例如:输入参数为 “abc”,返回值应该为: “abc, ab, ac, bc, a, b, c”。
* @param word consisting only of letters A-Z or a-z
* @return all subsequences of word, separated by commas,
* where a subsequence is a string of letters found in word
* in the same order that they appear in word.
public static String subsequences(String word)
假设输入参数为: a1a2a3...an , 其中 a1,a2,...,an 代表输入参数中的每一个字母。
设 S(n) 表示一个集合, 其元素是: a1 到 an 共 n 个字母的所有顺序子串, S(n−1) 表示一个集合,其元素是: a2 到 an 共 n-1 个字母的所有顺序子串,以此类推,如下图所示,直到得到 S(1) 的定义。
S(0) 定义为空字符串, 为递归算法的 Base Case, 。
* @param word consisting only of letters A-Z or a-z
* @return all subsequences of word, separated by commas,
* where a subsequence is a string of letters found in word
* in the same order that they appear in word.
public static String subsequences(String word) {
if (word.isEmpty()) {
return ""; // base case
} else {
char firstLetter = word.charAt(0);
String restOfWord = word.substring(1);
String subsequencesOfRest = subsequences(restOfWord);
String result = "";
for (String subsequence : subsequencesOfRest.split(",", -1)) {
result += "," + subsequence;
result += "," + firstLetter + subsequence;
result = result.substring(1); // remove extra leading comma
return result;
将前i个字母的一个顺序子串作为参数传入递归方法中, 实现同样的功能,使代码量减少,易懂。
* Return all subsequences of word (as defined above) separated by commas,
* with partialSubsequence prepended to each one.
private static String subsequencesAfter(String partialSubsequence, String word) {
if (word.isEmpty()) {
// base case
return partialSubsequence;
} else {
// recursive step
return subsequencesAfter(partialSubsequence, word.substring(1))
+ ","
+ subsequencesAfter(partialSubsequence + word.charAt(0), word.substring(1));
[1] 6.005 — Software Construction on MIT OpenCourseWare | OCW 6.005 Homepage at https://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/6/6.005/s16/