RFC SDK 指南 基础知识

The RFC client is the instance who calls the remote function module, which is provided by an RFC server.




The RFC calls are accomplished via an RFC connection. Up to 100 (default value) active RFC connections at a time are possible. This value can be changed by using environment variable CPIC_MAX_CONV.



There are two types of RFC connections:
• Client connection.
• Server connection.

Sometimes the server connection is called accepted connection.






An RFC handle represents an RFC connection. Technically a handle is an index of an internal memory structure, which contains necessary information about given RFC connections. An RFC handle is an instance of type RFC_HANDLE.


There are two kinds of RFC handles:
• Invalid RFC handle. This is either an RFC handle with value RFC_HANDLE_NULL or an already closed or aborted RFC connection. It is impossible to make any API call via this handle.
• Valid RFC handle. API calls have to be done by using a valid RFC handle. A try to call any API-function with an invalid handle causes an error with return code RFC_INVALID_HANDLE.





    RfcGetAttributes API delivers the user relevant data describing a given RFC connection.


可以通过调用 RfcGetAttributes API得到一个给定RFC连接的描述信息。

During execution of an RFC function at the server side, it is sometimes useful to call another RFC function in the original (client) system. For example, if one needs data from the caller before continuing with the current RFC function. This behavior is called call back feature in SAP jargon. The RFC server uses the same RFC connection established by the client and calls a remote function at the client side. The call back hit the same context in R/3 system. RFC Library supports a call back mechanism for client and server. It is not necessary to open a new connection, i.e., the same RFC handle will be used.


