Most of you will have some old degraded photos at your home with some black spots, some strokes etc on it. Have you ever thought of restoring it back? We can’t simply erase them in a paint tool because it is will simply replace black structures with white structures which is of no use. In these cases, a technique called image inpainting is used. The basic idea is simple: Replace those bad marks with its neighbouring pixels so that it looks like the neigbourhood. Consider the image shown below (taken from Wikipedia):
Several algorithms were designed for this purpose and OpenCV provides two of them. Both can be accessed by the same function, cv2.inpaint()
First algorithm is based on the paper “An Image Inpainting Technique Based on the Fast Marching Method” by Alexandru Telea in 2004. It is based on Fast Marching Method. Consider a region in the image to be inpainted. Algorithm starts from the boundary of this region and goes inside the region gradually filling everything in the boundary first. It takes a small neighbourhood around the pixel on the neigbourhood to be inpainted. This pixel is replaced by normalized weighted sum of all the known pixels in the neigbourhood. Selection of the weights is an important matter. More weightage is given to those pixels lying near to the point, near to the normal of the boundary and those lying on the boundary contours. Once a pixel is inpainted, it moves to next nearest pixel using Fast Marching Method. FMM ensures those pixels near the known pixels are inpainted first, so that it just works like a manual heuristic operation. This algorithm is enabled by using the flag, cv2.INPAINT_TELEA
Second algorithm is based on the paper “Navier-Stokes, Fluid Dynamics, and Image and Video Inpainting” by Bertalmio, Marcelo, Andrea L. Bertozzi, and Guillermo Sapiro in 2001. This algorithm is based on fluid dynamics and utilizes partial differential equations. Basic principle is heurisitic. It first travels along the edges from known regions to unknown regions (because edges are meant to be continuous). It continues isophotes (lines joining points with same intensity, just like contours joins points with same elevation) while matching gradient vectors at the boundary of the inpainting region. For this, some methods from fluid dynamics are used. Once they are obtained, color is filled to reduce minimum variance in that area. This algorithm is enabled by using the flag, cv2.INPAINT_NS
We need to create a mask of same size as that of input image, where non-zero pixels corresponds to the area which is to be inpainted. Everything else is simple. My image is degraded with some black strokes (I added manually). I created a corresponding strokes with Paint tool.
import numpy as np
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('messi_2.jpg')
mask = cv2.imread('mask2.png',0)
dst = cv2.inpaint(img,mask,3,cv2.INPAINT_TELEA)
See the result below. First image shows degraded input. Second image is the mask. Third image is the result of first algorithm and last image is the result of second algorithm.
, try it.图像修补就是使用坏点周围的像素取代坏点,这样它看起来和周围像素就比较像了。
OpenCV 使用函数 cv2.inpaint() 来实施。
第一个算法是根据 Alexandru_Telea 在 2004 发表的文章实现的。它是基于快速行进算法的。以图像中一个要修补的区域为例。算法从这个区域的边界开始向区域内部慢慢前进,首先填充区域边界像素。它要选取待修补像素周围的一个小的邻域,使用这个邻域内的归一化加权和更新待修复的像素值。权重的选择是非常重要的。对于靠近带修复点的像素点,靠近正常边界像素点和在轮廓上的像素点给予更高的权重。当一个像素被修复之后,使用快速行进算法(FMM)移动到下一个最近的像素。FMM 保证了靠近已知(没有退化的)像素点的坏点先被修复,这与手工启发式操作比较类似。可以通过设置标签参数为 cv2.INPAINT_ TELEA 来使用此算法。
第二个算法是根据 Bertalmio,Marcelo,Andrea_L.Bertozzi, 和 Guillermo_Sapiro在 2001 年发表的文章实现的。这个算法是基于流体动力学并使用了偏微分方程。基本原理是启发式的。它首先沿着正常区域的边界向退化区域的前进(因为边界是连续的,所以退化区域非边界与正常区域的边界应该也是连续的)。它通过匹配待修复区域中的梯度向量来延伸等光强线(isophotes,由灰度值相等的点练成的线)。为了实现这个目的,作者是用来流体动力学中的一些方法。完成这一步之后,通过填充颜色来使这个区域内的灰度值变化最小。可以通过设置标签参数为 cv2.INPAINT_NS 来使用此算法。
参考文献为Alexandru Telea于2004年发表于Journal of GraphicTools上An ImageInpainting Technique Based On the Fast Marching Method”也称为FMM算法
现在假设p点是我们要修复的像素。以p为中心选取一个小邻域B(ε),该邻域中的点像素值都是已知的(只要已知的)。(这个ε就是opencv函数中参数 inpaintRadius)
现在假设p点是我们要修复的像素。以p为中心选取一个小邻域B(ε),该邻域中的点像素值都是已知的(只要已知的)。(这个ε就是opencv函数中参数 inpaintRadius)
q为 Bε(p)中的一点,由q点计算P的灰度值公式如下
这里的w(p, q)就是权值函数,是用来限定邻域中各像素的贡献大小的。
w(p, q) = dir(p, q) ·dst(p, q) · lev(p, q)
其中,d0和 T0分别为距离参数和水平集参数,一般都取为 1。方向因子 dir(p,q)保证了越靠近法线方向 N = ?T的像素点对 p点的贡献最大;几何距离因子 dst(p,q)保证了离 p点越近的像素点对p点贡献越大;水平集距离因子lev(p,q)保证了离经过点 p的待修复区域的轮廓线越近的已知像素点对点 p的贡献越大。
test_dir = 'xxx' mask_dir = 'xxx' save_dir ='xxx' src = cv2.imread(rental_dir) mask = cv2.imread(wm_dir, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) dst = cv2.inpaint(src, mask, 3, cv2.INPAINT_TELEA) cv2.imwrite(save_dir, dst)
test_dir = 'xxx' mask_dir = 'xxx' save_dir ='xxx' src = cv2.imread(test_dir) mask = cv2.imread(mask_dir) save = numpy.zeros(src.shape, numpy.uint8) for row in range(src.shape[0]): for col in range(src.shape[1]): for channel in range(src.shape[2]): if mask[row, col, channel] == 0: val = 0 else: reverse_val = 255 - src[row, col, channel] val = 255 - reverse_val * 256 / mask[row, col, channel] if val < 0: val = 0 save[row, col, channel] = val cv2.imwrite(save_dir, save)