

GMT_Tutorial 教程
GMT_Docs 文档,(详细的介绍功能)
GMT_Manpages 命令的详细介绍手册(一个查询手册)
GMT_API 暂未了解

先看看 GMT_Docs.pdf - introduction 有个整体认识

GMT offers 31 map projections. These are specified using the -J common option. There are two conventions you may use: (a) GMT-style syntax and (b) Proj4-style syntax. The projection codes for the GMT-style are tabulated below.
GMT提供31个地图投影。 这些是使用-J common选项指定的。 有两种惯例您可以使用:(a)GMT风格的语法和(b)Proj4风格的语法。 投影代码为GMT风格列表如下。
-J (upper case for width, lower case for scale) Map projection
Finally, the rest of the GMT common options are given below:
A pen in GMT has three attributes: width, color, and style. Most programs will accept pen attributes in the form of an option argument, with commas separating the given attributes, e.g.,
see GMT 12.14 Specifying pen attributes

-JX 3i/1.5i
The projection is defined by stating scale in inches/unit (-Jx) or axis length in inches (-JX). If the y-scale or y-axis length is different from that of the x-axis (which is most often the case), separate the two scales (or lengths) by a slash, e.g., -Jx0.1i/0.5i or -JX8i/5i. Thus, our y = √x data sets will plot as shown in Figure Linear transformation of Cartesian coordinates.
for exmaple
-JX 3i/1.5i
-JX 宽/高

-R 随便填错,然后就告诉你规则了
psxy: Syntax error -R option. Correct syntax:
Append r if giving lower left and upper right coordinates
-Rg or -Rd for global domain
-R to take the domain from a grid file

-X -Y
画在图片中的位置,且每一个图是在上一个图基础上的位置,如果两个图用的同一个坐标,那么后面图应为-X0 -Y0

-Binformation Specify map frame and axes parameters (. . . )

psxy: Syntax error -B option. Correct syntax: