模板是泛型编程的基础,即以一种独立于任何类型的方式编写代码。模板是创建一系列类(Class)或函数(Function)的通用标准或公式,在C++中有很多使用模板概念的例子。如:迭代器,向量等( vector 或 vector )
int compare(const T& left, const T& right) {
if (left < right) {
return -1;
if (right < left) {
return 1;
return 0;
compare(1, 2); //使用模板函数
那么对于UE4而言,创建一个蓝图函数模板,以便于将C++泛型编程的思想运用于更多的场合是否可行呢?仔细分析,我们需要一个函数模板的原因,是因为我们需要一个能可以为任意类型的参数,即一个通用结构。那么问题就变成了如何创建一个可被蓝图调用的函数,该函数至少接收一个可能为任意类型的参数,即所谓的wildcard structs。
要创建一个wildcard struct,需要我们手动解析该Struct,即UProperty,这里额外补充一个各个属性的继承结构,如图:
手动解析UProperty需要在声明函数时添加宏 CustomThunk ,阻止UBT自动生成解析代码,还应添加 CustomStructureParam 表明我们为此函数添加手动解析,声明代码如下:
// 仅有一个通用变量
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "TemplateSample", CustomThunk, meta = (CustomStructureParam = "AnyStruct"))
static void ReceiveAnyStruct(UProperty* AnyStruct);
// Steps into the stack, walking to the next property in it
Stack.Step(Stack.Object, NULL);
// Grab the last property found when we walked the stack
// This does not contains the property value, only its type information
UStructProperty* StructProperty = ExactCast(Stack.MostRecentProperty);
// Grab the base address where the struct actually stores its data
// This is where the property value is truly stored
void* StructPtr = Stack.MostRecentPropertyAddress;
// We need this to wrap up the stack
// Iterate through the struct
IterateThroughStructProperty(StructProperty, StructPtr);
static void IterateThroughStructProperty(UStructProperty* StructProperty, void* StructPtr);
static void ParseProperty(UProperty* Property, void* ValuePtr);
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#include "BlueprintFunctionTemplateSample.h"
void UBlueprintFunctionTemplateSample::IterateThroughStructProperty(UStructProperty* StructProperty, void* StructPtr)
// Walk the structs' properties
if (StructProperty == nullptr)
UScriptStruct* Struct = StructProperty->Struct;
for (TFieldIterator It(Struct); It; ++It)
UProperty* Property = *It;
// This is the variable name if you need it
FString VariableName = Property->GetName();
// Never assume ArrayDim is always 1
for (int32 ArrayIndex = 0; ArrayIndex < Property->ArrayDim; ArrayIndex++)
// This grabs the pointer to where the property value is stored
void* ValuePtr = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr(StructPtr, ArrayIndex);
// Parse this property
ParseProperty(Property, ValuePtr);
void UBlueprintFunctionTemplateSample::ParseProperty(UProperty* Property, void* ValuePtr)
float FloatValue;
int32 IntValue;
bool BoolValue;
FString StringValue;
FName NameValue;
FText TextValue;
FString PropertyName;
// Here's how to read integer and float properties
if (UNumericProperty* NumericProperty = Cast(Property))
if (NumericProperty->IsFloatingPoint())
FloatValue = NumericProperty->GetFloatingPointPropertyValue(ValuePtr);
UE_LOG(BlueprintFunctionTemplate, Warning, TEXT("%s : %d"), *PropertyName, FloatValue);
else if (NumericProperty->IsInteger())
IntValue = NumericProperty->GetSignedIntPropertyValue(ValuePtr);
UE_LOG(BlueprintFunctionTemplate, Warning, TEXT("%s : %d"), *PropertyName, IntValue);
// How to read booleans
if (UBoolProperty* BoolProperty = Cast(Property))
BoolValue = BoolProperty->GetPropertyValue(ValuePtr);
UE_LOG(BlueprintFunctionTemplate, Warning, TEXT("%s : %s"), *PropertyName, BoolValue ? "True" : "False");
// Reading names
if (UNameProperty* NameProperty = Cast(Property))
NameValue = NameProperty->GetPropertyValue(ValuePtr);
UE_LOG(BlueprintFunctionTemplate, Warning, TEXT("%s : %s"), *PropertyName, *(NameValue.ToString()));
// Reading strings
if (UStrProperty* StringProperty = Cast(Property))
StringValue = StringProperty->GetPropertyValue(ValuePtr);
UE_LOG(BlueprintFunctionTemplate, Warning, TEXT("%s : %s"), *PropertyName, *StringValue);
// Reading texts
if (UTextProperty* TextProperty = Cast(Property))
TextValue = TextProperty->GetPropertyValue(ValuePtr);
UE_LOG(BlueprintFunctionTemplate, Warning, TEXT("%s : %s"), *PropertyName, *(TextValue.ToString()));
// Reading an array
if (UArrayProperty* ArrayProperty = Cast(Property))
// We need the helper to get to the items of the array
FScriptArrayHelper Helper(ArrayProperty, ValuePtr);
for (int32 i = 0, n = Helper.Num(); i < n; ++i)
ParseProperty(ArrayProperty->Inner, Helper.GetRawPtr(i));
// Reading a nested struct
if (UStructProperty* StructProperty = Cast(Property))
IterateThroughStructProperty(StructProperty, ValuePtr);