子线程继续运行。



void *functionA()

printf("functionA active\n");
printf ("functionA is finished.\n");

void *functionB()

printf("functionB is working...\n");
sleep (7);
printf("functionB done.\n");

void *universalthread(int parameter)
int localvariable;
int counter = 0;

localvariable = 3;

printf("universalthread is now running...\n");
while ( counter < 5) {
printf ("universalthread: localvariable %d * parameter %d = %d\n", localvariable, parameter, (localvariable * parameter));
localvariable = localvariable + parameter;
printf("universalthread with parameter %d finished.\n",parameter);

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