MFC CDC::GetPath


int GetPath( LPPOINT lpPoints, LPBYTE lpTypes, int nCount ) const;


If the nCount parameter is nonzero, the number of points enumerated. If nCount is 0, the total number of points in the path (and GetPath writes nothing to the buffers). If nCount is nonzero and is less than the number of points in the path, the return value is -1.




Points to an array of POINT data structures or CPoint objects where the line endpoints and curve control points are placed.



Points to an array of bytes where the vertex types are placed. Values are one of the following:


  • PT_MOVETO   Specifies that the corresponding point in lpPoints starts a disjoint figure.

    PT_MOVETO lpPoints中的对应点,开始分解图形。
  • PT_LINETO   Specifies that the previous point and the corresponding point in lpPoints are the endpoints of a line.

    PT_LINETO 指定前一点,lpPoints中的对应点为直线的终点。
  • PT_BEZIERTO   Specifies that the corresponding point in lpPoints is a control point or ending point for a B閦ier curve.

    PT_BEZIERTO lpPonits中的对应点为曲线的控制点或终点。

    PT_BEZIERTO types always occur in sets of three. The point in the path immediately preceding them defines the starting point for the B閦ier curve. The first two PT_BEZIERTO points are the control points, and the third PT_BEZIERTO point is the end point (if hard-coded).


    PT_LINETO or PT_BEZIERTO type may be combined with the following flag (by using the bitwise operatorOR) to indicate that the corresponding point is the last point in a figure and that the figure should be closed:

    A PT_LINETO或PT_BEZIERTO类型可以用标记符号(如使用位运算符OR)加以联合,表示相应点是图形的最终点,且图形是闭合的。

  • PT_CLOSEFIGURE   Specifies that the figure is automatically closed after the corresponding line or curve is drawn. The figure is closed by drawing a line from the line or curve endpoint to the point corresponding to the last PT_MOVETO.

    PT_CLOSEFIGURE 当对应直线或曲线绘制完成后,图形自动闭合。通过从直线或曲线终点到最后一个PT_MOVETO的对应点画线段的方法来关闭图形。


Specifies the total number of POINT data structures that may be placed in the lpPoints array. This value must be the same as the number of bytes that may be placed in the lpTypes array.



Retrieves the coordinates defining the endpoints of lines and the control points of curves found in the path that is selected into the device context. The device context must contain a closed path. The points of the path are returned in logical coordinates. Points are stored in the path in device coordinates, so GetPath changes the points from device coordinates to logical coordinates by using the inverse of the current transformation. TheFlattenPath member function may be called before GetPath, to convert all curves in the path into line segments.

