luasocket 解决luasocket Operation already in progress 问题

* Tries to connect to remote address (address, port)
const char *inet_tryconnect(p_socket ps, int *family, const char *address,
        const char *serv, p_timeout tm, struct addrinfo *connecthints)
    struct addrinfo *iterator = NULL, *resolved = NULL;
    const char *err = NULL;
    int current_family = *family;
    /* try resolving */
    err = socket_gaistrerror(getaddrinfo(address, serv,
                connecthints, &resolved));
    if (err != NULL) {
        if (resolved) freeaddrinfo(resolved);
        return err;
    for (iterator = resolved; iterator; iterator = iterator->ai_next) {
        /* create new socket if necessary. if there was no
         * bind, we need to create one for every new family
         * that shows up while iterating. if there was a
         * bind, all families will be the same and we will
         * not enter this branch. */
        if (current_family != iterator->ai_family || *ps == SOCKET_INVALID) {
            err = inet_trycreate(ps, iterator->ai_family,
                iterator->ai_socktype, iterator->ai_protocol);
            if (err) continue;
            current_family = iterator->ai_family;
            /* set non-blocking before connect */
        /* try connecting to remote address */
        err = socket_strerror(socket_connect(ps, (SA *) iterator->ai_addr,
            (socklen_t) iterator->ai_addrlen, tm));
        /* if success or timeout is zero, break out of loop */
        if (err == NULL || timeout_iszero(tm)) {
            *family = current_family;
    /* here, if err is set, we failed */
    return err;

替换   inet_tryconnect 函数就行
