Build Unity Project
Go inside the AirSim\Unity directory: cd Unity.
Build the unity project: build.cmd.
Additionally, there is a free environment Windridge City which you can download from Unity Asset Store. And, of course, you can always create your own environment.
出错,应该是VS2017缺少组件 Windows SDK 10.0.16299.0,这个版本的组件有四个,我只安装了如下两个
在Unity Asset Store中购买(免费)该资源后,用unity打开,开始下载。
// NOTE: If you are getting errors of the sort that say something like:
// "The type or namespace name `PostProcessing' does not exist in the namespace"
// it is because the Post Processing Stack V2 module has not been installed in your project.
// To make the errors go away, you can either:
// 1 - Download PostProcessing V2 and install it into your project
// or
// 2 - Delete the CinemachinePostProcessingV2 folder from your project
First, make sure you don't already have the Postprocessing package installed or it will conflict
with a source installation. If you do, you can remove it using the package manager (Window -> Package Manager).
Then you can use your Git client to clone the post-processing repository into your Assets folder.
If you don't want to use a Git client you can also download a zip archive by clicking the green
button that says "Clone or download" at the top of the repository and extract it into your project.
在window->package manager里,也有安装的方法
Start Unity and click Open project.
Select the folder AirSim\Unity\UnityDemo, and then hit the button Select Folder.
In the bottom pane, Click on Projects->Assets->Scenes. Then, Double-click on SimModeSelector, DroneDemo, or CarDemo.
Hit the play button to start the simulation (and hit play again to stop the simulation. .
Alternatively, you can change the SimMode in your Settings.json file. (you can read more about it here)
Controlling the car:
Use WASD or the Arrow keys or the AirSim client.
Controlling the drone:
Use the PageUP/PageDown with WASD/Arrow keys.
Changing camera views:
Keys 0, 1, 2, 3 are used to toggle windows of different camera views.
Recording simulation data:
Press Record button(Red button) located at the right bottom corner of the screen, to toggle recording of the simulation data. The recorded data can be found at Documents\AirSim(Date of recording)