ServiceStack.Redis 使用教程


  • Redis (使用Windows版本做测试,运营环境建议使用Linux版本)
  • ServiceStack.Redis-v3.00


ServiceStack.Redis 使用教程_第1张图片

运行redis-server.exe 看到如下Windows控制台:

ServiceStack.Redis 使用教程_第2张图片


我们先玩一下Redis的客户端控制台,在相同目录下运行redis-cli.exe会弹出另一个控制台程序,可以参考Try Redis tutorial开始你的交互之旅。

输入命令 set car.make “Ford” 添加了一个car.make为Key,Value是Ford的数据进入Redis,输入命令get car.make就可以取回Ford

ServiceStack.Redis 使用教程_第3张图片

下面我们进入正题,讲主角ServiceStack.Redis :

首先创建一个控制台程序,然后解压缩 ,然后添加下面的四个引用

  • ServiceStack.Common
  • ServiceStack.Interfaces
  • ServiceStack.Redis
  • ServiceStack.Text

ServiceStack.Redis 使用教程_第4张图片


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ServiceStack.Redis;
using System.Threading;

namespace RedisTutorial
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var redisClient = new RedisClient("localhost");

            using (var cars = redisClient.GetTypedClient())
                if (cars.GetAll().Count > 0)

                var dansFord = new Car
                    Id = cars.GetNextSequence(),
                    Title = "Dan's Ford",
                    Make = new Make { Name = "Ford" },
                    Model = new Model { Name = "Fiesta" }
                var beccisFord = new Car
                    Id = cars.GetNextSequence(),
                    Title = "Becci's Ford",
                    Make = new Make { Name = "Ford" },
                    Model = new Model { Name = "Focus" }
                var vauxhallAstra = new Car
                    Id = cars.GetNextSequence(),
                    Title = "Dans Vauxhall Astra",
                    Make = new Make { Name = "Vauxhall" },
                    Model = new Model { Name = "Asta" }
                var vauxhallNova = new Car
                    Id = cars.GetNextSequence(),
                    Title = "Dans Vauxhall Nova",
                    Make = new Make { Name = "Vauxhall" },
                    Model = new Model { Name = "Nova" }

                var carsToStore = new List { dansFord, beccisFord, vauxhallAstra, vauxhallNova };

                Console.WriteLine("Redis Has-> " + cars.GetAll().Count + " cars");

                cars.ExpireAt(vauxhallAstra.Id, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5)); //Expire Vauxhall Astra in 5 seconds

                Thread.Sleep(6000); //Wait 6 seconds to prove we can expire our old Astra

                Console.WriteLine("Redis Has-> " + cars.GetAll().Count + " cars");

                //Get Cars out of Redis
                var carsFromRedis = cars.GetAll().Where(car => car.Make.Name == "Ford");

                foreach (var car in carsFromRedis)
                    Console.WriteLine("Redis Has a ->" + car.Title);


    public class Car
        public long Id { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public Make Make { get; set; }
        public Model Model { get; set; }

    public class Make
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    public class Model
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public Make Make { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }


ServiceStack.Redis 使用教程_第5张图片 






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