
package algorithm;

public class Viterbi {
* 维特比算法(Viterbi algorithm)是一种动态规划算法。它用于寻找最有可能产生观测事件序列的-维特比路径-隐含状态序列,特别是在马尔可夫信息源上下文和隐马尔可夫模型中。
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 用分词举例有如下结构.采用少词方式
// 0 中 中国 中国人
// 1 国 国人
// 2 人 人民
// 构建一个数组将如上结构放入数组中

Node begin = new Node("B", 0);
begin.score = 1 ;
Node end = new Node("END", 5);
Node[][] graph = new Node[6][0];
graph[0] = new Node[] { begin };
graph[1] = new Node[] { new Node("中", 1), new Node("中国", 1), new Node("中国人", 1) };
graph[2] = new Node[] { new Node("国", 2), new Node("国人", 2) };
graph[3] = new Node[] { new Node("人", 3), new Node("人民", 3) };
graph[4] = new Node[] { new Node("民", 4) };
graph[5] = new Node[] { end };

int to = 0;
Node node = null;

// viterbi寻找最优路径
for (int i = 0; i < graph.length - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < graph[i].length; j++) {
node = graph[i][j];
to = node.getTo();
for (int k = 0; k < graph[to].length; k++) {

// 反向遍历寻找结果
node = graph[5][0];
while ((node = node.getFrom()) != null) {


static class Node {
private String name;
private Node from;
private int offe;
private Integer score;

public Node(String name, int offe) {
this.name = name;
this.offe = offe;

public Node(Node node, Node node2, Node node3) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;

public Node getFrom() {
return from;

public void setFrom(Node from) {
if (this.score == null) {
this.score = from.score + 1;
this.from = from;
} else if (this.score > from.score + 1) {
this.score = from.score + 1;
this.from = from;

public int getTo() {
return this.offe + name.length();

