CefSharp 中过滤图片 RequestHandler

【C# CefSharp 过滤 RequestHandler 图片

1、方式一 ChromiumWebBrowser 实现 IRequestHandler

具体内同参照 附录;将 OnBeforeResourceLoad方法替换成2中的内容,很简单;

2、方式二 继承集成默认的抽象类 DefaultRequestHandler

 internal class RequestHandler : DefaultRequestHandler 

        public  override CefReturnValue  OnBeforeResourceLoad(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IRequestCallback callback)

            if (request.ResourceType == ResourceType.Image)
                return CefReturnValue.Cancel;

            return CefReturnValue.Continue;




using System;
using CefSharp.Example.Filters;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using CefSharp.Handler;

namespace CefSharp.Example.Handlers
    /// DefaultRequestHandler provides a base class for you to inherit from 
    /// you only need to implement the methods that are relevant to you. 
    /// If you implement the IRequestHandler interface you will need to
    /// implement every method
    public class RequestHandler : IRequsetHandler
        public static readonly string VersionNumberString = String.Format("Chromium: {0}, CEF: {1}, CefSharp: {2}",
            Cef.ChromiumVersion, Cef.CefVersion, Cef.CefSharpVersion);

        private Dictionary responseDictionary = new Dictionary();

        public override bool OnBeforeBrowse(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, bool userGesture, bool isRedirect)
            return false;

        public override bool OnOpenUrlFromTab(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, string targetUrl, WindowOpenDisposition targetDisposition, bool userGesture)
            return false;

        public override bool OnCertificateError(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, CefErrorCode errorCode, string requestUrl, ISslInfo sslInfo, IRequestCallback callback)
            //NOTE: If you do not wish to implement this method returning false is the default behaviour
            // We also suggest you explicitly Dispose of the callback as it wraps an unmanaged resource.
            //return false;

            //NOTE: When executing the callback in an async fashion need to check to see if it's disposed
            if (!callback.IsDisposed)
                using (callback)
                    //To allow certificate
                    //return true;

            return false;

        public override void OnPluginCrashed(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, string pluginPath)
            // TODO: Add your own code here for handling scenarios where a plugin crashed, for one reason or another.

        public override CefReturnValue OnBeforeResourceLoad(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IRequestCallback callback)
            Uri url;
            if (Uri.TryCreate(request.Url, UriKind.Absolute, out url) == false)
                //If we're unable to parse the Uri then cancel the request
                // avoid throwing any exceptions here as we're being called by unmanaged code
                return CefReturnValue.Cancel;

            //Example of how to set Referer
            // Same should work when setting any header

            // For this example only set Referer when using our custom scheme
            if (url.Scheme == CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName)
                //Referrer is now set using it's own method (was previously set in headers before)
                request.SetReferrer("http://google.com", ReferrerPolicy.Default);

            //Example of setting User-Agent in every request.
            //var headers = request.Headers;

            //var userAgent = headers["User-Agent"];
            //headers["User-Agent"] = userAgent + " CefSharp";

            //request.Headers = headers;

            //NOTE: If you do not wish to implement this method returning false is the default behaviour
            // We also suggest you explicitly Dispose of the callback as it wraps an unmanaged resource.
            //return false;

            //NOTE: When executing the callback in an async fashion need to check to see if it's disposed
            if (!callback.IsDisposed)
                using (callback)
                    if (request.Method == "POST")
                        using (var postData = request.PostData)
                            if(postData != null)
                                var elements = postData.Elements;

                                var charSet = request.GetCharSet();

                                foreach (var element in elements)
                                    if (element.Type == PostDataElementType.Bytes)
                                        var body = element.GetBody(charSet);

                    //Note to Redirect simply set the request Url
                    //if (request.Url.StartsWith("https://www.google.com", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    //    request.Url = "https://github.com/";

                    //Callback in async fashion
                    //return CefReturnValue.ContinueAsync;

            return CefReturnValue.Continue;

        public override bool GetAuthCredentials(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, bool isProxy, string host, int port, string realm, string scheme, IAuthCallback callback)
            //NOTE: If you do not wish to implement this method returning false is the default behaviour
            // We also suggest you explicitly Dispose of the callback as it wraps an unmanaged resource.

            return false;

        public override bool OnSelectClientCertificate(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, bool isProxy, string host, int port, X509Certificate2Collection certificates, ISelectClientCertificateCallback callback)
            //NOTE: If you do not wish to implement this method returning false is the default behaviour
            // We also suggest you explicitly Dispose of the callback as it wraps an unmanaged resource.
            return false;

        public override void OnRenderProcessTerminated(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, CefTerminationStatus status)
            // TODO: Add your own code here for handling scenarios where the Render Process terminated for one reason or another.

        public override bool OnQuotaRequest(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, string originUrl, long newSize, IRequestCallback callback)
            //NOTE: If you do not wish to implement this method returning false is the default behaviour
            // We also suggest you explicitly Dispose of the callback as it wraps an unmanaged resource.
            //return false;

            //NOTE: When executing the callback in an async fashion need to check to see if it's disposed
            if (!callback.IsDisposed)
                using (callback)
                    //Accept Request to raise Quota
                    //return true;

            return false;

        public override void OnResourceRedirect(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response, ref string newUrl)
            //Example of how to redirect - need to check `newUrl` in the second pass
            //if (request.Url.StartsWith("https://www.google.com", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !newUrl.Contains("github"))
            //    newUrl = "https://github.com";

        public override bool OnProtocolExecution(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, string url)
            return url.StartsWith("mailto");

        public override void OnRenderViewReady(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser)


        public override bool OnResourceResponse(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response)
            //NOTE: You cannot modify the response, only the request
            // You can now access the headers
            //var headers = response.Headers;

            return false;

        public override IResponseFilter GetResourceResponseFilter(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response)
            var url = new Uri(request.Url);
            if (url.Scheme == CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName)
                if(request.Url.Equals(CefExample.ResponseFilterTestUrl, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    return new FindReplaceResponseFilter("REPLACE_THIS_STRING", "This is the replaced string!");

                if (request.Url.Equals("custom://cefsharp/assets/js/jquery.js", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    return new AppendResponseFilter(System.Environment.NewLine + "//CefSharp Appended this comment.");

                //Only called for our customScheme
                var dataFilter = new MemoryStreamResponseFilter();
                responseDictionary.Add(request.Identifier, dataFilter);
                return dataFilter;

            //return new PassThruResponseFilter();
            return null;

        public override void OnResourceLoadComplete(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, IFrame frame, IRequest request, IResponse response, UrlRequestStatus status, long receivedContentLength)
            var url = new Uri(request.Url);
            if (url.Scheme == CefSharpSchemeHandlerFactory.SchemeName)
                MemoryStreamResponseFilter filter;
                if(responseDictionary.TryGetValue(request.Identifier, out filter))
                    //TODO: Do something with the data here
                    var data = filter.Data;
                    var dataLength = filter.Data.Length;
                    //NOTE: You may need to use a different encoding depending on the request
                    var dataAsUtf8String = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);                
