ADT20新建项目Android Support library not installed问题

ADT20新建项目Android Support library not installed问题 (2012-09-02 14:58)
标签:   div   项目   Android   library   depends  分类:  Android

This template depends on the Android Support library, which is either not installed, or the
template depends on a more recent version than the one you hava installed.

Required version: 8
Installed version: Not installed

You can install or upgrade it by clicking the Install button below, or alternatively, you can
install it outside of Eclipse with the SDK Manager, the click on "Check Again" to proceed.

两个按钮:Install/Upgrade Check Again

按照提示安装升级了一下,再次Check Again, 还是这个错误提示。
解决方案:首先确定SDK Mananger是否已经安装了Android Support library,若没有先安装。
